Jorge Lizarazu, Ehsan Harirchian, Umar Arif Shaik, Mohammed Shareef, Annie Antoni-Zdziobek, Tom Lahmer (2023)
Application of machine learning-based algorithms to predict the stress-strain curves of additively manufactured mild steel out of its microstructural characteristics
Results in Engineering, Vol. 20, Dec. 2023, 101587 (DOI)
Yisihak Gebre, Tom Lahmer, Matthias Müller, Abrham Gebre, Esayas Gebreyouhannes (2023)
Effects of Coating Aggregates on Dynamic Properties of Concrete by Impact Resonance Method
International Journal of Engineering & Applied Sciences (IJEAS), Vol.15, Issue 3 (2023) 110-124 (DOI)
Yisihak Gebre, Tom Lahmer, Matthias Müller, Abrham G. Tarekegn, Esayas Gebreyouhannes (2023)
Damping Properties of Concrete with Sand Coated Rubber Aggregates
Journal of EEA, Vol. 41, July 2023 (DOI)
Yisihak Gebre, Tom Lahmer, Matthias Müller, Torben Wiegand, Andrea Osburg, Abrham G. Tarekegn (2023)
Properties of Concrete with Coated Aggregates under Different Loading Conditions
Journal of Research in Engineering and Applied Sciences (JREAS), Vol. 08, Issue 01, Jan 2023 (DOI)
Meisam Ansari, Fabiola Tartaglione, Carsten Könke (2023)
Experimental Validation of Dynamic Response of Small-Scale Metaconcrete Beams at Resonance Vibration, Materials 2023, 16(14), 5029 (DOI)
Mena Abdelnour, Volkmar Zabel (2023)
Modal identification of structures with a dynamic behaviour characterised by global and local modes at close frequencies, Acta Mechanica 2023 (DOI)
Yohannes L. Alemu, Bedilu Habte, Tom Lahmer, Girum Urgessa (2023)
Topologically preoptimized ground structure (TPOGS) for the optimization of 3D RC buildings, Asian Journal of Civil Engineering 2023 (DOI)
Meisam Ansari, Christin Zacharias, Carsten Könke (2023)
Metaconcrete: An Experimental Study on the Impact of the Core-Coating Inclusions on Mechanical Vibration, Materials 2023, 16(5), 1836 (DOI)
Omar Alrayes, Carsten Könke, Ean Tat Ooi, Khader M. Hamdia (2023)
Modeling Cyclic Crack Propagation in Concrete Using the Scaled Boundary Finite Element Method Coupled with the Cumulative Damage-Plasticity Constitutive Law, Materials 2023, 16(2), 863 (DOI)
Christin Zacharias, Carsten Könke, Christian Guist (2022)
A New Efficient Approach to Simulate Material Damping in Metals by Modeling Thermoelastic Coupling, Materials 2022, 15(5), 1706 (DOI)
Peralta , J., Walther, C., Osman, A., Smarsly, K. (2022)
A systematic survey of Internet of Things frameworks for smart city applications, Sustainable Cities and Society, Vol. 83 (ISSN 2210-6707)
Harirchian, E., Lahmer, T., Kumari, V., Rasulzade, S. (2022)
Building's Vulnerability Assessment against Natural Hazards by Using Modern Computational Technique. Construction Management, and Computers & Digitization (ISSN 2075-5309)
Muyiwa Alalade, Ina Reichert, Daniel Köhn, Frank Wuttke, Tom Lahmer (2022)
A Cyclic Multi-Stage Implementation of the Full-Waveform Inversion for the Identification of Anomalies in Dams (DOI)
Zainab Riyadh Shaker Al-Yasiri, Hayder Majid Mutashar, Klaus Gürlebeck, Tom Lahmer (2022)
Damage Sensitive Signals for the Assessment of the Conditions of Wind Turbine Rotor Blades Using Electromagnetic Waves (DOI)
Ayan Chakraborty, Cosmin Anitescu, Xiaoying Zhuang, Timon Rabczuk (2022)
Domain adaptation based transfer learning approach for solving PDEs on complex geometries (DOI)
John Hanna (2022)
Computational Modelling for the Effects of Capsular Clustering on Fracture of Encapsulation-Based Self-Healing Concrete Using XFEM and Cohesive Surface Technique (DOI)
Kumari, V., Harirchian, E., Lahmer, T., Rasulzade, S. (2022)
Evaluation of Machine Learning and Web-Based Process for Damage Score Estimation of Existing Buildings (DOI)
Yongzheng Zhang, Huilong Ren (2022)
Implicit implementation of the nonlocal operator method: an open source code (DOI)
Yongzheng Zhang (2022)
Nonlocal dynamic Kirchhof plate formulation based on nonlocal operator method (DOI)
Albrecht Schmidt, Tom Lahmer (2021)
Efficient domain decomposition based reliability analysis for polymorphic uncertain material parameters (DOI)
Feras Alkam, Tom Lahmer (2021)
A robust method of the status monitoring of catenary poles installed along high-speed electrified train tracks (DOI)
Feras Alkam, Tom Lahmer (2021)
Eigenfrequency-Based Bayesian Approach for Damage Identification in Catenary Poles (DOI)
Huilong Ren, Xiaoying Zhuang, Erkan Oterkus, Hehua Zhu, Timon Rabczuk (2021)
Nonlocal strong forms of thin plate, gradient elasticity, magneto‑electro‑elasticity and phase‑field fracture by nonlocal operator method (DOI)
Luckey, D., Fritz, H., Legatiuk, D., Peralta, J., Walther, C., Smarsly, K. (2021). Explainable artificial intelligence to advance structural health monitoring. In: A. Cury, et al. Structural health monitoring based on data science techniques. Heidelberg: Springer Verlag GmbH, (ISBN 978-3-030-81716-9)
Harirchian, E., Hosseini, S. E. A., Jadhav, K., Kumari, V., Rasulzade, S., Işık, E., ... & Lahmer, T. (2021)
A review on application of soft computing techniques for the rapid visual safety evaluation and damage classification of existing buildings. Journal of Building Engineering, 43, 102536.
Harirchian, E., Jadhav, K., Kumari, V., & Lahmer, T. (2021)
ML-EHSAPP: A prototype for machine learning-based earthquake hazard safety assessment of structures by using a smartphone app. European Journal of Environmental and Civil Engineering, 1-21.
Harirchian, E., Kumari, V., Jadhav, K., Rasulzade, S., Lahmer, T., & Raj Das, R. (2021)
A Synthesized Study Based on Machine Learning Approaches for Rapid Classifying Earthquake Damage Grades to RC Buildings. Applied Sciences, 11(16), 7540.
Harirchian, E., Lahmer, T., Kumari, V. & Jadhav, K. (2020)
Application of Support Vector Machine for the Rapid Seismic Hazard Safety Evaluation of Existing Buildings. Energies, 13(x), xxx.
Harirchian, E., & Lahmer, T. (2020)
Improved Rapid Visual Earthquake Hazard Safety Evaluation of Existing Buildings Using a Type-2 Fuzzy Logic Model. Applied Sciences, 10(7), 2375.
Harirchian, E., Lahmer, T., & Rasulzade, S. (2020)
Earthquake Hazard Safety Assessment of Existing Buildings Using Optimized Multi-Layer Perceptron Neural Network. Energies, 13(8), 2060.
Harirchian, E., Lahmer, T., Buddhiraju, S., Mohammad, K., & Mosavi, A. (2020)
Earthquake Safety Assessment of Buildings through Rapid Visual Screening. Buildings, 10(3), 51.
Bianco, M.J., Habtemariam, A., Könke, C., Tartaglione, F., Zabel, V.
Analysis of support coupling GBT (Generalized Beam Theory) applied in pipeline systems, Thin-Walled Structures 146 (2020) 106439,
Nickerson, S., Shu, Y., Zhong, D. Könke, C., Tandia, A.: Permeability of porous ceramics by X-ray CT image analysis, Acta Materialia 172 (2019) 121-130,
Rahmani, H.R., Könke, C.: Seismic Control of Tall Buildings Using Distributed Multiple Tuned Mass Dampers, Advances in Civil Engineering Vol 2019, Article id 6480384, 19 pages,
Schietzhold, F.N., Schmidt, A., Dannert, M.M., Fau, A., Fleury, R.M.N. Graf, W., Kaliske, M., Könke, T., Lahmer, T., Nackenhorst, U.: Development of fuzzy probability based random fields for the numerical structural design, GAMM-Mitteilungen 2019;42,
Schmidt, A., Henning, C., Herbrandt, S., Könke, C., Ickstadt, K., Ricken, T., Lahmer, T.: Numerical studeis of earth structure assessment via the theory of porous media using fuzzy probability based random field material descriptions, GAMM-Mitteilungen 2019;42,
I. Reichert, P. Olney, T. Lahmer (2019): Influence of the error description on model-based design of experiments, Engineering Structures, Volume 193, Pages 100-109
N. Vu, R. Sauer, T. Rabczuk, H. Park, T. Lahmer, D. X. Thang (2019): A NURBS-based inverse analysis of thermal expansion induced morphing of thin shells, accepted for publication in Computer Methods in Applied Mechanics and Engineering
L. Nguyen-Tuan, S. S. Nanthakumar, T. Lahmer (2019): Identification of multiple flaws in dams using inverse analysis based on hydro-mechanical XFEM and level sets, accepted for publication in Computers and Geotechnics
Z. Jaouadi, T. Abbas, G. Morgenthal, T. Lahmer (2019): Single and Multi-Objective Shape Optimization of Streamlined Bridge Decks, Structural and Multidisciplinary Optimization, accepted
F. Alkam, T. Lahmer (2019): Quantifying the Uncertainty of Identified Parameters of Prestressed Concrete Poles Using the Experimental Measurements and Different Optimization Methods,
Engineering and Applied Sciences, Volume 4, Issue 4, Pages: 84-9.
M. Steiner, J.-M. Bourinet, T. Lahmer (2019). An adaptive sampling method for global sensitivity analysis based on least-squares support vector regression, Reliability Engineering and System Safety, Volume 183, Pages 323 - 340.
H. V. Do, T. Lahmer, X. Zhuang, N. Alajlan, H. Nguyen-Xuan, T. Rabczuk (2019). An isogeometric analysis to identify the full flexoelectric complex material properties based on electrical impedance curve, Computers and Structures, Volume 214, Pages 1 - 14.
F. Tan, T. Lahmer (2019). Shape design of Arch Dams under Load Uncertainty with a Robust Optimization Method, Frontiers of Structural and Civil Engineering, Volume 13 (Issue 4), Pages 852 - 862.
Nuyen Tuan, L., Könke, Lahmer, T.
