
Internal Ph.D. Colloquium

An internal Ph.D. colloquium was held on 15.10.2020 for the exchange between the scientific staff of the professorship.

Book: Basiswissen zu Auftraggeber-Informationsanforderungen (AIA)

Employer's information requirements are an important part of successful BIM projects. The book "Basiswissen zu Auftraggeber-Informationsanforderungen (AIA)" from buildingSMART's BIM Basics series discusses the fundamentals and practical guidelines on this topic.

Corona in the module "Simulation Methods in Engineering"

Many institutes and countries promote projects regarding the corona pandemic. We want to empower the students in this field as well. Hence, the module Simulation Methods in Engineering will be focussing on corona this semester.

Cooperation with Deutschen Bahn

In his master thesis, Juan Conzales Cavero has evaluated the parametric optimization of steel bridges. This work has been done in cooperation between the chair of Intelligent Technical Design and Deutsche Bahn Engineering & Consulting.

First online MSc defense

The corona crisis leads to new formats in teaching. Ms. Liselot Ramirez was the first student, which has defended her master thesis online via a video conference.