Dr.-Ing. habil. Thomas Most
Senior lecturer
Marienstr. 15, Room 101
Tel: +49 (0) 36 43 / 58 45 21
E-Mail: thomas.most[at]uni-weimar.de
Academic CV
2022 -present | Senior lecturer at the Institute of Structural Mechanics, Bauhaus-Universität Weimar |
2019 -present | Senior principal R&D engineer at Ansys Dynardo GmbH |
2010 - 2019 | Employee at the Dynardo GmbH in Weimar |
2013 | Habilitation thesis "Effiziente Methoden zur Analyse des Einflusses von Unsicherheiten in komplexen Ingenieurmodellen" |
2008 - 2010 | PostDoc researcher in the DFG research training group "Qualitative Assessment of Coupled Numerical and Experimental Models in Civil Engineering" |
2005 | Doctoral thesis "Stochastic crack growth simulation in reinforced concrete structures by means of coupled finite element and meshless methods" |
2000 - 2008 | Scientific coworker at Institute of Structural Mechanics, Bauhaus-Universität Weimar |
1995 - 2000 | Civil engineering studies at Bauhaus-University Weimar |
Research Interests
- Uncertainty quantification and reliability analysis
- Simulation based multidisciplinary optimization
- Model calibration and assessment
- Computational and fracture mechanics
- Mechanik I (Bachelor Bauingenieurwesen)
- Baudynamik (Master Bauingenieurwesen)
- Structural Dynamics (Master NHRE)
- Most, T., L. Gräning, J. Will: "Eine automatisierte Machine Learning Umgebung für industrielle Anwendungen", NAFEMS Online-Magazin, Nr. 2/2023, ISSN 2311-522X
- Most, T.: "Efficient variance-based reliability sensitivity analysis for Monte Carlo methods", 14th International Conference on Applications of Statistics and Probability in Civil Engineering (ICASP), Dublin, Ireland, 2023
- Most, T., R. Niemeier, M. Rasch, P.T. Ubben: "Application of structural reliability methods for the safety assessment of autonomous vehicles", 14th International Conference on Applications of Statistics and Probability in Civil Engineering (ICASP), Dublin, Ireland, 2023
- Most, T., L. Gräning, S. Wolff: "Automatisierte Approximation von CAE-Signal- und Feldergebnisgrößen mit Methoden des Maschinellen Lernens", NAFEMS Seminar „Artificial Intelligence und Machine Learning in der CAE-basierten Simulation“, 23.-24.Oktober 2023, München
- Dion, B., M. Najork, N. Dalmasso, J.-L. Colaço1, O. Andrieu, B. Buettner, T. Most, J. Ribas de Amaral: “Programming Neural Networks Inference in a Safety-Critical Simulation-based Framework”, 11th European Congress on Embedded Real Time Systems (ERTS), Toulouse, 2022
- T. Most, P. Krenz, R. Lampert: “A global optimization approach for antenna design using analytical derivatives from high-frequency simulations”, NAFEMS DACH Conference, Bamberg, 2022
- T. Most, L. Gräning, J. Will, A. Abdulhkim: “Automatized machine learning approach for industrial application”, NAFEMS DACH Conference, Bamberg, 2022
- Rasch, M., P.T. Ubben, T. Most, V. Bayer, R. Niemeier: “Safety Assessment and Uncertainty Quantification of Automated Driver Assistance Systems using Stochastic Analysis Methods”, NAFEMS World Congress, Quebec, Canada, 2019
- Most, T., R. Kallmeyer and R. Niemeier: “Estimate of material parameter uncertainties in calibrated simulation models”, NAFEMS World Congress, Quebec, Canada, 2019
- Most, T.: “Artificial Intelligence and Machine Learning - Application in Computer Aided Engineering”, 30. Forum „Simulation in der Automobilindustrie“, Weimar, 2019
- T. Most, J. Will, J. Rotermund, L. Gräning: “Artificial Intelligence and Machine Learning applied in Computer Aided Engineering”, Dynardo RDO-Journal, Issue 2/2019
- Most, T. and R. Kallmeyer: „Identifikation unscharfer Modellparameter unter Berücksichtigung von Messfehlern“, DVM Workshop Zuverlässigkeit und Probabilistik, Ingolstadt, 2018
- Most, T. and J. Will: “Robust Design Optimization Methods for Industrial Applications”, NAFEMS World Congress, Stockholm, 2017
- Niemeier, R. and T. Most: “Robust Design Optimization and Catastrophe Theory”, NAFEMS World Congress, Stockholm, 2017
- Most, T., S. Marth, M. Thiele: “Reliability based robust design optimization of an electromagnetic actuator system”, 15th International Probabilistic Workshop, Dresden, 2017
- Most, T., J. Burkhardt, C. Birenbaum: „Optimierung einer Positionier- und Haltevorrichtung nach Steifigkeits- und Gewichtsgesichtspunkten“, NAFEMS Online-Magazin, 2016