Damage identification using inverse analysis for 3D coupled thermo-mechanical problems, Computers & Structures 196 (2018), 146-156
Khudari Bek, Y., Hamdia, K.M., Rabczuk, T., Könke,
Micromechanical model for polymeric nano-composites based on SBFEM, Composite Structures (2018), in press, DOI: 10.1016/j.compstruct.2018.03.064
Nguyen-Tuan, L.; Könke, C.; Bettzieche, V.; Lahmer, T.: Damage Identification Using Inverse Analysis in Coupled Thermo-hydro-mechanical Problems Applied to Masonry Dams. Int. J. for Numerical and Analytical Methods in Geomechanics, 42 (2018), pp. 256–273
Habtemariam, A., Zabel, V., Bianco, M.J., Könke, C.: Blast Demolition Study of Guyed Masts, Shock and Vibration, Vol. 208,
Tahir, A., Rasche, S., Könke, C.: Discrete element model development of ZTA ceramic granular powder using micro computed mography, Advanced Powder Technology 29 (2018), pp. 3471-3482,
M. Steiner, J.-M. Bourinet, T. Lahmer (2018): An adaptive sampling method for global sensitivity analysis based on least-squares support vector regression, Reliability Engineering and System Safety, accepted
H. V. Do, T. Lahmer, X. Zhuang, N. Alajlan, H. Nguyen-Xuan, T. Rabczuk (2018): An isogeometric analysis to identify the full flexoelectric complex material properties based on electrical impedance curve, Computers and Structures, accepted 2018
F. Tan, T. Lahmer (2018): Shape design of Arch Dams under Load Uncertainty with a Robust Optimization Method, Frontiers of Structural and Civil Engineering, accepted
N. Vu-Bac, T. X. Duong, T. Lahmer, X. Zhuang, R. Sauer, H. Park, T. Rabczuk (2018): A NURBS-based Inverse Analysis for Reconstruction of Nonlinear Deformations of Thin Shell Structures, Computer Methods in Applied Mechanics and Engineering (CMAME-D), Volume 331, Pages 427–455
Moeini, G., Ramazani, A. Myslicki, S., Sundaraghavan V., Könke, C.
Low Cycle Fatigue Behaviour of DP Steels: Micromechanical Modelling vs. validation, Metals 2017, 7, 265, DOI:10.3390/met7070265
Nguyen-Tuan L., Könke C., Bettzieche V., Lahmer T. Uncertainty Assessment in the Results of Inverse Problems - Applied to Damage Detection in Masonry Dams, International Journal of Reliability and Safety, (accepted 2017).
Tan F., Lahmer T. Shape Optimization Based Design of Arch Type Dams under Uncertainties, Engineering Optimization, (2017, December 18).
Lahmer T., Bock S., Hildebrand J., Gürlebeck K. Non-destructive Identification of Residual Stresses in Steel under Thermal Loadings, Journal of Inverse Problems in Science and Engineering, 2017, Volume 25 (Issue 10), Pages 1519-1535.
Faridmehr I., Tahir M. Md., Lahmer T. and Osman M. H. Seismic Performance of Steel Frames with Semi-Rigid Connections, Journal of Engineering, 2017, Volume 2017 (Article ID 5284247), Pages 1-10.
Badawy M. F., Msekh M. A., Hamdia K. M., Steiner M., Rabczuk T. Hybrid nonlinear surrogate models for fracture behavior of polymeric nanocomposites using phase field model, Journal of Probabilistic Engineering Mechanics (PREM), (accepted 2017).
Alalade M., Kafle B., Wuttke F., Lahmer T. Calibration of cyclic constitutive models by oscillating functions, Geomechanics and Geoengineering, published online, 2017
Göbel L., Lahmer T., Osburg A. Uncertainty analysis in multiscale modeling of concrete based on continuum micromechanics, European Journal of Mechanics - A/Solids, 2017, Volume 65, Pages 14–29.
Lahmer T., Rafajlowicz E. On the Optimality of Harmonic Excitation As Input Signals for the Characterization of Parameters in Coupled Piezoelectric and Poroelastic Problems, Mechanical Systems and Signal Processing, 2017, Volume 90, Pages 399-418.
Nguyen-Tuan L., Lahmer T., Datcheva M., Schanz T. Global and local sensitivity analyses for coupled thermo-hydro-mechanical problems, International Journal for Numerical and Analytical Methods in Geomechanics, 2017, Volume 41 (Issue 5), Pages 707–720.
Alalade M., Nguyen-Tuan L., Lahmer T., Wuttke F. Damage identification in gravity dams using dynamic coupled hydro-mechanical XFEM, International Journal of Mechanics and Materials in Design, 2017.
Achenbach M., Morgenthal G., Lahmer T. Identification of the thermal properties of concrete for the temperature calculation of concrete slabs and columns subjected to fire, Journal of Fire Safety, 2017, Volume 87, Pages 80-86.
Nguyen-Tuan L., Könke C., Bettzieche V., Lahmer T. Numerical modeling and validation for 3D coupled-nonlinear thermo-hydro-mechanical problems in masonry dams, Computers and Structures, 2017, Volume 178, Pages 143–154
Vu-Bac N., Lahmer T., Zhuang X., Nguyen-Thoi T., Rabczuk T. A software framework for probabilistic sensitivity analysis for computationally expensive models, Advances in Engineering Software, 2016, Volume 100, Pages 19–31.
Lahmer T., Nguyen Tuan L., Könke C. und Bettzieche V. Thermo-hydro-mechanische 3-D-Simulation von Staumauern - Modellierung und Validierung, Wasserwirtschaft, 2016, Issue 9/2016.
Nanthakumar S. S., Lahmer T., Zhuang X., Rabczuk T. Topology Optimization of Piezoelectric Nanostructures, Journal of the Mechanics and Physics of Solids, 2016, Volume 94, Pages 316–335.
Marzban S., Lahmer T. Conceptual Implementation of the Variance-Based Sensitivity Analysis for the Calculation of the First Order Effects, Journal of Statistical Theory and Practice, 2016, Volume 10 (Issue 4), Pages 589–611.
Faridmehr I., Tahir M. Md., Lahmer T. Classification System For Semi-Rigid Beam-To-Column Connections, Latin American Journal of Solids and Structures, 2016, Volume 13 (11).
Nguyen-Tuan L., Lahmer T., Datcheva M., Stoimenova E., Schanz T. A novel parameter identification approach for buffer elements involving complex coupled thermo-hydro-mechanical analyses, Computers and Geotechnics, 2016, Volume 76, Pages 23–32.
Zhang C., Wang C., Lahmer T., He P., Rabczuk T. A dynamic XFEM formulation for crack identification, International Journal of Mechanics and Materials in Design, 2016, Issue 4/2016.
Nanthakumar S.S., Lahmer T., Rabczuk T. Detection of material interfaces using a regularised level set method in piezoelectric structures, Inverse Problems in Science and Engineering,2016, Volume 24 (Issue 1), Pages 153-176.
Ben S., Zhao J., Zhang Y., Rabczuk T.: The interface strength and debonding for composite structures: review and recent developments, Composite Structures, in press
Arash B., Rabczuk T., Jiang J.W.: Nanoresonators and their applications: a state of the art review, Applied Physics Reviews, in press
Areias P., Rabczuk T.:, Cesar de Sa J., Jorge R.N.: A semi-implicit _nite strain shell algorithm using in-plane strains based on least-squares, Computational Mechanics, in press
Jia Y., Zhang Y., Rabczuk T.: A Novel Dynamic Multilevel Technique for Image Registration, Computers and Mathematics with Applications, in press
Nanthakumar S., Lahmer T., Zhuang X., Zi G., Rabczuk T.: Detection of material interfaces using a regularized level set method in piezoelectric structures, Inverse Problems in Science and Engineering, in press
Jia Y., Anitescu C., Ghorashi S. , Rabczuk T.: Extended Isogeometric Analysis for Material Interface Problems, IMA Journal of Applied Mathematics, in press
Zhao J., Jia Y., Wei N., Rabczuk T.: Binding energy and mechanical stability of two parallel and crossing carbon nanotubes, Journal of Applied Mechanics, in press
Jiang J.W., Rabczuk T., Park H.S.: A Stillinger-Weber Potential for Single-Layer Black Phosphorus, and the Importance of Cross-Pucker Interactions for Negative Poisson's Ratio and Edge Stress-Induced Bending, Nanoscale, 2015, DOI: 10.1039/C4NR07341J
Hamdia K., Lahmer T., Nguyen-Thoi T., Rabczuk T., : Predicting The Fracture Toughness of PNCs: A Stochastic Approach Based on ANN and ANFIS, Computational Materials Science, 2015, 102, 304-313
Rabizadeh E., Saboor Bagherzadeh A., Rabczuk T.: Application of goal-oriented error estimation and adaptive mesh re_nement on thermo-mechanical multi_eld problems, Computational Materials Science, 2015, 102, 27 - 44
Ghasemi H., Brighenti R., Zhuang X., Muthu J., Rabczuk T.: Optimum _ber content and distribution in _ber-reinforced solids using a reliability and NURBS based sequential optimization approach, Structural and Multidisciplinary Optimization, 2015,51(1), 99-112
Areias P., Rabczuk T., Cesar de Sa J.M., Garcao J.E.: Finite strain quadrilateral shell using least-squares _t of relative Lagrangian in-plane strains, Finite Elements in Analysis and Design, 2015, 98, 26-40
Mortazavi B., Rabczuk T.: Multiscale modeling of heat conduction in graphene laminates, Carbon, 2015, 85, 1-7
Mortazavi B., Cuniberti G., Rabczuk T.: Mechanical properties and thermal conductivity of graphitic carbon nitride: A molecular dynamics study, Computational Materials Science, 2015, 99, 285-289
Talebi H, Silani M., Rabczuk T.: Concurrent Multiscale Modelling of Three Dimensional Crack and Dislocation Propagation, Advances in Engineering Software, 2015,80, 82-92
Anitescu C., Jia Y., Zhang Y., Rabczuk T.: An isogeometric collocation method using superconvergent points, Computer Methods in Applied Mechanics and Engineer-ing, 2015, 284, 1073-1097
Kumar S., Singh I., Mishra B.K., Rabczuk T.: Modeling and Simulation of Kinked Cracks by Virtual Node XFEM, Computer Methods in Applied Mechanics and Engineering, 2015, 283, 1425-1466
Vu-Bac N., Silani M., Lahmer T., Zhuang X. , Rabczuk T.: A uni_ed framework for stochastic predictions of Young's modulus of clay/epoxy nanocomposites (PCNs), Computational Materials Science, 2015, 96, 520 - 535
Thai H.C., Nguyen-Xuan H., Bordas S., Nguyen-Thanh N.,Rabczuk T.: Isogeometric analysis of laminated composite plates using the higher-order shear deformation theory, Mechanics of Advanced Materials and Structures, 2015, 22(6), 451-469
Zhao J., Lu L., Rabczuk T.: The tensile and shear failure behavior dependence on chain length and temperature in amorphous polymers, Computational Materials Science, 2015, 96, 567 - 572
Yang S.W., Budarapu P.R., Mahapatra D.R., Bordas S.P.A., Zi G., Rabczuk T.: A Meshless Adaptive Multiscale Method for Fracture, Computational Materials Science, in 2015, 96, 382 - 395
Ghasemi H., Kerfriden P., Bordas S.P.A., Muthu J., Zi G.,, Rabczuk T.: Interfacial shear stress optimization in sandwich beams with polymeric core using nonuniform distribution of reinforcing ingredients, Composite Structures, 2015, 120, 221 -230
Nguyen-Thanh N., Valizadeh N., Nguyen M.N., Nguyen-Xuan H. , Zhuang X. , Areias P., Zi G., Bazilevs Y., De Lorenzis L., Rabczuk T.: An extended isogeometric thin shell analysis based on Kirchho_-Love theory, Computer Methods in Applied Mechanics and Engineering, 2015, 284, 265 - 291
Budarapu P., Narayana T.S.S., Rammohan B., Rabczuk T.: Directionality of sound radiation from rectangular panels, Applied Acoustics, 2015, 89, 128-140
Ghorashi S., Valizadeh N., Mohammadi S., Rabczuk T.: T-spline based XIGA for Fracture Analysis of Orthotropic Media, Computers & Structures, 2015, 147, 138-146
Areias P., Rabczuk T., Queiros de Melo F.J.M., Cesar de Sa J.: Coulomb frictional contact by explicit projection in the cone for _nite displacement quasi-static problems, Computational Mechanics, 2015, 55(1), 57-72
Zhao J., Lu L., Zhang Z., Guo W., Rabczuk T.: Continuum modeling of the cohesive energy for the interfaces between _lms, spheres, coats and substrates, Computational Materials Science, 2015, 96, 432 - 438
Silani M., Talebi H., Ziaei-Rad S., Hamouda A.M.S., Zi G., Rabczuk T.:A three dimensional Extended Arlequin Method for Dynamic Fracture, Computational Materials Science, 2015, 96, 425 - 431
Msekh M.A., Sargado M., Jamshidian M., Areias P., Rabczuk T.: ABAQUS implementation of phase_field model for brittle fracture, Computational Materials Science, 2015, 96, 472 - 484
T. Lahmer, J. Ilg, R. Lerch. Variance-based Sensitivity Analyses of Piezoelectric Models, Computer Modeling in Engineering & Science (CMES), 2015, 106 (2), 105–126.
