Damage Information Modeling

Bridge inspection and maintenance consume approximately between 40% and 50% of the life cycle costs. Current practices for inspection and maintenance rely either on paper based inspections or on abstract specialist software. Every application in the inspection and maintenance sector uses its own data model for structures, inspections, damages, and maintenance. Due to this, data and parameters have to be transferred manually or for every data exchange between two applications a converter is necessary. To overcome this issue, an adequate model standard for inspections, damages, and maintenance is necessary. The project aims to analyze current standards for inspection and maintenance and develop suitable information models for damage data, regarding multiple damage types.

Artus, Mathias; Mohamed Said Helmy Alabassy; Koch, Christian (2022). A BIM Based Framework for Damage Segmentation, Modeling, and Visualization Using IFC. In: Applied Sciences 12(6). doi: 10.3390/app12062772

Alabassy, Mohamed Said Helmy (2021). Automated Approach for Building Information Modelling of Crack Damages via Image Segmentation and Image-based 3D Reconstruction in 32. Forum Bauinformatik 2021. 9.-10.09.2021. Darmstadt, Germany. p. 123 - 130.

Artus, Mathias (2021). Modeling Physical Damage Information at Concrete Bridges Considering Time Aspects in 32. Forum Bauinformatik 2021. 9.-10.09.2021. Darmstadt, Germany. p. 150-156.

Artus, Mathias; Alabassy, Mohamed Said Helmy; Koch, Christian (2021). IFC based Framework for Generating, Modeling and Visualizing Spalling Defect Geometries. 28th International Workshop on Intelligent Computing in Engineering (p. 176-186). Date: 30.06. - 02.07.2021, Berlin, best paper award.

Artus, Mathias; Koch, Christian (2020). State of the art in damage information modeling for RC bridges – A literature review. Advanced Engineering Informatics 46.

Artus, Mathias; Koch, Christian (2020). Modeling Physical Damages Using the Industry Foundation Classes – A Software Evaluation. Proceedings of the 18th International Conference on Computing in Civil and Building Engineering.

Artus, Mathias; Koch, Christian (2020). Modeling Geometry and Semantics of Physical Damages using IFC. 27th International Workshop on Intelligent Computing in Engineering.


Artus, Mathias; Koch, Christian (2019). State of the Art in Damage Information Modeling for Bridges. In: Proc. of the 26th International Workshop on Intelligent Computing in Engineering Leuven, Belgium.