- Most, T. and J. Will: “Sensitivity analysis and parametric optimization as powerful tools for industrial product development”, NAFEMS European Conference on Simulation-Based Optimization, Manchester, 2016
- Most, T., J. Will, T. Dannenberg: „Anwendung effizienter Methoden zur Sensitivitätsanalyse zur Untersuchung komplexer Ingenieuraufgaben“, Bautechnik, 2013
- Most, T. and H. Neubert: “Robust Design and Reliability Analysis of an Electromagnetic Actuator System”, 16th ITI Symposium, Dresden, 2013
- Most, T. and J. Will: “Robust Design Optimization in industrial virtual product development”, 5th International Conference on Reliable Engineering Computing (REC), Brno, 2012
- Most, T.: “Variance-based sensitivity analysis in the presence of correlated input variables”, 5th International Conference on Reliable Engineering Computing (REC), Brno, 2012
- Most, T., K.-J. Witt and M. Huber: "Identifikation räumlich korrelierter Bodenkenngrößen.", Bautechnik, 2011
- Most, T.: "Assessment of structural simulation models by estimating uncertainties due to model selection and model simplification.", Computer and Structures, 2011
- Most, T.: "Efficient structural reliability methods considering incomplete knowledge of random variable distributions.", Probabilistic Engineering Mechanics, 2011
- Most, T.: “Efficient sensitivity analysis of complex engineering problems”, 11th International Conference on Applications of Statistics and Probability in Civil Engineering (ICASP), Zurich, 2011
- Most, T. and J. Will: “Sensitivity analysis using the Metamodel of Optimal Prognosis”, Weimarer Optimierungs- und Stochastiktage, 2011
- Most, T. and T. Knabe: “Reliability analysis of the bearing failure problem considering uncertain stochastic parameters.", Computers and Geotechnics, 2010
- Most, T.: “Identification of the parameters of complex constitutive models: Least squares minimization vs. Bayesian updating.” 15th International Conference of the IFIP Working Group 7.5 on Reliability and Optimization of Structural Systems, Munich, 2010
- C. Bucher and Most, T.: “A comparison of approximate response functions in structural reliability analysis.”, Probabilistic Engineering Mechanics, 2008
- Most, T. and C. Bucher: “New concepts for Moving Least Squares: an interpolating non singular weighting function and Weighted Nodal Least Squares.”, Engineering Analysis with Boundary Elements, 2008
- Most, T.: “A natural neighbor based moving least squares approach for the element-free Galerkin method.”, International Journal for Numerical Methods in Engineering, 2007
- Most, T. and C. Bucher: “Energy-based simulation of concrete cracking using an improved mixed-mode cohesive crack model within a meshless discretization.”, International Journal for Numerical and Analytical Methods in Geomechanics, 2007
- Most, T. and C. Bucher: “Probabilistic analysis of concrete cracking using neural networks and random fields.”, Probabilistic Engineering Mechanics, 2007
- Most, T.: “An adaptive response surface approach for structural reliability analyses based on support vector machines”, 11th International Conference on Civil, Structural and Environmental Engineering Computing, Malta, 2007
- Most, T., G. Hofstetter, M. Hofmann, D. Novak, D. Lehký: “Approximation of constitutive parameters of material models by artificial neural networks”, 9th International Conference on the Application of Artificial Intelligence, Malta, 2007
- Most, T. and Bucher, C.: “Adaptive response surface approach for reliability analysis using advanced meta-models.” 10th International Conference on Applications of Statistics and Probability in Civil Engineering (ICASP), Tokyo, 2007
2004 ~ 2006
- Most, T. and C. Bucher: “Stochastic simulation of cracking in concrete structures using multi parameter random fields.”, International Journal of Reliability and Safety, 2006
- Most, T. and C. Bucher: “A Moving Least Squares weighting function for the Element-free Galerkin Method which almost fulfills essential boundary conditions.”, Structural Engineering and Mechanics, 2005
- Most, T., C. Bucher and Y. Schorling: “Dynamic stability analysis of nonlinear structures with geometrical imperfections under random loading.”, Journal of Sound and Vibration, 2004