ERASMUS special funding

Students who are funded for a study or internship abroad through ERASMUS can apply for additional funding with help of the International Office at Bauhaus-Universität.
Students may choose between applying for:
Who is eligible for this funding?
Students with child/ren and students with a GdB (degree of disability) of at least 50 (project 2020) respectively 20 (project 2021) who will receive an ERASMUS scholarship from Bauhaus-Universität for an ERASMUS funded study visit or internship abroad.
How can I apply for this funding?
The application for this Social Top-Up is made together with your application for an ERASMUS scholarship via the upload of a signed "declaration of honour". You will receive a monthly grant of 250 EUR in addition to your ERASMUS scholarship.
Please note that this Social Top-Up is subject to proof.
Who can apply for funding?
Students with child/ren or students with a GdB (degree of disability) of at least 20 who are eligible for an ERASMUS-funded stay abroad.
How can I apply for funding?
The application for funding through the "Long Application" is made in cooperation between the International Office and the student.
Please contact the International Office at least 3 months before the start of your mobility so that there is still enough time to prepare the application.
How much funding is available?
The amount of the grant is determined by the eligible additional costs incurred by the student due to the entrainment of their child/ren or his/her chronic illness or disability. Corresponding calculations and evidence must be prepared for the calculation of the additional funding (max. 15.000 Euro).
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