N.V.-Bac, R. Rafiee, X. Zhuang, T. Lahmer, T. Rabczuk. Uncertainty quantification for multiscale modeling of polymer nanocomposites with correlated parameters, Composits Part B Engineering, 2015, 68, 446-464.
A.B. Ilyani Akmar, T. Lahmer, S.P.A. Bordas, L.A.A. Beex, T. Rabczuk, Uncertainty quantification of dry woven fabrics: A sensitivity analysis on material properties. Composite Structures. 09/2014; 116:1–17. DOI: 10.1016/j.compstruct.2014.04.014
Ghasemi H., Brighenti R., Zhuang X., Muthu J., Rabczuk T. Sequential reliability based optimization of fiber content and dispersion in fiber reinforced composite by using NURBS finite elements. Structural and Multidisciplinary Optimization. 07/2014
Vu-Bac N., SilaniM, Lahmer T., Zhuang X., Rabczuk T. A unified framework for stochastic predictions of Young’s modulus of clay/epoxy nanocomposites (PCNs). Computational Materials Science. 07/2014;
Junhua Zhao, Liangzhi Kou, Jin-Wu Jiang, Timon Rabczuk. Tension-induced phase transition of single-layer molybdenum disulphide (MoS2) at low temperatures. Nanotechnology. 07/2014; 25(29):295701. DOI: 10.1088/0957-4484/25/29/295701
Silani M., Ziaei-Rad S., Talebi H., Rabczuk T. A Semi-Concurrent Multiscale Approach for Modeling Damage in Nanocomposites. Theoretical and Applied Fracture Mechanics. 07/2014.
Nguyen V.P., Kerfriden P., Bordas S.P.A., Rabczuk T. Isogeometric analysis suitable trivariate NURBS representation of composite panels with a new offset algorithm. Computer-Aided Design. 07/2014.
Xu G., Mourrain B., Galligo A., Rabczuk T. High-quality construction of analysis-suitable trivariate NURBS solids by reparameterization methods. Computational Mechanics 07/2014.
Vu-Bac N., Silani, M, Lahmer T., Zhuang X., Rabczuk T. A unified framework for stochastic predictions of Young’s modulus of clay/epoxy nanocomposites (PCNs). Computational Materials Science, 07/2014.
Jia Y., Anitescu C., Ghorashi S., Rabczuk T., Dias-da-Costa D. Extended Isogeometric Analysis for Material Interface Problems. Journal of Applied Mathematics. 07/2014.
Areias P.M.A., Rabczuk T., P.P. Camanho. Finite strain fracture of 2D problems with injected anisotropic softening elements. Theoretical and Applied Fracture Mechanics. 07/2014.
Beex L.A.A., Kerfriden P., Rabczuk T., Bordas S.P.A. Quasicontinuum-based multiscale approaches for plate-like beam lattices experiencing in-plane and out-of-plane deformation. Computer Methods in Applied Mechanics and Engineering. 07/2014.
Zhao J., Jiang J.W., Wang L., Guo W., Rabczuk T. Coarse-grained potentials of single-walled carbon nanotubes. Journal of the Mechanics and Physics of Solids. 07/2014.
Areias P.M.A., Rabczuk T., J.I. Barbosa. The extended unsymmetric frontal solution for multiple-point constraints. Engineering Computations. 07/2014.
Msekh M.A., Sargado M., Jamshidian M., Areias P., Rabczuk T. ABAQUS implementation of phase-field model for brittle fracture. Computational Materials Science. 07/2014.
Junhua Zhao, Jin-Wu Jiang, Yue Jia, Wanlin Guo, Timon Rabczuk. A theoretical analysis of cohesive energy between carbon nanotubes, graphene and substrates. Carbon. 06/2014; 57:108–119. DOI: 10.1016/j.carbon.2013.01.041
Suraj Joshi, Jörg Hildebrand, Abdulkareem S. Aloraier, Timon Rabczuk. Characterization of material properties and heat source parameters in welding simulation of two overlapping beads on a substrate plate. Computational Materials Science. 06/2014; 69:559–565. DOI: 10.1016/j.commatsci.2012.11.029
Hung Nguyen-Xuan, Hiep Vinh Nguyen, Stephane Bordas, Timon Rabczuk, Marc Duflot. A cell-based smoothed finite element method for three dimensional solid structures. KSCE Journal of Civil Engineering. 06/2014; 16(7):1230-1242. DOI: 10.1007/s12205-012-1515-7
Pattabhi R. Budarapu, Robert Gracie, Stéphane P.A. Bordas, Timon Rabczuk. An adaptive multiscale method for quasi-static crack growth. Computational Mechanics. 06/2014; 53(6):1129-1148. DOI: 10.1007/s00466-013-0952-6
Junhua Zhao, Lixin Lu, Timon Rabczuk. Binding energy and mechanical stability of single- and multi-walled carbon nanotube serpentines. The Journal of Chemical Physics. 05/2014; 140(20):204704. DOI: 10.1063/1.4878115
Hossein Talebi, Mohammad Silani, Stéphane P. A. Bordas, Pierre Kerfriden, Timon Rabczuk. A computational library for multiscale modeling of material failure. Computational Mechanics 05/2014. 53(5).
Zhao J., Lu L., Rabczuk T. The tensile and shear failure behavior dependence on chain length and temperature in amorphous polymers. Computational Materials Science 05/2014.
P. Areias, A. Pinto da Costa, T. Rabczuk, F. J. M. Queirós de Melo, D. Dias-da-Costa. An alternative formulation for quasi-static frictional and cohesive contact problems. Computational Mechanics. 04/2014; 53(4):807-824.
Yancheng Zhang, Xiaoying Zhuang, Jacob Muthu, Tarek Mabrouki, Michaël Fontaine, Yadong Gong, Timon Rabczuk. Load transfer of graphene/carbon nanotube/polyethylene hybrid nanocomposite by molecular dynamics simulation. Composites Part B Engineering 03/2014; 63:27-33.
Jin-Wu Jiang, Bing-Shen Wang, Timon Rabczuk. Phonon modes in single-walled molybdenum disulphide nanotubes: lattice dynamics calculation and molecular dynamics simulation. Nanotechnology 03/2014; 25(10):105706.
N. Vu-Bac, T. Lahmer, Y. Zhang, X. Zhuang, T. Rabczuk. Stochastic predictions of interfacial characteristic of polymeric nanocomposites (PNCs). Composites Part B Engineering 03/2014; 59:80–95.
M. Jamshidian, T. Rabczuk. Phase field modelling of stressed grain growth: Analytical study and the effect of microstructural length scale. Journal of Computational Physics 03/2014; 261:23–35.
T. Nguyen-Thoi, T. Rabczuk, T. Lam-Phat, V. Ho-Huu, P. Phung-Van. Free vibration analysis of cracked Mindlin plate using an extended cell-based smoothed discrete shear gap method (XCS-DSG3). Theoretical and Applied Fracture Mechanics 02/2014.
Pattabhi R. Budarapu, Robert Gracie, Shih-Wei Yang, Xiaoying Zhuang, Timon Rabczuk. Efficient Coarse Graining in Multiscale Modeling of Fracture. Theoretical and Applied Fracture Mechanics 02/2014; 69:126-143.
Jafar Amani, Amir Saboor Bagherzadeh, Timon Rabczuk. Error estimate and adaptive refinement in Mixed Discrete Least Squares Meshless method. Mathematical Problems in Engineering 02/2014; 2014:721240-(1-16).
N Nguyen-Thanh, J Muthu, · X Zhuang, · T Rabczuk. An adaptive three-dimensional RHT-splines formulation in linear elasto-statics and elasto-dynamics. Computational Mechanics 02/2014; 53(2):369-385.
M. Luu, M.D. Martinez-Rodrigo, V. Zabel, C. Könke. H? optimization of fluid viscous dampers for reducing vibrations of high-speed railway bridges. Journal of Sound and Vibration 01/2014; 333(9):2421–2442.
Jin-Wu Jiang, Harold S Park, Timon Rabczuk. MoS2 nanoresonators: intrinsically better than graphene? Nanoscale 01/2014; 6:3618-3625.
Hamid Ghasemi, Roberto Brighenti, Xiaoying Zhuang, Jacob Muthu, Timon Rabczuk. Optimization of fiber distribution in fiber reinforced composite by using NURBS functions. Computational Materials Science 01/2014; 83:463-473.
Hamid Ghasemi, Roham Rafiee, Xiaoying Zhuang, Jacob Muthu, Timon Rabczuk. Uncertainties propagation in metamodel-based probabilistic optimization of CNT/polymer composite structure using stochastic multi-scale modeling. Computational Materials Science 01/2014; 85:295-305
Lei Chen, Nhon Nguyen-Thanh, Hung Nguyen-Xuan, Timon Rabczuk, Stéphane Pierre Alain Bordas, Georges Limbert. Explicit finite deformation analysis of isogeometric membranes. Computer Methods in Applied Mechanics and Engineering 01/2014; 277:104–130.
N. Vu-Bac, T. Lahmer, H. Keitel, J. Zhao, X. Zhuang, T. Rabczuk, Stochastic predictions of bulk properties of amorphous polyethylene based on molecular dynamics simulations, Mechanics of Materials, Volume 68, January 2014, Pages 70-84, ISSN 0167-6636,
S.S. Nanthakumar, T. Lahmer, T. Rabczuk. Detection of multiple flaws in piezoelectric structures using XFEM and level sets. Computer Methods in Applied Mechanics and Engineering 01/2014; 275:98–112.
Chien H. Thai, A.J.M. Ferreira, S.P.A. Bordas, T. Rabczuk, H. Nguyen-Xuan. Isogeometric analysis of laminated composite and sandwich plates using a new inverse trigonometric shear deformation theory. European Journal of Mechanics - A/Solids 01/2014; 43:89-108.
F Amiri, D Millán, Y Shen, T Rabczuk, M Arroyo. Phase-field modeling of fracture in linear thin shells. Theoretical and Applied Fracture Mechanics 01/2014; 69:102-109.
