Skyscraper contexts. The highrise as an urban building type

Begleitseminar zum Projektmodule ‚Hardenberg Highrises‘ und ‚European Skyscraper Master Architektur, 2 SWS | 3 ECTS

Lehrender: Prof. Dr. Jörg Stabenow

The skyscraper, as an architectural object of huge dimension, has a natural tendency to isolate itself from its surroundings. In contrast, quite often attempts have been made to purposefully integrate the tall building into its urban context.

The seminar will discuss the building type ‘highrise’ with particular regard to the urban setting with which it communicates. Attention will be focused on the skyscraper’s capability to tie in with a given network of urban relations. How does the tall building affect, and how is it affected by, urban reality? Analysis will concern interactions as well as potential conflicts between highrise and the city.

Discussion will draw on paradigmatic design solutions – historic and contemporary –, on relevant positions of architectural theory, and on exemplary ‘skyscraper cities’ where tall buildings have gained particular urbanistic prominence. Each participant of the seminar is required to present a paper.

The seminar is addressed to participants of the iAAD Design Project ‘European Skyscraper IV’.


Auftaktseminar ist der 01.04.15

Opening:         Wednesday, April 1, 2015
Date:              wednesdays, 11:00 a.m.  – 12:30 p.m.
Place:              Marienstr. 7B, R. 206

Material des Seminars