Gigapixels of Perfectly Calibrated Vision

GigaPx - Gigapixels of Perfectly Calibrated Vision: Learning To Perform Subpixel-Accurate Calibration for High-End Multi-Camera Vision Systems (WiSe 2022/23)

Multi-camera vision systems find application in a variety of 3D vision tasks, for example in free-viewpoint video (FVV) acquisition and motion capture. In such systems, multiple imaging sensors work in concert to capture multiple overlapping synchronous perspectives of the real world. To make use of the captured imagery, geometric relationships between the cameras must be known with very high accuracy.

As the resolution of imaging sensors increases, so does the requirement to the accuracy of their calibration. Subtle defects, which occur during manufacturing of virtually every lens and imaging sensor, lead to non-linear distortions which are hard to approximate accurately with classic parametric distortion models.

In this project students will acquire or deepen their existing knowledge of imaging fundamentals, as well as photogrammetric computer vision, with an in-depth journey into state-of-the-art on accurate calibration techniques. The gained knowledge and skills will be applied to produce an interactive calibration technique for a scientific multi-camera vision system with the maximum throughput of 7.2 Gigapixels per second.