Learning with objects is an important part of studies in many subject areas at the Bauhaus-Universität Weimar. In workshops, studios and workrooms, and during excursions, students develop subject-specific and interdisciplinary competencies when dealing with concrete objects. Throughout this process, these objects are provided in reality or in the virtual and in some cases, also transformed between these two spheres whether it is through digital modeling, augmented reality, scans or 3D printing.
Within the sub-project »Learning with Objects«, ten individual projects will be implemented that experimentally extend and map objects at the interface between real and virtual space in order to integrate them into virtual and hybrid learning environments. Within the selection of these projects, a participation of all fields of study will be considered. As a result, diverse forms and manifestations of the objects and equally diverse approaches to them will be made possible. This wide range and the resulting diversity of teaching and learning scenarios thus creates many points of contact for teachers at the Bauhaus University Weimar.
In 2022, the following five contributors developed and implemented their own concepts:
- Wahr-Nehmen Spaziergang in die Sinne // Collaborator: Makiko Nishikaze // Lecturer Film and Media Studies, Dr. Simon Frisch
- Decolonizing Eyes // Collaborator: Margarita Validvieso Beltrán // Chair of Photography, Prof. Dr. Birgit Wudtke
- Land.Kultur.Bildung. // Collaborator: Sandra Rücker // Professorship of Art and its Didactics, Prof. Dr. Andrea Dreyer
- Virtual Mechanik-Labor // Collaborator: Theresa Paskert // Institute of Structural Mechanics, PD Dr.-Ing. Volkmar Zabel
- Referenzraum // Staff member: Louis Oehler // Chair of Theory and History of Modern Architecture, Prof. Dr.-Ing. Jasper Cepl, Dr. Ulrike Kuch
In 2023, the following six contributors have started to develop and implement their own concepts:
- Konstruktion.Experiment.Digital. // Collaborator: Victor Vilceanu // Professorship Modeling and Simulation - Construction, Prof. Dr. Dipl.-Ing. Guido Morgenthal
- Immersive Architekturentwurfsbewertung in hybriden Settings // Collaborators: Olaf Kammler and René Weiser // Professorship of Computer Science in Architecture, Vertr.-Prof. Dr. Sven Schneider
- Modulare Leinwand. Eine haptische & virtuelle Plattform // Collaborator: Lucas Hübner // Professorship Crossmedial Moving Image, Prof. Jakob Hüfner
- Housing: An Archive // Collaborator: Galyna Sukhomud // Professorship European Cities and Urban Heritage, Jun.-Prof. Dr.-Ing. Daniela Zupan
- Digital-materielle Objekthaftigkeit: Neue Lehr- und Lernpotenziale durch kreative Mensch-Roboter Interaktion // Collaborator: Philipp Georg Enzmann // Professorship Theory and History of Design, Prof. Dr. Jan Willmann; Jun.-Professur Emerging Technologies and Design, Jun.-Prof. Dr. Thomas Pearce
- Talking Bodies // Collaborator: Lukas Hübner // Professorship Crossmedial Moving Image, Prof. Jörn Hintzer; Jun. Professorship Usability Research Group, Jun. Prof. Dr. Jan Ehlers
Makiko Nishkaze (Film- und Medienwissenschaft)

Lernraum.Bauhaus - Lernen am Objekt - Wahr-Nehmen Spaziergang in die Sinne
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Wahr-Nehmen Spaziergang in die Sinne
Our project is to combine forms of analog mediation with digital mediation. The digital platform is Conceptboard. As an interface to analog forms of representation, there is also a foldable booklet in paper format with QR codes. The goal is to expand the ordinary horizon of perception through this learning object.
There are three boards that are linked together: Perceiving Walk into the Senses as the main entrance, Texts and images and walking with sound. A walk into the senses describes a walk, both physically and mentally, that leads into the human senses and many of the exercises for conscious perception are collected as content: Hearing, seeing and more - with links to audio-visual examples, also instructions and texts. In this way, possibilities are offered at different levels to explore forms of perception actively and playfully with the reading of texts and exercises.
Theresa Paskert (Strukturmechanik)