Budarapu Pattabhi, TSS Narayana, Rammohan B, Rabczuk. Timon. Directionality of sound radiation from rectangular panels. Applied Acoustics 01/2014; accepted for publication.
Zhuang X., Huang R., Rabczuk T., Liang C. A coupled thermo-hydro-mechanical model of jointed hard rock for compressed air energy storage. Mathematical Problems in Engineering 01/2014.
Conference papers
Hatahet, T., and Könke, C. Rational Framework for Probability of Collapse in Buildings. Second International Conference on Vulnerability and Risk Analysis and Management (ICVRAM2014) & Sixth International Symposium on Uncertainty Modelling and Analysis (ISUMA, 2014), Liverpool, Accepted
Schwedler, M. and Könke, C.: "Integrierte Tragwerksanalysen mittels Bauwerksinformationsmodellen und isogeometrischer FE-Methoden". In: K.-U. Bletzinger et al. (eds.), Berichte der Fachtagung Baustatik - Baupraxis 12, pp. 389-396, Munich, Germany, 24.-25. February, 2014, ISBN 978-3-00-041256-1
Schrader, K., Könke, C. Distributed computing for the nonlinear analysis of multiphase composites, Advances in Engineering Software 62-63 (2013), pages 20-32, 2013
Zhang Y., Wei N., Zhao J., Gong Y., Rabczuk T. Quasi-analytical solution for the stable system of the multi-layer folded graphene wrinkles. Journal of Applied Physics, 2013, 114, 063511-8
Zhang Y., Zhao J., Jia Y., Mabrouki T., Gong Y., Wei N., Rabczuk T. An analytical solution on the interface debonding for large diameter carbon nanotube-reinforced composite with functionally graded variation interphase. Composite Structures, 2013, 104, 261-269
Jiang J.W., Park H., Gall K., Leach A., Rabczuk T. A Surface Stacking Fault Energy Approach to Predicting Defect Nucleation in Surface-Dominated Nanostructures. Journal of the Mechanics and Physics of Solids, 2013, in press
Jiang J.W., Wang B.S., Rabczuk T. Why twisting angles are diverse in graphene Moir’e patterns? Journal of Applied Physics, 2013, in press
Jiang J.W., Rabczuk T. Mechanical Oscillation of Kinked Silicon Nanowires: a Natural Nanoscale Spring. Applied Physics Letters, 2013, in press
Jiang J.W., Rabczuk T. Modulation of Thermal Conductivity in kinked Silicon Nanowires: Phonon interchanging and pinching effects or Reduction of thermal conductivity in kinked silicon nanowire superlattices. Nano Letters, 2013, in press
Areias P., Rabczuk T., Dias-da-Costa D. Asymmetric Shell Elements Based on a Corrected Updated-Lagrangian Approach. CMES: Computer Modeling in Engineering and Sciences, 2013, in press
Areias P., Rabczuk T. Finite strain fracture of plates and shells with configurational forces and edge rotation International Journal for Numerical Methods in Engineering, 2013, in press
Joshi S., Hildebrand J., Aloraier A.S., Rabczuk T.,Characterization of material properties and heat source parameters in welding simulation of two overlapping beads on a substrate plate. Computational Materials Science, 2013, in press
Nguyen-Xuan H., Nguyen Thanh N., Bordas S., Rabczuk T., Isogeometric analysis of laminated composite plates using the higher-order shear deformation theory. Mechanics of Advanced Materials and Structures, 2013, in press
Kerfriden P., Schmidt K.M., Rabczuk T., Bordas S. Statistical extraction of process zones and representative subspaces in fracture of random composites. International Journal for Multiscale Computational Engineering, 2013, in press
Talebi H., Silani M., Bordas S. P. A., Kerfriden P., Rabczuk T. Molecular Dynamics/XFEM Coupling by a Three-Dimensional Extended Bridging Domain with Applications to Dynamic Brittle Fracture. International Journal for Multiscale Computational Engineering, 2013, in press
Silani M.,Talebi H., Arnold D., Ziaei-Rad S., Rabczuk T. On the coupling of a commercial finite element package with lammps for multiscale modeling of materials. Steel Research International, 2013, in press
Jiang J.W., Zhao J., Rabczuk T., Size-Sensitive Young’s Modulus of Kinked Silicon Nanowires. Nanotechnology, 2013, 24, 185702, doi:10.1088/0957-4484/24/18/185702
Nguyen-Thoi T., Phung-Van P., Rabczuk T., Nguyen-Xuan H., Le-Van C. Free and forced vibration analysis using the n-sided polygonal cell-based smoothed finite element method (nCS-FEM). International Journal of Computational Methods, 2013, 10(1), art. no. 13400082
Le C.V., Nguyen-Xuan H., Askes H., Rabczuk T., Nguyen-Thoi T. Computation of limit load using edge-based smoothed finite element method and second-order cone programming. International Journal of Computational Methods, 2013, 10(1), art. no. 13400045
Nguyen-Thoi T., Phung-Van P., Rabczuk T., Nguyen-Xuan H., Le-Van C. An application of the ES-FEM in solid domain for dynamic analysis of 2D fluid-solid interaction problems. International Journal of Computational Methods 2013, 10(1), art. no. 13400033
Phan-Dao H., Nguyen-Xuan H., Thai-Hoang C., Nguyen-Thoi T., Rabczuk T. An edge-based smoothed finite element method for analysis of laminated composite plates. International Journal of Computational Methods, 2013, 10(1), art. no. 13400057
Bakar I., Kramer O., Bordas S.P.A., Rabczuk T. Optimization of Elastic Properties and Weaving Patterns of Woven Composites. Composite Structures, 2013, 100, 575-591
Zhao J., Wang L., Jiang J.W., Wang Z., Guo W., Rabczuk T. A comparative study of two molecular mechanics models based on harmonic potentials. Journal of Applied Physics, 2013, 113, 063509
Zhao J., Wei N., Fan Z., Jiang J.W., Rabczuk T. Mechanical properties of three types of carbon allotropes. Nanotechnology, 2013, 24(9), 09570
Zhao J., Jiang J.W., Jia Y., Guo W., Rabczuk T. A theoretical analysis of cohesive energy between carbon nanotubes, graphene and substrates. Carbon, 2013, 57, 108-119
Kerfriden P., Goury O., Rabczuk T., Bordas S. A partitioned model order reduction approach to rationalise computational expenses in nonlinear fracture mechanics. Computer Methods in Applied Mechanics and Engineering, 2013, 256, 169-188
Valizadeh N., Natarajan S., Gonzalez-Estrada O.A., Rabczuk T., Tinh Quoc Bui, Bordas S.P.A. NURBS-based finite element analysis of functionally graded plates: static bending, vibration, buckling and flutter. Composite Structures, 2013, 99, 309-326
Areias P., Rabczuk T., Dias-da-Costa D. Assumed-metric spherically-interpolated quadrilateral shell element. Finite Elements in Analysis and Design, 2013, 66, 53-67
Zhang Y., Zhao J., Wei N., Jiang J.W., Rabczuk T. Effects of the dispersion of polymer wrapped two neighbouring single walled carbon nanotubes (SWNTs) on nanoengineering load transfer. Composites Part B: Engineering, 2013, 45(1), 1714-1721
Nguyen-Xuan H., Liu G.R., Bordas S., Natarajan S., Rabczuk T. An adaptive singular ES-FEM for mechanics problems with singular field of arbitrary order. Computer Methods in Applied Mechanics and Engineering, 2013, 253, 252-273
Jiang J.W., Park H.S., Rabczuk T.Enhancing the mass sensitivity of graphene nanoresonators via nonlinear oscillations: The effective strain mechanism Nanotechnology 2012, 23(47), art. no. 475501
Nguyen-Xuan H., Nguyen Vinh H., Bordas S., Rabczuk T., Duflot M. A cell-based smoothed finite element method for three-dimensional solid structures, KSCE Journal of Civil Engineering 2012, 16(7), 1230-1242
Zhao J., Guo W., Rabczuk T. An analytical molecular mechanics model for the elastic properties of crystalline polyethylene, Journal of Applied Physics, 2012, 112(3), art. no. 033516, doi:10.1063/1.4745035
Thai C.H., Nguyen-Xuan H., Nguyen-Thanh N., Le T.H., Nguyen-Thoi T., Rabczuk T. Static, free vibration and buckling analysis of laminated composite Reissner-Mindlin plates using NURBS-based isogeometric approach International Journal for Numerical Methods in Engineering, 2012, 91(6), 571–603, doi:10.1002/nme.4282
Natarajan S., Chakraborty S., Thangavel M., Bordas S., Rabczuk T. Size dependent free flexural vibration behavior of functionally graded nanoplates, Computational Materials Science, 2012, 65, 74-80
Nguyen-Vinh H., Bakar I., Msekh M.A., Song J.-H., Muthu J., Zi G., Le P., Bordas S., Simpson R., Natararajan S., Lahmer T., Rabczuk T. Extended Finite Element Method for Dynamic Fracture of Piezo-Electric Materials, Engineering Fracture Mechanics, 2012, 92, 19-31, doi:10.1016/j.engfracmech.2012.04.025
Hossein Talebi, Goangseup Zi, Mohammad Silani, Esteban Samaniego, Timon Rabczuk. A simple circular cell method for multilevel finite element analysis. Journal of Applied Mathematics, 2012, Article ID 526846, 15 pages, doi:10.1155/2012/526846
Jiang J.-W., Wang B.S., Rabczuk T. Acoustic and breathing phonon modes in bilayer graphene with Moire-acute patterns. Applied Physics Letters. 2012, 101(2), 023113, doi:10.1063/1.4735246
Jiang J.-W., Zhao J., Zhou K., Rabczuk T. Superior thermal conductivity and extremely high mechanical strength in polyethylene chains from ab initio calculation. Journal of Applied Physics, 2012, 111(12), 124304, doi:10.1063/1.4729489
Areias P., Rabczuk T., Dias-da-Costa D., Piresh E.B. Implicit solutions with consistent additive and multiplicative components. Finite Elements in Analysis and Design, 2012, 57, 15-31, doi:10.1016/j.finel.2012.03.007
Nguyen-Xuan H., Rabczuk T., Nguyen-Thoi T., Tran T., Nguyen-Thanh N. Computation of limit and shakedown loads using a node-based smoothed finite element method. International Journal for Numerical Methods in Engineering, 2012, 90(3), 287-310, doi:10.1002/nme.3317
Chen L., Rabczuk T., Liu G.R., Zeng K.Y., Kerfriden P., Bordas S. Extended finite element method with edge-based strain smoothing (ESm-XFEM) for linear elastic crack growth. Computer Methods in Applied Mechanics and Engineering, 2012, 209-212(4), 250-265, doi:10.1016/j.cma.2011.08.013
Talebi H., Samaniego C., Samaniego E., Rabczuk T. On the numerical stability and mass-lumping schemes for explicit enriched meshfree methods. International Journal for Numerical Methods in Engineering, 2012, 89(8), 1009-1027, doi:10.1002/nme.3275
Chau-Dinh T., Zi G., Lee P.S., Song J.H., Rabczuk T.Phantom-node method for shell models with arbitrary cracks. Computers & Structures, 2012, 92–93, 242-256, doi:10.1016/j.compstruc.2011.10.021
Simpson R., Bordas S., Trevelyan J., Kerfriden P., Rabczuk T. An Isogeometric Boundary Element Method for elastostatic analysis. Computer Methods in Applied Mechanics and Engineering, 2012, 209-212, 87-100, doi:10.1016/j.cma.2011.08.008
Journal papers:
N. Nguyen-Thanh, J. Kiendl, H. Nguyen-Xuan, R. Wüchner, K.U. Bletzinger, Y. Bazilevs, T. Rabczuk. Rotation free isogeometric thin shell analysis using PHT-splines. Computer Methods in Applied Mechanics and Engineering, 200(47-48):3410-3424 ,2011.
