
Published: 16 July 2020

Support by certified eTutor

Since 16.07.2020 we are supported by our certified eTutor Seenam Sabahat.

The lockdown forced us to advance the digital teaching. This has also resulted in an increased time and effort for the chair of Intelligent Technical Design to prepare lectures and seminars. To support this increased demand, the Bauhaus-Universität has provided money for eTutors. This enabled student assistants to attend further education courses in order to subsequently support teachers in digital teaching. We also gratefully accepted this offer. Ms. Seenam Sabahat has successfully completed the further education as an eTutor and now supports us in the area of digital teaching by creating tutorials for students, preparing information about moodle for teachers and assisting in developing new concepts and ideas for digital teaching. More information about the eTutor program can be found here.