Lernraum.Bauhaus - Lernen am Objekt - Virtuelles Mechanik-Labor
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Virtuelles Mechanik-Labor
As part of the research project "Lernraum.Bauhaus - Lernen am Objekt" a learning simulation was of a virtual mechanics laboratory was created to research the extent and limitations of physical mapping possibilities and learning successes through gamification. This "Serious Game" was constructed with the help of the game engine "Unity 3D". Real experiments are transferred into virtual space, resulting in a hybrid learning scenario. These experiments, where students usually only watch from a distance during teaching, are depicted in the virtual mechanics lab. Tasks and questions guide the players through the different experiments and encourage independent experimentation and research. This gives the players the opportunity to carry out physical processes from their own desks, at their own pace and observe them more closely when drawing conclusions from them. To ensure the learning process, a realistic representation of the physical process is important. The learning simulation offers a new perspective on the topics and consolidates the knowledge in a playful way. It can currently be used via a web application that can be accessed from any PC.
Louis Oehler (Theory and History of Modern Architecture)

Lernraum.Bauhaus - Lernen am Objekt - Referenzraum
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This subproject offers insights into learning architectural theory on the basis of student work. Because in the best case, most learning can be done in exchange with fellow students. This project will contribute to this and propose the development of the digital teaching and learning platform "Reference Space" for the subject of architecture.
References (usually exemplary buildings) lead a double life in architecture: As part of historical discourses and as a reference for a contemporary practice, they are an indispensable part of the writing and teaching of architectural history. For many students, references are considered the currency that allows them to enter a design process and also to be understood by teachers - making it all the more important for teachers to teach a critical approach to them. Each year, students research and reappraise nearly 100 buildings in architectural history. They develop an independent, critical perspective on the historical reference in the "Lecture Theory and History of Modern Architecture". Making this work visible to subsequent students and other courses, embedding it in discourse, and making it available for design processes is the goal of the "Reference Room." What we understand as architecture depends on the references we surround ourselves with. Thus, the "reference space" becomes a constantly updated reflection of what we read as architecture at our faculty.
Margarita Validvieso Beltrán (Photography)

Lernraum.Bauhaus - Lernen am Objekt - Decolonizing Eyes
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Decolonizing eyes is a hybrid educational platform that serves as an alternative and counterproposal to traditional learning environments. This platform is envisioned as a space where indigenous and decolonial knowledge are at the forefront of learning methods in the field of photography.
Topia.io is an interactive platform that combines various technological tools such as miro, canva, qr codes and augmented reality filters to create an immersive learning experience. It allows for the exploration of photography through different layers, enabling participants to contextualize, critique, and propose counter histories within the discipline. The goal of the proposed Topia space is to challenge students to deconstruct the normalized violence embedded in the photography industry and academia. It aims to foster critical thinking, self-reflection, and anti-racism training among students. The platform encourages students to problematize their own practices, reflect on biases and stereotypes, and strive to create allyship and sustainable practices within the field of photography. The space is envisioned as a collective community garden, inspired by urban garden projects found in many cities. This garden serves as a metaphor for cultivating discussions, questions, and exercises, as well as harvesting knowledge and reflections from participants. The space integrates aesthetics and cultural practices from the global majority, including those consolidated from the global south. Music, dance, photo exercises, and research tools are incorporated into the Topia space to create a rich and diverse learning environment.
Access to different areas and resources within the Topia space is determined by the progress of students in their decolonization practice. As students engage with the platform and demonstrate readiness, they gain access to more exercises, resources, and spaces within the virtual world. Overall, the proposed Topia space is an innovative and inclusive online platform that aims to revolutionize the way photography is taught and experienced. It provides a space for critical engagement, dialogue, and the exploration of diverse perspectives, challenging the dominant paradigms of visuality and promoting decolonial practices in the field of photography.
Workshop 22.11.2022

Different hybrid formats were tested in the Hybrid Learning Studio and the participants of the Learning with Objects project gave feedback on the current status of their research. Furthermore, the conclusion of the first phase of the project and the documentation of the results were discussed.
Workshop 29.9.2022

After the recent construction work, the hybrid learning studio was demonstrated for the first time to the participants of the Learning with Objects project. Together with the Bauhaus Learning Space team, they determined how the individual results of their investigations and teaching events could be implemented in hybrid settings using the available technologies and spatial possibilities.
Workshop 15.6.2022
The project participants set the requirements and references for the learning with objects project. Furthermore, decisions were made on how to present the individual project contributions for the summaery22 at the Bauhaus University Weimar.
Workshop 19.5.2022
Participating staff each presented the status of their subprojects, which was followed by a joint discussion on possible teaching methods, learning outcomes, technical support, and results. Work tools, routines, and communication platforms were also decided on.
Workshop 8.4.2022

The first learning with objects workshop on 8.4.2022.
The first five collaborators and supervising professors were able to meet and introduce themselves to the Lernraum.Bauhaus team and the university's development network. During the workshop, initial ideas and perspectives on what learning with object could mean were gathered.