In the First Session

The first session of the course is particularly important to create a good and anti-discriminatory atmosphere:

  1. Offer participants the chance to get to know one another and create a positive learning environment. 
  2. Clarify the general course conditions (course language, rooms, times, etc.) and the course requirements. 
  3. Be sure to address students respectfully (e.g. use name tags, make introduction rounds including pronouns, use diversity-appropriate language).
  4. Promote a respectful culture of discussion. For example, develop a common code of conduct for the course and introduce the concept of error-friendliness (»Konzept der Fehlerfreundlichkeit«).
  5. Make an effort to relate course content to the lives of your students.
  6. Make students aware of your availability (office hours, contact options, times when you can be reached) and share examples of potential concerns that students can come to you with.
  7. Provide information on the Counselling Services provided by the university (student advising, academic advising, Equal Opportunity Officer, Diversity Officer, Representative for the Needs of Students with Chronic Illnesses and Disabilities, Diversity Guides, etc.). 

You can find detailed information and tips on how to organise your course’s first session under »Gender und Diversity in der Lehre« in the FU Berlin's »Toolbox-Blog«:»Einen guten Start ins Semester fördern: gender- und diversitätsbewusste Gestaltung der ersten Sitzung einer Lehrveranstaltung«