What BIPs are all about
Blended Intensive Programmes (BIPs for short) are courses that consist of a virtual phase and a short stay in another European country (min. 5 - max. 30 days). Students of the Bauhaus-Universität can receive an ERASMUS grant and at least 3 ECTS points for their participation in a BIP.
A minimum of 15 students from at least three different universities from at least three different countries take part in a BIP.
Participation in one (or more) BIPs enables students of the Bauhaus-Universität Weimar to gain international experience within a short period of time, to get to know another university as well as other teaching and learning cultures.
You can participate in a BIP under these conditions
How to find a BIP
BIPs can take place in different formats (e.g. as a course, Spring School, etc.). If a partner university offers BIPs, you will find an overview on the website of this university. Unfortunately, there is no central portal yet where you can search for BIPs.
Person travels green ("Green Travel Top-Up") | Person receives "Social Top-Up" | Funding amount | |
Option 1 | yes | yes | Person receives 79 Euro daily rate |
Option 2 | yes | no | Person receives 79 Euro daily rate |
Option 3 | no | yes | Person receives 79 Euro daily rate + daily rate subsidy for 2 travel days + 100 euros one-off for the "Social Top-Up" + travel allowance for "standard travel" according to travel distance |
Option 4 | no | no | Person receives 79 Euro daily rate + daily rate subsidy for 2 travel days |
Students who are eligible to receive an ERASMUS grant may also receive the following additional funding ("Top-Ups") for BIP stays.
Social Top-Ups | |
social top-up for "(self-)employed students" | 100 EUR (one time) |
social top-up for "students with child(dren)" | 100 EUR (one time) |
social top-up for "students with a disability or chronic illness" | 100 EUR (one time) |
social top-up for "first-time academics" | 100 EUR (one time) |
The application for the "Top-Ups" is made in the online application form for ERASMUS funding.
You will receive further information with the info e-mail on the application for ERASMUS funding after you have handed in the confirmation of acceptance to participate in the BIP by the partner university (e.g. Letter of Acceptance). Please check the BIP checklist(s) for more information on the process.
1. Top-Up for "Green Travel“
You can apply for this Top-Up if you will travel to or from the partner university by one of the following means of transport which are classified as sustainable by the DAAD (at least 50% of the travel distance must be traveled green):
Students who need longer time to travel to the partner university due to the use of sustainable means of transport to travel to or from the partner university can apply for a funding of up to 6 travel days.
2. Social Top-Up for „first-time academics“
Students can apply for this Social Top-Up under the following conditions:
If there are two parents: | If both parents are known, then students can apply for this Social Top-Up if neither parent has an academic degree. If one parent does not have an academic degree and the other does, then this Social Top-Up cannot be granted. |
In there is one parent: | If only one parent is known, then only this parent can be considered. If this parent has an academic degree, this Social Top-Up is not granted. If this parent does not have an academic degree and the other parent is not known, this Social Top-Up can be granted. |
Academic degree: | An academic degree is a degree obtained at a university, a university of cooperative education (Berufsakademie) or a university of applied sciences (within or outside Germany). If you are unsure whether your parents' degree is classified as study-equivalent, please send an e-mail request to erasmus-mobilitaet[at]daad.de |
3. Social Top-Up for (self-)employed students
Students who were engaged in one or more jobs before starting their studies abroad are eligible to apply for this Social Top-Up.
The following conditions apply:
Period of employment: | Students must have been continuously employed or/and self-employed for 6 months up to 1 month before the start of their mobility (preparation period) to be eligible to apply for this top-up. |
NET earnings (min.): | min. 450 EUR |
NET earnings (max.): | max. 850 EUR |
Continuation of activity/s: | Another prerequisite for applying for this top-up is that the activity(ies) can NOT be continued during the stay abroad (mobile work, online work and paid leave also count as continuation). |
4. Social Top-Up for students with child(ren)
Students who travel abroad with their child/children to study can apply for this Social Top-Up. The prerequisite is that the child(ren) is/are taken along during the entire stay. The grant is awarded per family, regardless of the number of children. It is also possible to apply if a caregiver (partner) is travelling with you; double funding is not possible.
If the Social Top-Up grant of 250 euros/month is not enough to cover the costs incurred for the stay abroad with child/ren, students can submit a "long application" with the help of the International Office. This application requires the preparation of a detailed (additional) cost overview, on the basis of which additional funding can be approved.
The "long application" requires sufficient time in advance, so we ask students to seek advice early. You can find further information here.
5. Social Top-Up for students with disabilities or chronic illnesses
Students with a degree of disability (GdB) of 20 (or more) or a chronic illness who receive ERASMUS funding for studying abroad can apply for this Social Top-Up.
The basis for the classification of a disease as "chronic" is the definition of the German health ministry. The "List of Chronic Diseases of the Robert Koch Institut" may serve as an orientation.
If you do not have a proof of your disability/chronic illness at hand (e.g. disability pass or Diabetes emergency card), you can have your doctor issue a letter confirming that you have a chronic illness (it is not necessary to state which illness it is, only that it is chronic). The medical certificate must not be older than 6 months.
If particularly high additional costs arise due to your stay abroad, you can also apply for a so-called "long application" , which can cover up to 15,000 euros per semester, e.g. for an accompanying person. It is also possible to receive a grant for a preparatory trip to explore the local conditions.
The "long application" requires sufficient time in advance (at least 4 months before the start of the mobility). We ask students to seek advice early. You can find further information here.
Travel costs are subsidised on a flat-rate basis throughout Europe based on the straight-line distance between the point of departure and destination. The distance is determined by a European Commission instrument (distance calculator).
Straight-line distance | Standard travel | Green Travel |
10 bis 99 km | 28 EUR | 56 EUR |
100 bis 499 km | 211 EUR | 285 EUR |
500 bis 1.999 km | 309 EUR | 417 EUR |
2.000 bis 2.999 km | 395 EUR | 535 EUR |
3.000 bis 3.999 km | 580 EUR | 785 EUR |
4.000 bis 7.999 km | 1.188 EUR | 1.188 EUR |
8.000 or more km | 1.735 EUR | 1.735 EUR |
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