Urban Minorities II: Alexandria 2013


The second workshop took place in Alexandria with an extended focus – from religious minorities to marginalized groups. In three groups, the 48 participants from the universities of Alexandria, Weimar, Gaza and the German Jordanian University Amman dealt with the focal themes “Ethnical Minorities – the Nubians”, “Religious Minorities in Egypt” and “Cosmopolitical Alexandria – Europeans in Alexandria”. The academic workshops were accompanied by an intensive investigation of Alexandria and, in particular, the places of former and current minority groups, among others various religious and profane buildings, the Nubian quarter Kom-al-Dikka or an extremely controversial Jewish place of pilgrimage near the provincial town Damanhur. In addition, several presentations and film showings and a varied program for leisure times and the evenings rounded the trip off with regard to content and interpersonal relations. Besides, a special highlight was a semi-public discussion with representatives of a variety of different minorities of Alexandria, among them a Greek, two Nubians, three Bahai and two atheists, who gave very illuminating insights into their lifeworld, their everyday problems and their wishes for the future.