N. Nguyen-Thanh, H.Nguyen-Xuan, S. Bordas, T. Rabczuk. Isogeometric analysis using polynomial splines over hierarchical T-meshes for two-dimensional elastic solids. Computer Methods in Applied Mechanics and Engineering, 200(21-22):1892–1908,2011.
N. Nguyen-Thanh, T. Rabczuk, H.Nguyen-Xuan, S. Bordas. An alternative alpha finite element method with stabilized discrete shear gap technique for analysis of Mindlin-Reissner plates. Finite Elements in Analysis & Design, 47(5):519-535, 2011.
M. Brehm, V. Zabel and C. Bucher: "Optimal reference sensor positions for applications in model updating using output-only vibration test data based on random excitation: Part 1 - objective function and numerical benchmark study", Mechanical Systems and Signal Processing, November, 2010, submitted.
M. Brehm, V. Zabel and C. Bucher: "Optimal reference sensor positions for applications in model updating using output-only vibration test data based on random excitation: Part 2 - improved search strategy and experimental case study", Mechanical Systems and Signal Processing, November, 2010, submitted.
Schrader, K., Könke, C.: "Hybrid computing models for large-scale heterogeneous 3d microstructures". International Journal for Multiscale Computational Engineering, 9(4): 365-377, 2011.
Conference papers:
Brehm, M.; Zabel, V., Bucher, C.: Optimal reference sensor placement within roving setup configurations. In Proceedings of Eighth International Conference on Structural Dynamics (EURODYN), Leuven, Belgium, July 4 - July 6, 2011.
Ahmad, S.; Zabel, V., Brehm, M.: Vibration-based detection of structural damage in a railway bridge - a comparitive study. In Proceedings of Eighth International Conference on Structural Dynamics (EURODYN), Leuven, Belgium, July 4 - July 6, 2011.
N. Nguyen-Thanh, C.Thai-Hoang, H.Nguyen-Xuan, Timon Rabczuk. A smoothed finite element method for the static and free vibration analysis of shells. Journal of Civil Engineering and Architecture, 34(4):13-25, 2010.
H. Nguyen-Xuan, T. Rabczuk, N. Nguyen-Thanh, T. Nguyen-Thoi, Stephane Bordas. A node-based smoothed finite element method (NS-FEM) for analysis of Reissner-Mindlin plates. Computational Mechanics, 46:679–701, 2010.
M. Brehm, V. Zabel and C. Bucher: "An automatic mode pairing strategy using an enhanced modal assurance citerion based on modal strain energies", Journal of Sound and Vibration, 329(25):5375-5392, December 2010. doi: 10.1016/j.jsv.2010.07.006
Luther, T., Könke, C.: "Coupled cohesive zone representations from 3D quasicontinuum simulation on aluminum grain boundaries". International Journal for Multiscale Computational Engineering, submitted in April 2010
Könke, C., Eckardt, S., Häfner, S., Luther, T., Unger, J.: "Multiscale simulation methods in damage prediction of brittle and ductile materials". International Journal for Multiscale Computational Engineering, Vol. 8 (1), pp. 17-36, 2010.
Nasser, M., Schwedler, M., Wuttke, F., Könke, C.: "Seismic analysis of structural response using simplified soil-structure interaction models". Bauingenieur, D-A-CH-Mitteilungsblatt, Band 85, März 2010.
Conference papers:
Zabel, V., Brehm, M.: Algorithms for vibration-based structural identification and damage detection. In Proceedings of XIIth Bilateral German/Czech Symposium Experimental methods and numerical simulation in engineering sciences, Bremen, Germany, June 30 - July 3, 2010.
Zabel, V., Brehm, M., Nikulla, S.: The influence of temperature varying material parameters on the dynamic behavior of short span railway bridges. In Proceedings of International Conference on Noise and Vibration Engineering ISMA, Leuven, Belgium, 20-22 September, 2010.
N. Nguyen-Thanh, H. Nguyen-Xuan, S. Bordas, T. Rabczuk. Isogeometric finite element analysis using polynomial splines over hierarchical T-meshes. 9th World Congress on Computational Mechanics (WCCM) in IOP Conference Series: Materials Science and Engineering, Sydney, Australia, July-2010. doi: 10.1088/1757-899X/10/1/012238
Contributions to books:
Bucher, C.; Brehm, M.; Bolt, H. : Framework for assessment and life extension of existing structures and industrial plants, In Safety and Reliability of Industrial Products, Systems and Structures (editor Carlos Guedes Soares), pp. 53-62. , CRC Press, 2010.
Journal papers:
T. Luther and C. Könke. "Polycrystal models for the analysis of intergranular crack growth in metallic materials". Engineering Fracture Mechanics, Vol. 76 (15), pp. 2332-2343, 2009.
N. Nguyen-Thanh, T. Rabczuk, H. Nguyen-Xuan and S. Bordas. "An alternative alpha finite element method (A?FEM) free and forced vibration analysis of solids using triangular meshes". Journal of Computational and Applied Mathematics, 233(9): 2112-2135, 2009.
Conference papers:
De Roeck, G. , Zabel, V.; Brehm, M. ; Liu, K. ; Reynders, E. : "Algorithms for structural identification and damage detection of steel-concrete composite bridges". In Proc. of Final Workshop DETAILS: DEsign for optimal performance of high-speed rAILway bridges by enhanced monitoring systems, Lucca, Italy. December 9-11, 2009.
Nasser, M., Schwedler, M., Wuttke, F., Könke, C. and Schanz, T.: Dynamic Soil-Structure Interaction Models: Theory and Application. International Conference UACEG2009: Science & Practice, Sofia, Bulgaria, October 29-31, 2009
Ribeiro, D.; Calçada, R.; Delgado,R.; Brehm, M.; Zabel, V.: "Numerical and experimental assessment of the modal parameters of a bowstring arch railway bridge". In Proc. of Experimental Vibration Analysis
for Civil Engineering Structures, Wroclaw, Poland, October 14-16, 2009.
T. Luther and C. Könke: "Micro and Meso Scale Analysis of Brittle Grain Boundary Damage in Polycrystalline Materials". 10th US National Congress on Computational Mechanics (USNCCM X), Columbus, Ohio, July 16-19, 2009.
N. Nguyen-Thanh, Timon Rabczuk. A smoothed finite elementmethod for the static and free vibration analysis of shells, 18th International Conference on the Application of Computer Science and Mathematics in Architecture and Civil Engineering, Weimar, Germany, July 2009.
Brehm, M.; Zabel, V.; Ribeiro, D.: "An Automatic Mode Tracking Strategy for Model Updating Using the Modal Assurance Criterion and Modal Strain Energies". In Proc. of 18th International Conference on the Applications of Computer Science and Mathematics in Architecture and Civil Engineering, Weimar, Germany, 7-9 July, 2009
Brehm, M.; Zabel, V.; Cantieni, Reto: "Modellanpassung einer Eisenbahnbrücke für den Hochgeschwindigkeitsverkehr". In Proc. 3. VDI Fachtagung Baudynamik, Kassel, Deutschland, 14.-15. Mai, 2009
Zabel, V.; Brehm, M. : "Stochastic Model Updating methods - a comparitive study". In Proc. of IMAC XXVII A Conference and Exposition on Structural Dynamics, Orlando, Florida, USA, February 9 - 12 , 2009
Brehm, M.; Zabel, V. ; Unger, J. F.: "Stochastic model updating using perturbation methods in combination with neural network estimations". In Proc.IMAC XXVII A Conference and Exposition on Structural Dynamics, Orlando, Florida, USA, February 9 - 12 , 2009
Journal papers:
Bucher, C., Most, T.: "A comparison of approximate response functions in structural reliability analysis." Probabilistic Engineering Mechanics, 23(2-3): 154-163, 2008.
Eckardt. S., Könke, C.: "Adaptive damage simulation of concrete using heterogeneous multiscale models" Journal of Algorithms & Computational Technology, 2(2): 275-297,2008.
Higuchi, S., Macke, M.: "Cost-benefit analysis for the optimal rehabilitation of deteriorating structures." Structural Safety, 30(4): 291-306, 2008.
Most, T., Bucher, C.: "New concepts for moving least squares: An interpolating non-singular weighting function and weighted nodal least squares." Engineering Analysis with Boundary Elements, 32(6): 461-470, 2008.
Most, T., H. Ishii, X. Geng, P. Bolzern, P. Colaneri and G. De Nicolao: "Discussion on Almost sure stability of stochastic linear systems with ergodic parameters.", European Journal of Control, 14(2): 124-130, 2008.
Unger, J.F., Könke, C.:"Coupling of scales in a multiscale simulation using neural networks", Computers & Structures, 2008
Zabel, V., Brehm, M.: "Das dynamische Verhalten von Eisenbahnbrücken mit kurzer Spannweite - numerische und experimentelle Untersuchungen". Bauingenieur, D-A-CH-Mitteilungsblatt, Band 83, März 2008.
Conference papers:
Zabel, V.; Brehm, M. : "System identification of high-speed railway bridges". In Proc. of Weimar Optimization and Stochastic Days 5.0, Weimar, Germany, November 20--21, 2008
Brehm, M. ;Zabel, V.: "Comparison of Modal- and Wavelet-Based Damage Indicators". In Proc. ISMA 2008 International Conference on Noise and Vibration Engineering, Leuven, Belgium, September 15 - 17, 2008.
Rauert, T.; Hoffmeister, B.; Cantieni, R. Brehm, M.; Zabel, V.: "Experimental Modal Analysis of a Twin Composite Filler Beam Railway Bridge for High-speed Trains with Continuous Ballast". In Proc. of 4th International Conference on Bridge Maintenance, Safety, and Management (IABMAS), Seoul, Korea. July 13-17, 2008.
Zabel, V.; Brehm, M. : "Dynamic testing and numerical modelling of a typical short span high-speed railway bridge". In Proc. of 4th International Conference on Bridge Maintenance, Safety, and Management (IABMAS), Seoul, Korea. July 13-17, 2008. doi: 10.1201/9781439828434.ch78
Luther, T., Könke, C: "Application of an Atom Continuum Model in Process of Damage Simulation on Multiple Length Scales".In Proc. of 8th World Congress of Computational Mechanics (WCCM8), 5th European Congress on Computational Methods in Applied Sciences and Engineering (ECCOMAS 2008), Venice, Italy, 2008.
Most, T.: "An adaptive response surface approach for reliability analyses of high-dimensional problems.", In Proc. of 8th World Congress of Computational Mechanics (WCCM8), 5th European Congress on Computational Methods in Applied Sciences and Engineering (ECCOMAS 2008), Venice, Italy, 2008.
