Research projects

News about research

Reallabor GrayToGreen: Dekarbonisierung durch Energieeffizienz und Kreislaufwirtschaft

In dem Forschungsprojekt „Reallabor GrayToGreen: Dekarbonisierung durch Energieeffizienz und Kreislaufwirtschaft“ werden die Langzeitauswirkungen einer multifunktionalen Grünfassade auf das Mikroklima, den Gebäudeenergiebedarf und die Grauwasserreinigungsleistung über mehrere Jahre gemessen und parallel dazu simuliert. Zur Optimierung des Reinigungssubstrats werden Recyclingrohstoffe hinsichtlich ihrer physikalischen Eigenschaften und Umweltfreundlichkeit untersucht. Somit werden Energieeinsparpotentiale ermittelt und die Material- und Wasserkreislaufwirtschaft gefördert.

Modeling the interaction between breathing jets and personalized ventilation jets for improved infection control in indoor spaces

Indoor environments play a critical role in maintaining the health and comfort of occupants, especially in places where people spend extended time in close proximity, like offices, classrooms, and airplanes. In such spaces, the risk of airborne transmission of pathogens in droplets and aerosols exhaled during regular breathing can be exacerbated by poor ventilation and inadequate air exchange.

SDG 11: Nachhaltige Städte und Gemeinden - Entwurfsprinzipien zum klimasensitiven Bauen

Das Verbundprojekt „Open T-Shape for Sustainable Development“ hat sich zum Ziel gesetzt, die Entwicklung von fachübergreifenden Handlungskompetenzen zur Erreichung der 17 UN-Nachhaltigkeitssziele (SDGs) zu fördern. Dies geschieht durch die Bereitstellung eines offenen Lernangebotes in Form eines digitalen SDG-Campus. An der Bauhaus-Universität Weimar wird im Rahmen dieses Projektes ein Selbstlernraum zum SDG 11 mit dem Thema Entwurfsprinzipien zum klimasensitiven Bauen konzipiert.

Erweiterung der Schlierenverfahren zur genaueren Messung infektiöser Atemluft und darin enthaltener Aerosole

An der Professur Bauphysik der Bauhaus-Universität Weimar wurden in den letzten Jahren zwei verschiedene bildgebende Schlierenverfahren, nämlich das optische Schlierenverfahren mit dem Schlierenspiegel sowie das Background-Oriented Schlieren (BOS) Verfahren aufgebaut und weiterentwickelt, um neuartige Forschungsvorhaben in dem weitläufigen Gebiet der Raumluftströmungen voranzutreiben.

Reducing infection risk in densely occupied spaces

There is a strong connection between particle contamination and health problems in the indoor environment. Therefore, indoor environmental control and proper ventilation systems are significant in mitigating infection risk in the indoor environment. Indoor air cleaning methods include filtering or purifying recirculated indoor air or filtering the air in an enclosed space. In-duct filters can only purify the air supplied to an enclosed space. Portable air purifier units, on the other hand, are placed close to the occupants, focusing on their microenvironment to reduce the transmission of infectious airborne aerosols.

OLE - Organization of Rural Energy Concepts

The Federal Ministry of Education and Research has approved the research project "OLE - Organization of Rural Energy Concepts", in which the Chair of Building Physics is involved together with several partners.

dataTRAIL: systemic and efficient data collection and processing of energetic building quality standards

"Trail²" - Joint project on energy system transformation in rural areas extended
Under the direction of the Chair of Building Physics, the successful project "Transformation in Rural Areas" (TRAIL) will continue until October 2022. The aim is to optimise the energy supply of small towns and villages with less than 10,000 inhabitants and to reduce energy costs with the help of a data-based online tool.

Measurement of Indoor Climate by Sound Field Analysis

In this project, the technique of acoustic travel-time tomography (ATOM) will be developed to obtain the non-invasive thermal distribution of a room with an ability of measuring a rapid change in temperature. Subsequently, the ATOM temperatures can be used as the input data for the thermal comfort analysis of an office.

Bauhaus2050: Energy efficient refurbishment of city quarters reducing CO2 emissions allowing for heritage listed building stock in Weimar

Future city quarter development in the discourse of energy efficiency and resource depletion requires further development of planning methodologies in terms of planning processes and instruments. The energy efficiency potential of large existing building stock will be analysed for building skin retrofit, energy supply systems updates and feasible synergies. By shifting the focus from the single building to the city quarter, the overall CO2 emission reduction of the cluster can be obtained.

Reasons and modeling of the heating of fatigue-stressed concrete samples

Cyclic mechanical stresses in concrete, as in other materials, lead to deformation and damage processes that lead to failure of the component or the test specimen. This failure state is caused even in stress states far below the material strength limit. This characteristic material behavior is collectively referred to as fatigue.