
New publication in Advanced Engineering Informatics

In cooperation with the University of Nottingham, a new article on "Integrated parametric multi-level information and numerical modelling of mechanised tunnelling projects" has been published in the journal "Advanced Engineering Informatics".

New conference paper published

At the 26th EG-ICE in Leuven (Belgium) a new conference paper on "State of the Art in Damage Information Modeling for Bridges" was published.

ASCE I3CE 2019

Prof. Koch participated as the International Representative of the EC-ICE at the International ASCE Conference of Computing in Civil Engineering in Atlanta and met there the "inventor" of BIM, Prof. Charles M. Eastman.

BIM-Vortrag der DB Netz AG

Projektverantwortliche der DB Netz AG haben am 06.06.2019 das Infrastrukturprojekt "Ostkorridor Nord" im Rahmen der Vortragsreihe "einBlick" vorgestellt.

Vortrag zu "BIM auf der Schiene"

Der Lehrstuhl Intelligentes Technisches Design möchte Sie gerne zum Vortrag "BIM auf der Schiene" von Vertretern der DB Netz AG am Donnerstag, 06.06.2019 um 17:00 einladen.

Successful graduates

Also in the winter semester 2018/19, the chair for Intelligent Technical Design successfully supported students on their way to the thesis.

New article published

In cooperation with the University of Nottingham and the Ruhr-University Bochum, a new article on "Computationally Efficient Simulation in Urban Mechanized Tunneling Based on Multilevel BIM Models" has been published in the journal "Computing in Civil Engineering".