Planning and Preparing Courses

Diversity-sensitive teaching begins before a course even starts:

1.   Ask students about their specific needs before the course begins (this can be done via moodle, for example) so that you can include these needs into your planning.


  • »We want this course to be as inclusive and diversity-sensitive as possible. Do you have any specific requirements or suggestions that should be taken into account for course planning?«
  • »We want this course to be as inclusive and diversity-sensitive as possible. We welcome your support in this endeavour. If the design of this course is an obstacle for you for health, personal, family or other reasons, please feel free to contact me and talk to me about your concerns and needs. Please feel free to suggest ideas for solutions. Further information on diversity, equality and inclusion at the Bauhaus-Universität Weimar, including information on advisory services, can be found on the ›Equal Opportunity and Anti-Discrimination‹ website

2.   Make sure that course materials (literature, videos, etc.) are accessible. Helpful tips can be found on the »Digitale Barrierefreiheit« website. You can find tips on accessible online teaching at the website 
»Making Digital Teaching Accessible«

3.   When selecting authors, artists and designers whose texts and works you would like to talk about in the course, pay attention to diversity and include a critical examination of the existing canon in your preparations (e.g. How did this canon come about? What perspectives are missing and what are the social/historical reasons for this? Does the course literature list consist only of works by men, for example, and are there ways to counterbalance this through further research? Is there literature/work that deals explicitly with social exclusions from the canon? etc.)