Inhaltliche Pflege und Bearbeitung von Themengebieten des Forschungs-Informations-Systems (FIS) des BMVI, Los 5: Sicherer und effizienter Verkehr durch Digitalisierung

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Maintenance of content and editing of topics of the Research-Information-Systems (FIS) of the BMVI, Lot 5: Safe and efficient traffic through digitalisation
Project description
Current scientific findings present an essential assistance for the preparation und implementation of decisions in politics, administration and economy. Thus, the Department of Transportation conceptualised the Research-Information-System (FIS, as an internet-based knowledge platform for the area of their department authority in collaboration with scientists. As an instrument of political advice, it is expected to establish the knowledge transfer from science and research to politics and planning. Scientific findings on selected, relevant topics with a connection to traffic are compressed in synthesis reports and thus, are accessible for politicians and policymakers, representatives from science and economy as well as students in a simple, clear form.
Within this scope, the Chair Transport System Planning is responsible for the section “Safe and efficient traffic through digitalisation” with topics such as “satellite navigation”, “traffic telematics” or “information and communication technologies in logistics”.
The existing synthesis reports as well as additional information will be maintained and updated regularly. Likewise, new synthesis reports on current topics will be entered into the system. In summer 2017 for example, relevant scientific findings on the topics “safety” and “security” of automated driving were collected and published.
Project partner - editing
Project sponsor
MOT Rhineland Consulting Ltd.
Funding body
Federal Ministry of Transportation and Digital Infrastructure (BMVI)
January 2016 – December 2018