Childcare facilities are an important component in achieving a balance between studies, career and everyday family life. Here you will find an overview of the childcare services offered by the Studierendenwerk Thüringen, the flexible childcare service »Bauhäuschen« at the Bauhaus University Weimar, and the childcare services in the city of Weimar.
The Studierendenwerk runs the day-care centre for children, »Campus.Kinder Weimar«, which is located in the immediate vicinity of the Bauhaus-Universität Weimar and offers places especially for children of students and employees at Weimar universities. Places are offered to children from seven months of age onwards.
At the Bauhäuschen — the flexible childcare services at Bauhaus-Universität Weimar — children of students and employees can be looked after at short notice and at times when regular childcare is not available. Students of the part-time Master's degree programmes can also make use of the childcare service at weekends during their attendance phases in Weimar after prior registration and agreement with the Bauhäuschen.
In the Bauhäuschen, children aged twelve weeks to seven years can be looked after by trained students for four hours a day or a maximum of ten hours a week. The Bauhäuschen has two play and sleep rooms as well as space for pushchairs and a cloakroom. In order to use this service you must register in advance and book a place.
Care is usually available Monday through Thursday from 8:00 a.m. to 8:00 p.m. and on Fridays from 8:00 a.m. to 6 p.m. Prior registration and booking of a place is required for childcare and can be done in blocks (one block corresponds to two hours). Payment is made in advance and amounts to € 5.00 for a two-hour care block for students and € 10.00 for employees.
The »KidsBox« offers parents who temporarily need to bring their child(ren) to the workplace or place of study a flexible solution for childcare. The mobile box can be used, for example, in the office or at events to keep children occupied when the daycare centre is already closed.
The »KidsBox« is a folding box on wheels that contains a child-friendly desk as well as several shelves and boxes. The »KidsBox« is equipped with books, games, painting and crafting utensils for babies and children up to primary school age (1st/2nd grade). Furthermore, the »KidsBox« contains a foldable baby cot and a gymnastic mat.
You can borrow a »KidsBox« in the following areas and facilities of the university:
Faculty of Media
Schwanseestraße 143
Verona Schwarz
Tel.: 03643 / 58 37 00
Bauhaus Research School (BRS)
Marienstraße 15
Meeta Khurana-Wolff
Tel.: 03643 / 58 41 00
E-Mail: research-school[at]
Start-Up Hub neudeli
Helmholtzstraße 15
Juliane Seeber
Tel.: 03643 / 58 39 26
E-Mail: juliane.seeber[at]
The loan and use of the »KidsBoxes« is only possible on site and by prior arrangement.
The City of Weimar website provides an overview of nurseries and childminders in Weimar and the surrounding area.
Upon application, the parental contribution for the attendance of the child/children is fully or partially covered by the Youth Welfare Office for parents receiving social benefits in a kindergarten or day care. Please contact your local youth welfare office to find out which documents are required for an application.
The last 24 months before school entry are free of parental contributions.
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