As a measure to promote gender equality, the Equal Opportunity Office’s »Equalisation Fund for Women Who Are Professors, Junior Professors or Scientific/ Artistic/ Creative Employees With Committee Duties« is financed by the Professorinnenprogramm III (funding programme for female professors) of the German federal government and federal states for the period of 2022 to 2024.
The »Equalisation Fund« should serve to lessen the workload of women who are junior professors, professors or scientific or artistic/creative employees who are involved in committees at the Bauhaus-Universität Weimar. The fund is also intended to provide additional incentives for women to become more involved in committees or in university or faculty management, so that gender parity can be established in the long-term in all university committees.
Applicants can apply for financial support for compensatory or career-promoting measures for their work in certain committees. They can decide for themselves on the exact use of the funds in terms of compensation or relief.
***At the moment, we cannot yet predict when the next round of calls for applications will take place. We will inform via the Dean's Offices as soon as there is a new call for applications.***
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