Cantieni, R., Brehm, M., Zabel, V., Rauert, T., Hoffmeister, B.: "Ambient Testing and Model Updating of a Filler Beam Bridge for High-Speed Trains" In Proc. of 7th European Conference on Structural Dynamics (EURODYN), Southampton, UK, 7-9 July, 2008
Cantieni, R., Brehm, M., Zabel, V., Rauert, T., Hoffmeister, B.: "Ambient modal analysis and model updating of a twin composite filler beam railway bridge for high-speed trains with continuous ballast." In: Proc. IMAC-XXVI Conf. on Structural Dynamics, Orlando, Florida, USA, 4-7 February, 2008.
Book chapter:
Bucher, C., Zabel, V.: "Dynamische Modellbildung und Analyse von Tragwerken." In: K. Bergmeister and J.-D. Wörner (eds.), Beton-Kalender 2008, Vol. 2, Chapter 6, pages 53-112. Ernst und Sohn, Berlin, 2007.
Markwardt, K.: "Application of fast wavelet transformation in parametric system identification." In: T. Qian et al. (eds.), Wavelet Analysis and Applications, Chapter 3, pages 247-254. Birkhäuser, Basel, 2007.
Journal papers:
Higuchi, S., Macke, M.: "Cost-benefit based optimization of maintenance interventions for deteriorating structures." Doboku Gakkai Ronbunshuu A, 63(4): 727-743, 2007.
Higuchi, S., Macke, M.: "Cost-benefit based optimization of maintenance interventions for deteriorating structures." Structural Engineering/Earthquake Engineering, 24(2): 131s-147s, 2007.
Macke, M., Higuchi, S.: "Optimizing maintenance interventions for deteriorating structures using cost-benefit criteria." Journal of Structural Engineering, 133(7): 925-934, 2007.
Most, T.: "A natural neighbour-based moving least-squares approach for the element-free Galerkin method." International Journal for Numerical Methods in Engineering, 71(2): 224-252, 2007.
Most, T., Bucher, C.: "Probabilistic analysis of concrete cracking using neural networks and random fields." Probabilistic Engineering Mechanics, 22(2): 219-229, 2007.
Most, T., Bucher, C.: "Energy-based simulation of concrete cracking using an improved mixed-mode cohesive crack model within a meshless discretization." International Journal for Numerical and Analytical Methods in Geomechanics, 31(2): 285-305, 2007.
Unger, J.F., Eckardt, S., Könke, C.: "Modelling of cohesive crack growth in concrete structures with the extended finite element method." Computer Methods in Applied Mechanics and Engineering, 196(41-44): 4087-4100, 2007.
Conference papers:
Brehm, M.: "Numerical differentiation and integration of normal distributed random discrete functions." In: M. Papadrakakis et al. (eds.), Proc. Conf. on Computational Methods in Structural Dynamics and Earthquake Engineering (COMPDYN 2007), Rethymno, Crete, Greece, 13-16 June, 2007.
Eckardt, S., Könke, C.: "Coupling techniques for heterogeneous multiscale models of concrete." In: Proc. 9th Int. Conf. on Computational Plasticity (COMPLAS 2007), Barcelona, Spain, 5-7 September, 2007.
Frantík, P., Zabel, V.: "Measurement of the chaotic motion of the cantilever beam in the postcritical state." In: Proc. Int. Conf. on Experimental Vibration Analysis for Civil Engineering Structures (EVACES'07), Porto, Portugal, 24-26 October, 2007.
Higuchi, S., Macke, M.: "Cost-benefit analysis of maintenance interventions for deteriorating structures." In: J. Kanda et al. (eds.), Proc. 10th Int. Conf. on Applications of Statistics and Probability in Civil Engineering (ICASP10), Tokyo, Japan, 31 July-3 August, 2007.
Higuchi, S., Macke, M.: "Cost-benefit criteria in optimizing maintenance strategies." In: Proc. IABSE Symposium Weimar 2007—Improving Infrastructure Worldwide, Weimar, Germany, 19-21 September, 2007.
Luther, T., Könke, C.: "Multi-scale strategies for simulating brittle fracture in metallic materials." In: Proc. 9th Int. Conf. on Computational Plasticity (COMPLAS 2007), Barcelona, Spain, 5-7 September, 2007.
Most, T.: "An adaptive response surface approach for structural reliability analyses based on support vector machines." In: B.H.V. Topping (ed.), Proc. 11th Int. Conf. on Civil, Structural and Environmental Engineering Computing (CC 2007), St. Julians, Malta, 18-21 September, 2007.
Most, T., Bucher, C.: "Adaptive response surface approach for reliability analysis using advanced meta-models." In: J. Kanda et al. (eds.), Proc. 10th Int. Conf. on Applications of Statistics and Probability in Civil Engineering (ICASP10), Tokyo, Japan, 31 July-3 August, 2007.
Most, T., Hofstetter, G., Hofmann, M., Novák, D., Lehký, D.: "Approximation of constitutive parameters for material models using artificial neural networks." In: B.H.V. Topping (ed.), Proc. 9th Int. Conf. on the Application of Artificial Intelligence to Civil, Structural and Environmental Engineering (AICC 2007), St. Julians, Malta, 18-21 September, 2007.
Unger, J.F., Könke, C.: "Neural networks as material models within a multiscale approach." In: B.H.V. Topping (ed.), Proc. 9th Int. Conf. on the Application of Artificial Intelligence to Civil, Structural and Environmental Engineering (AICC 2007), St. Julians, Malta, 18-21 September, 2007.
Zabel, V., Bleiziffer, J., Trabert, J.: "The dynamic behaviour of the `Erlebnisbrücke' on the BUGA in Ronneburg." In: Proc. IABSE Symposium Weimar 2007—Improving Infrastructure Worldwide, Weimar, Germany, 19-21 September, 2007.
Zabel, V., Brehm, M., Bucher, C.: "Climatic influences on the dynamics of railway bridges with steel girders embedded in concrete." In: Proc. Int. Conf. on Experimental Vibration Analysis for Civil Engineering Structures (EVACES'07), Porto, Portugal, 24-26 October, 2007.
Book chapter:
Könke, C., Eckardt, S., Häfner, S.: "Spatial and temporal multiscale simulations of damage processes for concrete." In: B.H.V. Topping et al. (eds.), Innovation in Computational Structures Technology, Chapter 7, pages 133-158. Saxe-Coburg, Strirling, 2006.
Journal papers:
Bucher, C., Frangopol, D.M.: "Optimization of lifetime maintenance strategies for deteriorting structures considering probabilities of violating safety, condition, and cost thresholds." Probabilistic Engineering Mechanics, 21(1): 1-8, 2006.
Häfner, S., Eckardt, S., Luther, T., Könke, C.: "Mesoscale modeling of concrete: Geometry and numerics." Computers and Structures, 84(7): 450-461, 2006.
Most, T., Bucher, C.: "Stochastic simulation of cracking in concrete structures using multi-parameter random fields." International Journal of Reliability and Safety, 1(1-2): 168-187, 2006.
Unger, J.F., Teughels, A., De Roeck, G.: "System identification and damage detection of a prestressed concrete beam." Journal of Structural Engineering, 132(11): 1691-1698, 2006.
Conference papers:
Brehm, M., Bucher, C.: " Wavelet packet system identification." In: C.A. Mota Soares et. al (eds.), Proc. 3rd European Conf. on Computational Mechanics (ECCM 2006), Lisbon, Portugal, 5-9 June, 2006. (pdf) ; [Abstract]
Bucher, C., Most, T.: "Application of approximate response functions in structural reliability analysis." In: Proc. 3rd Int. ASRANet Colloquium, Glasgow, UK, 10-12 July, 2006.
Häfner, S., Kessel, M., Könke, C.: " Multiphase B-spline finite elements of variable order in the mechanical analysis of heterogeneous solids." In: K. Gürlebeck and C. Könke (eds.), Proc. 17th Int. Conf. on the Applications of Computer Science and Mathematics in Architecture and Civil Engineering (IKM 2006), Weimar, Germany, 12-14 July, 2006.
Häfner, S., Könke, C.: "Multigrid preconditioned conjugate gradient method in the mechanical analysis of heterogeneous solids." In: K. Gürlebeck and C. Könke (eds.), Proc. 17th Int. Conf. on the Applications of Computer Science and Mathematics in Architecture and Civil Engineering (IKM 2006), Weimar, Germany, 12-14 July, 2006.
Häfner, S., Könke, C.: "Damage simulation of heterogeneous solids by nonlocal formulations on orthogonal grids." In: K. Gürlebeck and C. Könke (eds.), Proc. 17th Int. Conf. on the Applications of Computer Science and Mathematics in Architecture and Civil Engineering (IKM 2006), Weimar, Germany, 12-14 July, 2006.
Könke, C.: "Damage tolerant design." In: B.H.V. Topping and G. Montero (eds.), Proc. 8th Int. Conf. on Computational Structures Technology, Las Palmas, Spain, 12-15 September, 2006.
Könke, C., Eckardt, S., Häfner, S.: "Spatial and temporal multiscale simulations of damage processes for concrete." In: B.H.V. Topping and G. Montero (eds.), Proc. 8th Int. Conf. on Computational Structures Technology, Las Palmas, Spain, 12-15 September, 2006.
Luther, T., Könke, C. : "Investigation of crack growth in polycrystalline mesostructures." In: K. Gürlebeck and C. Könke (eds.), Proc. 17th Int. Conf. on the Applications of Computer Science and Mathematics in Architecture and Civil Engineering (IKM 2006), Weimar, Germany, 12-14 July, 2006.
Luther, T., Könke, C.: "Analysis of crack initiation and propagation in polyctystalline meso- and microstructures of metal materials." In: C.A. Mota Soares et. al (eds.), Proc. 3rd European Conf. on Computational Mechanics (ECCM 2006), Lisbon, Portugal, 5-9 June, 2006. (pdf)
Markwardt, K.: "Wavelet analysis and frequency band decompositions." In: K. Gürlebeck and C. Könke (eds.), Proc. 17th Int. Conf. on the Applications of Computer Science and Mathematics in Architecture and Civil Engineering (IKM 2006), Weimar, Germany, 12-14 July, 2006. (pdf)
Most, T., Bucher, C.: "Application of an adaptive response surface approach for efficient structural reliability analysis." In: O. Dahlblom et al. (eds.), Proc. 19th Nordic Seminar on Computational Mechanics, Lund, Sweden, 20-21 October, 2006.
Most, T., Bucher, C.: "Adaptive response surface approach using artificial neural networks and Moving Least Squares." In: K. Gürlebeck and C. Könke (eds.), Proc. 17th Int. Conf. on the Applications of Computer Science and Mathematics in Architecture and Civil Engineering (IKM 2006), Weimar, Germany, 12-14 July, 2006.
Most, T., Bucher, C.: "An enhanced moving least squares interpolation for the element-free Galerkin method." In: C.A. Mota Soares et. al (eds.), Proc. 3rd European Conf. on Computational Mechanics (ECCM 2006), Lisbon, Portugal, 5-9 June, 2006.
Most, T., Bucher, C.: "A natural neighbor based moving least squares approach with interpolating weighting function." In: K. Gürlebeck and C. Könke (eds.), Proc. 17th Int. Conf. on the Applications of Computer Science and Mathematics in Architecture and Civil Engineering (IKM 2006), Weimar, Germany, 12-14 July, 2006.
Most, T., Eckardt, S., Schrader, K., Deckner, T.: "An improved cohesive crack model for combined crack opening and sliding under cyclic loading." In: K. Gürlebeck and C. Könke (eds.), Proc. 17th Int. Conf. on the Applications of Computer Science and Mathematics in Architecture and Civil Engineering (IKM 2006), Weimar, Germany, 12-14 July, 2006.
