- Head
- WG Acoustics
- WG Energy
- WG Indoor environment
- Postgraduate education
- Adjunct lecturers
- Student assistants
Prof. Dr.-Ing. Conrad Völker
Head of Chair
Coudraystrasse 11 a, room 110
phone: +49(0)36 43/58 47 00
fax: +49(0)36 43/58 43 26
Annett Schumacher
Coudraystrasse 11 a, room 110
phone: +49(0)36 43/58 47 01
fax: +49(0)36 43/58 47 02
Mario Schneeweiß
Technical assistant
Coudraystrasse 11 a, room 111
phone: +49(0)36 43/58 48 40
Dr.-Ing. Albert Vogel
Head of WG Acoustics
Coudraystrasse 11 a, room 106
phone: +49(0)36 43/58 47 06
Dipl.-Ing. Jörg Arnold
Coudraystrasse 11 a, room 114
phone: +49(0)36 43/58 48 25
Dr.-Ing. Najmeh Sadat Dokhanchi
Coudraystraße 11 a, room 106
phone: +49(0)36 43/58 44 59
M.Eng. Mara Geske
Head of WG Energy
Coudraystraße 13 a, room 005
phone: +49(0)36 43/58 34 39
Alexander Benz M.Sc.
Coudraystraße 13 a, room 005
phone: +49(0)36 43/58 48 35
Moritz Pollack M.Sc.
Coudraystrasse 13A, room 004
phone: +49(0)36 43/58 48 47
Jonas Schmelz M.Sc.
Coudraystrasse 13 a, room 005
phone: +49(0)36 43/58 48 42
Prof. Anja Willmann, MSc DipArch B.A.
External PhD Candidate
Coudraystrasse 11 a, room 106
phone: +49(0)36 43/58 49 06
Dr.-Ing. Hayder Alsaad, Assoc. AIA
Head of WG Indoor environment
Coudraystraße 13 b, room 107
phone: +49(0)36 43/58 47 44
Ihab Al-Rikabi M.Sc.
DAAD scholarship holder
Coudraystraße 11 a, room 113
phone: +49(0)36 43/58 4831
Lia Benetas M.Sc.
Coudraystraße 11 a, room 107
phone: +49(0)36 43/58 48 24
Project: schlieren methode (DFG)
Adrian G. Gebhard, M.Eng.
External PhD candidate
Fachhochschule Erfurt
Institut für bauwerksintegrierte Technologien
Altonaer Straße 25
99085 Erfurt
Amayu Wakoya Gena M.Arch.
Coudraystraße 11 a, room 107
phone: +49(0)36 43/58 48 34
Maria Hartmann M.Sc.
Coudraystrasse 13 b, room 107
phone: +49(0)36 43/58 48 49
Project: VertiKKA2
Dr. Payam Nejat
Coudraystrasse 11a, room 115.2
phone: +49(0)36 43/58 4832
Ammar Osman M.Sc.
Coudraystraße 11 a, room 115.2phone: +49(0)36 43/58 48 43ammar.osman@uni-weimar.de
Dipl.-Ing. Karin Gorges, M.A.
Head of postgraduate education eLBau/nuBau
Coudraystrasse 11 a, room 114
phone: +49(0)36 43/58 48 23
Dipl.-Ing. Jörg Arnold
Coudraystrasse 11 a, room 114
phone: +49(0)36 43/58 48 25