Reading is not only a form of learning, but also of experiencing - just like a stay abroad!
This year, the photo competition organized by the International Office of the Bauhaus-Universität Weimar will focus on places of knowledge, reading and learning - show us your favorite places during your stay abroad or in Weimar if you are an international student: libraries, universities, urban or landscape spaces ...
"READING THE WORLD | DIE WELT LESEN" - we are looking forward to photos under this motto, which, together with a complementary text, show the many facets of study stays abroad. All students of the Bauhaus-Universität Weimar who have completed a stay abroad/internship as part of their studies or who have come to Weimar from abroad to study can take part. A jury representing the various areas of the Bauhaus-Universität and consisting of representatives from the 4 faculties, the President's Office, University Communications, University Development and the International Office will select the winners. The works will be shown in an exhibition in the University Library. A public favorite will also be selected. Selected works will be presented in an annual calendar.
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