Pham, H.A. : "Adaptive excitation for selective sensitivity-based structural identification." In: K. Gürlebeck and C. Könke (eds.), Proc. 17th Int. Conf. on the Applications of Computer Science and Mathematics in Architecture and Civil Engineering (IKM 2006), Weimar, Germany, 12-14 July, 2006.
Pham, H.A., Bucher, C.: "An iterative procedure for model updating based on selective sensitivity." In: C.A. Mota Soares et. al (eds.), Proc. 3rd European Conf. on Computational Mechanics (ECCM 2006), Lisbon, Portugal, 5-9 June, 2006.
Unger, J.F., Könke, C.: "Simulation of concrete using the extended finite element method." In: G. Meschke et al. (eds.), Proc. Conf. on Computational Modelling of Concrete Structures (EURO-C 2006), Mayrhofen, Austria, 27-30 March, 2006.
Journal papers:
Bruhin, R., Stock, U.A., Drücker, J.-P., Azhari, T., Wippermann, J., Albes, J.M., Hintze, D., Eckardt, S., Könke, C., Wahlers, T.: "Numerical simulation techniques to study the structural response of the human chest following median sternotomy." The Annals of Thoracic Surgery, 80(2): 623-630, 2005.
Bucher, C., Pham, H.A.: "On model updating of existing structures utilizing measured dynamic responses." Structure and Infrastructure Engineering, 1(2): 135-143, 2005.
Most, T., Bucher, C.: "A moving least squares weighting function for the element-free Galerkin method which almost fulfills essential boundary conditions." Structural Engineering and Mechanics, 21(3): 315-332, 2005.
Unger, J.F., Teughels, A., De Roeck, G.: "Damage detection of a prestressed concrete beam using modal strains." Journal of Structural Engineering, 131(9): 1456-1463, 2005.
Zabel, V.: "An application of discrete wavelet analysis and connection coefficients to parametric system identification." Structural Health Monitoring 4(1): 5-18, 2005.
Zerbst, U., Vormwald, M., Andersch, C., Mädler, K., Pfuff, M.: "The development of a damage tolerance concept for railway components and its demonstration for a railway axle." Engineering Fracture Mechanics, 72(2): 209-239, 2005.
Conference papers:
Brehm, M., Bolt, H.: "Framework for Assessment and Life Extension of Structures and Industrial Plants." Proceedings of SAMCO Summer Academy 2005, Zell am See, Austria, September 5-9, 2005 (pdf)
Brehm, M., Zabel, V., Markwardt, K.: "Applications of Wavelet Packets in System Identifikation." Proceedings of 76. Jahrestagung der Gesellschaft für Angewandte Mathematik e.V. (GAMM), Universite du Luxembourg, March 28 - April 1, 2005 [Abstract]
Bucher, C., Zabel, V.: "Experiences with detection of damage in bridge structures using dynamics tests". In N. Gebbeken, M. Keusec and I. Mangerig, editors, Proceedings, First Munich Bridge Assessment Conference MBAC 2005
Eckardt, S., Könke, C.: "Damage simulation of concrete on the mesoscale", 1st GACM Colloqium for Young Scientists on Computational Mechanics, October 5-7, 2005 Bochum, Germany [Abstract]
Eckardt, S., Unger, J., Könke, C.: "Numerical models for the simulation of concrete on the mesoscale." In G. Hofstetter and G. Meschke (Eds.), Book of Abstracts, EUROMECH Colloquium 460: Numerical Modelling of Concrete Cracking, Innsbruck, Austria, February 21-23, 2005 (pdf)
Könke, C., Petryna, Y., Singh, R.: "Risk assessment for damage tolerant structures", ICOSSAR ROM 2005 Millpress, Rotterdam, G. Augusti, G.I. Schuëller, M. Ciampoli (eds.) (pdf)
Könke, C., Eckardt, S., Häfner, S., Luther, T., Unger, J.: "Schädigungs- und Verbundmodellierung für Stahlbetontragwerke", Baustatik-Baupraxis 9, 14.-15. März 2005, TU Dresden (pdf)
Luther, T., Könke, C.: "Micro-Mesoscale Analysis of Crack Initiation and Propagation in Metallic Polycrystals", 1st GACM Colloqium for Young Scientists on Computational Mechanics, October 5-7, 2005 Bochum, Germany[Abstract]
Markwardt, K.: "Application of fast wavelet transformation in parametric system identification." In 4th International Conference on Wavelet Analysis and Its Applications, pages 1-8. University of Macau, China, November 2005 (pdf).
Most, T., Bucher, C.: "Stochastic dynamic stability analysis of shell structures", 5th International Conference on Computation of Shelll and Spatial Structures, June 1-4, 2005 Salzburg, Austria, E. Ramm, W.A. Wall, K.-U. Bletzinger, M. Bischoff (eds.) (pdf)
Most, T., Bucher, C.: "Mixed mode crack simulation using Virtual Crack Extension and a normal/shear cohesive crack model within a meshless discretization." In G. Hofstetter and G. Meschke (Eds.), Book of Abstracts, EUROMECH Colloquium 460: Numerical Modelling of Concrete Cracking, Innsbruck, Austria, February 21-23, 2005 (pdf)
Most, T., Unger, J.F. , Bucher, C.: "Stochastic crack growth simulation in R/C structures by means of meshless methods.", In: Revitalisierung von Bauwerken, Schriften der Bauhaus-Universität Weimar, 117:7-14, 2005 (pdf)
Unger, J. F., Eckardt, S., Könke, C.: " Numerical Models for the simulation of concrete on the mesoscale. ", In Proceedings of the EUROMECH Colloquium 460, Innsbruck, Österreich 2005
Zabel, V., Brehm, M.: "Wavelet Analysis in Structural Health Monitoring and Damage Detection." Proceedings of SAMCO Summer Academy 2005, Zell am See, Austria, September 5-9, 2005 (pdf)
Journal papers:
Most, T., Bucher, C., Schorling, Y.: "Dynamic stability analysis of non-linear structures with geometrical imperfections under random loading." Journal of Sound and Vibration, 276(1-2): 381-400, 2004.
Conference papers:
Brehm, M., Zabel, V., Markwardt, K.: "Applications of biorthogonal wavelets in system identification." In: P. Neittaanmäki et al. (eds.), Proc. European Congress on Computational Methods in Applied Sciences and Engineering (ECCOMAS 2004), Jyväskylä, Finland, 24-28 July 2004.
Bucher, C., Pham, H.A.: "Bayesian reliability updating using system identification based on selective sensitivity." In: S. Wojtkiewicz et al. (eds.), Proc. 9th ASCE Specialty Conf. on Probabilistic Mechanics and Structural Reliability (PMC2004), Albuquerque, New Mexico, USA, 26-28 July 2004. (pdf)
Eckardt, S., Häfner, S., Könke, C.: "Simulation of the fracture behaviour of concrete using continuum damage models at the mesoscale." In: P. Neittaanmäki et al. (eds.), Proc. European Congress on Computational Methods in Applied Sciences and Engineering (ECCOMAS 2004), Jyväskylä, Finland, 24-28 July 2004.
Häfner, S., Könke, C.: "A multigrid finite element method for the mesoscale analysis of concrete." In: P. Neittaanmäki et al. (eds.), Proc. European Congress on Computational Methods in Applied Sciences and Engineering (ECCOMAS 2004), Jyväskylä, Finland, 24-28 July 2004.
Most, T., Unger, J.F., Bucher, C.: "Stochastic modeling of cohesive crack propagation using meshless discretization techniques." In: P. Neittaanmäki et al. (eds.), Proc. European Congress on Computational Methods in Applied Sciences and Engineering (ECCOMAS 2004), Jyväskylä, Finland, 24-28 July 2004.
Most, T., Bucher, C.: "Stochastic modeling of cohesive crack evolution in concrete using meshless interpolation techniques." In: J. Walraven et al. (eds.), Proc. 5th Int. PhD Symposium in Civil Engineering, Delft, Netherlands, 16-19 June 2004. (pdf)
Most, T., Eckardt, S.: "Application of a hybrid parallelisation technique to accelerate the numerical simulation of nonlinear mechanical problems." In: K. Beucke et al. (eds.), Proc. 10th Int. Conf. on Computing in Civil and Building Engineering (ICCCBE), Weimar, Germany, 2-4 June 2004. (pdf)
Unger, J.F., Most, T., Bucher, C., Könke, C.: "Adaptation of the natural element method for crack growth simulations. " In: P. Neittaanmäki et al. (eds.), Proc. European Congress on Computational Methods in Applied Sciences and Engineering (ECCOMAS 2004), Jyväskylä, Finland, 24-28 July 2004.
Winkel, B.: "An F-element, composite stress formulation to model muscular tissue in 3D." In: P. Neittaanmäki et al. (eds.), Proc. European Congress on Computational Methods in Applied Sciences and Engineering (ECCOMAS 2004), Jyväskylä, Finland, 24-28 July 2004.
Journal papers:
Döring, R., Hoffmeyer, J., Seeger, T., Vormwald, M.: "A plasticity model for calculating stress–strain sequences under multiaxial nonproportional cyclic loading." Computational Materials Science, 28(3-4): 587-596, 2003.
Kirichuk, A., Most, T., Bucher, C.: "Numerical nonlinear analysis of kinematically excited shells." International Journal for Computational Civil and Structural Engineering, 1(5): 61-74, 2003.
Savaidis, G., Savaidis, A., Schliebner, R., Vormwald, M.: "Evaluation of fatigue of fillet welded joints in vehicle components under multiaxial service loads." European Structural Integrity Society, 31: 23-42, 2003.
Conference papers:
Brehm, M. and Most, T.: "A four-node plane EAS-element for stochastic nonlinear materials"
In K. Gürlebeck, L. Hempel and C. Könke (Eds.), Proc. 16th Int. Conf. IKM, Weimar, Germany, June 10-12, 2003 (pdf)
Bucher, C.: "Structural Reliability and Stochastic Finite Elements" In NAFEMS Seminar: Use of Stochastics in FEM Analysis, Wiesbaden, Germany, May 7-8, 2003
Häfner, S.: "Effiziente FEM-Multiskalenkonzepte zur Analyse heterogener Materialien"
In Gebbeken, Bletzinger and Rothert (Eds.), Aktuelle Beiträge aus Baustatik und Comp. Mechanics, 8. Forschungskolloquium Baustatik-Baupraxis 17.-20. September 2003, Berichte aus dem Konstruktiven Ingenieurbau, Universität der Bundeswehr München, 03/3:13-25, 2003
Häfner, S., Eckardt, S. and Könke, C.: "A Geometrical Inclusion-Matrix Model for the Finite Element Analysis of Concrete at Multiple Scales"
In K. Gürlebeck, L. Hempel and C. Könke (Eds.), Proc. 16th Int. Conf. IKM, Weimar, Germany, June 10-12, 2003 (pdf)
Markwardt, K.: "Biorthogonale Waveletsysteme in der Parameteridentifikation"
In K. Gürlebeck, L. Hempel and C. Könke (Eds.), Proc. 16th Int. Conf. IKM, Weimar, Germany, June 10-12, 2003 (pdf)
Most, T.: "Anwendung netzfreier Diskretisierungsverfahren zur stochastischen Rissfortschrittsberechnung" In Gebbeken, Bletzinger and Rothert (Eds.), Aktuelle Beiträge aus Baustatik und Comp. Mechanics, 8. Forschungskolloquium Baustatik-Baupraxis
17.-20. September 2003, Berichte aus dem Konstruktiven Ingenieurbau, Universität der Bundeswehr München, 03/3:215-228, 2003 (pdf)
Most, T. and Bucher, C.: "Application of the "Fictitious Crack Model" to meshless crack growth simulations." In K. Gürlebeck, L. Hempel and C. Könke (Eds.), Proc. 16th Int. Conf. IKM, Weimar, Germany, June 10-12, 2003(pdf)
Most, T., Bucher, C.: "Moving Least Squares-elements for stochastic crack propagation simulations coupled with stochastic finite elements." In: A. Der Kiureghian et al. (eds.), Proc. 9th Int. Conf. on Applications of Statistics and Probability in Civil Engineering (ICASP9), San Francisco, USA, July 6-9, 2003.
Roos, D. and Bucher, C.: "Adaptive Response Surfaces for Structural Reliability of Nonlinear Finite Element Structures"
In NAFEMS Seminar: Use of Stochastics in FEM Analysis, Wiesbaden, Germany, May 7-8, 2003
Zabel, V. and Bucher, C.: "Experiment und Analyse - erweiterte Konzepte für Nachweis und Bemessung - Schwingungsmessungen" In "Revitalisierung von Bauwerken", Schriften der Bauhaus-Universität Weimar, 2003(pdf)
Journal papers:
Bucher, C., Ebert, M.: "Nichtlineare Berechnung von Stahlflanschverbindungen mit gemessenen Imperfektionen." Stahlbau 71(7): 516-522, 2002.
Döring, R., Hoffmeyer, J., Seeger, T., Vormwald, M.: "Verformungsverhalten und rechnerische Abschätzung der Ermüdungslebensdauer metallischer Werkstoffe unter mehrachsig nichtproportionaler Beanspruchung." Materialwissenschaft und Werkstofftechnik, 33(5): 280-288, 2002.
Thumser, R., Bergmann, J.W., Vormwald, M.: "Residual stress fields and fatigue analysis of autofrettaged parts." International Journal of Pressure Vessels and Piping, 79(2): 113-117, 2002.
Conference papers:
Bucher, C.: "Numerical Solution of the First-Passage Problem by FORM and Importance Sampling." In H. Grundmann and G. Schueller (Eds.), Proc. 5th European Conf. on Structural Dynamics, Munich, Germany, Sept. 2-5, 2002, Lisse: Swets & Zeitlinger, 2002, Volume 1, 749-754
Döring, R., Hoffmeyer, J., Seeger, T., Vormwald, M.: "Verformungsverhalten und rechnerische Abschätzung der Ermüdungslebensdauer metallischer Werkstoffe unter mehrachsig nichtproportionaler Beanspruchung" DVM-Bericht 684 des DFG-Kolloquiums "Lebensdauervorhersage", S. 81-96, Berlin, 2002
Döring, R., Hoffmeyer, J., Seeger, T. und Vormwald, M.: "Elastic-Plastic Deformation Under Cyclic Nonproportional Loading as Prerequisite for Fatigue Life Prediction"
Proceedings 8th Int. Congress on Fatigue in Stockholm. Elsevier, Vol. 1, S. 291-298, 2002
Döring, R., Schliebner, R. and Vormwald, M.: "Fatigue Damage Mechanisms Under Multiaxial Loading" 20th CAD-FEM Users' Meeting 2002, Int. Congress on FEM Technology, 2002
Ebert, M. and Bucher, C.: "Damage Effects on the Dynamic Properties of R/C Beams- Experimental and Numerical Investigations" In H. Grundmann and G. I. Schueller (eds): Structural Dynamics- Eurodyn2002, Lisse: Swets & Zeitlinger, 2002, Volume 2, 1433 - 1438
Markwardt, K.: "Parameteridentifikation mit Hilfe der schnellen Wavelet-Transformation.", in ISM-Bericht 7/2002, Bauhaus-Universität Weimar (pdf)
Most, T. and Bucher, C.: "Stochastic dynamic stability analysis for nonlinear structures.", In H. Grundmann and G. Schuëller (Eds.), Proc.5th European Conf. on Structural Dynamics, Munich, Germany, Sept. 2-5, 2002,Lisse: Swets & Zeitlinger,2002, Volume 2, 795 - 800 (pdf)
Savaidis, G., Savaidis, A., Schliebner, R. and Vormwald, M.: "Evaluation of Fatigue of Fillet Welded Joints in Vehicle Components Under Multiaxial Service Loads" M. de Freitas, A. Carpinteri: Biaxial and Multiaxial Fatigue, ESIS-STP, S., 2002
Vormwald, M.: "Rissentstehung und Kurzrisswachstum unter Schwingbelastung"
DVM-Bericht 234 Bruchvorgänge, Freiberg, ISSN 1616-4687, S. 19-35, 2002
Zabel, V.: "The application of the wavelet transformation in parametric system identification" Proceedings of the 20th International Modal Analysis Conference, S. 831 - 837
Zabel, V. and Bucher, C.: "Experiences with dynamic investigations of historical bell towers and belfriens" Proceedings of the 20th International Modal Analysis Conference, S. 1244 - 1250
Zabel, V. and Bucher, C.: "Parametric system identification by means of the wavelet transformation" Structural Dynamics - EURODYN 2002, Proceedings of the 5th European Conference on Structural Dynamics, S. 1027 - 1032
Journal papers:
Hoffmeyer, J., Döring, R., Vormwald, M.: "Kurzrisswachstum bei mehrachsig nichtproportionaler Beanspruchung." Materialwissenschaft und Werkstofftechnik, 32(4): 329-336, 2001.
Savaidis, G., Schliebner, R., Vormwald, M.: "Lebensdauerermittlung von geschweißten, mehrachsig belasteten Nutzfahrzeugkomponenten - Vergleich von Schwingfestigkeiten aus Rechnung und Versuch bei nichtproportionaler Beanspruchung." Materialprüfung, 43(10): 381-386, 2001.
Conference papers:
Ebert, M. and Bucher, C.: "Stochastic finite element modeling of damage evolutions of R/C beams", In Proc. 8th Intern. Conf. on Structural Safety and Reliability, Newport Beach, USA, June 17-22, 2001. (R.B. Corotis, G.I.Schueller, M. Shinozuka, eds.): CD- ROM. Rotterdam/ Brookfield: Balkema, 2002
Döring, R., Hoffmeyer, J., Seeger, T. and Vormwald, M.: "A Short Crack Growth Model for the Prediction of Fatigue Lives under Multiaxial Nonproportional Loading" 6th Inter. Conf. on Biaxial/Multiaxial Fatigue and Fracture, Lissabon, Juni 2001, S. 571-578
Heuler, P. und Vormwald, M.: "Versuchstechniken zur Kennwertermittlung"
Vortrag im Rahmen des 3. Weiterbildungsseminars des DVM-Arbeitskreises Betriebsfestigkeit: Einflußgrößen auf die Bauteillebensdauer, Schaffhausen, 16.10.2001
Herz, E. and Vormwald, M.: "Finite Element Simulation of Concrete Structures Including Geometry Changes Due to Structural Modifications" 7th Inter. Conf. on Modern Building Materials, Structures and Techniques, Vilnius, 2001
Hoffmeyer, J., Döring, R., Seeger, T. and Vormwald, M.: "Short Fatigue Crack Growth Model under Multiaxial Nonproportional Loading" Proc. 10th Inter. Congress of Fracture, Honolulu, ISBN 0080440428, Pergamon (Elsevier Science), Paper 131, 2001
Schorling, Y., Most, T. and Bucher, C.: "Stability Analysis for Imperfect Systems with Random
Loading.", In R. Corotis, G. Schuëller and S.M. (Eds.), Proc. 8th Intern. Conf. on Structural Safety and Reliability, Newport Beach, USA, June 17-22, 2001, CD-ROM, Rotterdam/Brookfield: Balkema, 2002 (pdf)
Savaidis, G., Schliebner, R. and Vormwald, M.: "Multiaxial Fatigue Behaviour of Fillet Welded Joints in Components of Commercial Vehicles" 6th Inter. Conf. on Biaxial/Multiaxial Fatigue and Fracture, Lissabon, Juni 2001, S. 41-48
Thumser, R., Bergmann, J.W. and Vormwald, M.: "Design of Autofretted Diesel Engine Injection Components Based on Fracture Mechanics" Pressure Vessel and Piping Conference PVP 2001, Atlanta, Juli 2001
Journal papers:
Savaidis, G., Vormwald, M.: "Hot-spot stress evaluation of fatigue in welded structural connections supported by finite element analysis." International Journal of Fatigue, 22(2): 85-91, 2000.
Conference papers:
Bucher, C. and Ebert, M.: "Load Carrying Behavior of Prestressed Bolted Steel Flanges Considering Random Geometrical Imperfections" Proceedings of 8th ASCE Specialty, Conference on Probabilistic Mechanics and Structural Reliability, University of Notre Dame, USA, 24-26th July 2000
Döring, R., Hoffmeyer, J. Lengnick, M., Schmidt, K.H., Seeger, T. und Vormwald, M.: "Untersuchungen zum Kurzrissfortschrittskonzept unter mehrachsig nichtproportionaler Beanspruchung" DVM-Bericht 683 des DFG-Kolloquiums "Lebensdauervorhersage", S. 81-96, Bremen, 2000
Ebert, M. and Bucher, C.: "SFE- Modelling of dynamic and static properties of R/C Beams in progressive damage" in: Proceedings of the 15th International Conference on Application of Computer Science and Mathematics in Architecture and Civil Engineering (IKM), Weimar, Germany, 22-24th June 2000, CD-ROM
Markwardt, K. und Zabel, V.: "Betrachtungen zur Anwendung der Wavelet- Transformation in der Systemidentifikation" in ISM-Bericht 1/2000, pages 107-126, ISSN: 1610-738, Juli 2000. Bauhaus-Universität Weimar (pdf)
Roos, D., Bucher, C. and Bayer, V.: "Polyhedral response surfaces for structural reliability assessment" in R.E. Melchers and M.G. Stewart (eds.): Applications of Statistics and Probability, Balkema/Rotterdam/Brookfield, 2000, pp 109 - 115.
Savaidis, G., Feitzelmayer, K., Schliebner, R., Purkert , G. und Vormwald, M.: "Schwingfestigkeitsanalyse und Lebensdauerermittlung geschweißter mehrachsig belasteter Komponenten von Nutzfahrzeugen" DVM-Bericht 127 "Mit Kerben leben" , S. 175-185, 2000.
Schorling, Y., Bucher, C. and Purkert, G.: "Stability analysis for randomly imperfect structures" R.E. Melchers and M.G. Stewart (eds.): Applications of Statistics and Probability, Balkema/Rotterdam/Brookfield, 2000, pp 1027 - 1032
Zabel, V. and Bucher, C.: "The utilization of a visualisation tool in system identification"
Proceedings of the IKM 2000, on CD-ROM, June 22-24
Zabel, V., Bucher, C. and Riedel, J.: "The dynamic behaviour of a historical bell tower - in- situ tests and numerical investigations" Noise and Vibrations Engineering, Proceedings ISMA 25 Sept. 13 -15, S. 365 - 372
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