URA untersucht die Auswirkungen dynamischer Urbanisierungsprozesse auf die umliegenden ländlichen Regionen. Das Projekt "Urban-Rural Assembly" (URA) zielt darauf ab, ein besseres Verständnis für die Konstellationen zwischen Stadt und Land und deren gegenseitigen Abhängigkeiten zu entwickeln, die sich entlang Chinas großer Urbanisierungskorridore abzeichnen. Dabei wird die Problematik einer zunehmend polarisierten Raumentwicklung zwischen schnell wachsenden urbanen Verdichtungsräumen und ihren Hinterlandregionen, die sowohl für China als auch Deutschland eine wesentliche Herausforderung auf dem Weg zur nachhaltigen Raumentwicklung darstellt, thematisiert. Am Beispiel der Region Huangyan-Taizhou sollen Herausforderungen und Entwicklungspotentiale von "Hinterlandregionen" chinesischer Urbanisierungskorridore untersucht und Ansätze für ein strategisches und akteursorientiertes Transformationsmanagement, aufbauend auf der Stärkung nachhaltiger regionaler Wertschöpfungsketten entwickelt werden.
Das Projekt "Urban-Rural Assembly – Transformation zu nachhaltigen Stadt-Land-Ökonomien" wird gefördert vom Bundesministerium für Bildung und Forschung (BMBF) nach Förderrichtlinie "Nachhaltige Entwicklung urbaner Regionen". Nach einer Initiierungsphase von April 2019 bis September 2020 folgt ab Dezember 2020 bis Dezember 2024 die Hauptphase. In diesem Zeitraum werden erste entwickelte Maßnahmen und Instrumente umgesetzt und getestet.
Projektpartner auf deutscher Seite: Technische Universität Berlin (Projektleitung); Leibniz-Institut für ökologische Raumentwicklung; Bauhaus-Universität Weimar; ICLEI – Local Governments for Sustainability e. V., Bonn. Projektpartner auf chinesischer Seite: Tongji-Universität, Shanghai; Zhejiang Universität, Hangzhou; China Agricultural University, Peking; Zhejiang University of Technology, Hangzhou
Das von der Bauhaus Universität Weimar/Professur Landschaftsarchitektur-/planung geleitete Teilprojekt zielt dabei auf die Untersuchung räumlicher Veränderungsprozesse urban-ruraler Siedlungs- und Landschaftsstrukturen ab, um regionsspezifische Themenfelder einer landschaftsbasierten Siedlungsentwicklung aufdecken zu können.
WP4: Urban-Rural Landscapes & Spatial Typologies (Bauhaus-Universität Weimar)
The working package ‘Urban-Rural Landscapes and Spatial Typologies (WP4)’ aims to investigate spatial change processes of urban-rural settlement and landscape structures across the Huangyan-Taizhou region in order to reveal region-specific characteristics of landscape-based and water-sensitive settlement development. Therefore, the focus lies on the diverse network of relationships between settlement and landscape structures, aiming to capture the unique morphological character of urban-rural landscapes and outline transformation processes that are region-specific and relevant for sustainable future development paths. During the definition phase, WP4’s work includes 1) Cartographic interpretation of large-scale settlement-landscape relationships and change dynamics in the region at the macro level; 2) Cartographic description of prototypical water settlement structures on the meso level, naming associated relevant future topics of landscape-based and water-sensitive settlement development 3) In-depth cartographic analysis of an exemplary settlement type; and 4) Concept development of a GIS-based work and exchange strategy for R&D phase (in cooperation with WP5).
Fördersumme WP4: 59.148,37 Euro
The immense scale of urbanisation across China in recent years has demonstrated the inherent implications of uneven economic, social, and environmental development. As a result, it is vital to expand urban-oriented research and policy design towards fostering more efficient and socio-ecologically balanced transformation processes between large urban concentrations and their rural hinterlands. This is the starting point for the Sino-German research and development project 'Urban-Rural Assembly' (URA), which applies the vastly urbanising region of Huangyan-Taizhou in Zhejiang Province in China as a unique research laboratory and development environment.
Building on cooperations between leading academic and non-academic partners in the field of sustainable urban and regional transformation in Germany and China, URA creates an inter- and trans-disciplinary research approach aiming to: (1) build a multi-scalar understanding of trans-local urban-rural interdependencies and metabolisms at the urban-rural interface; (2) strengthen urban-rural linkages through developing and implementing community-driven pilot interventions that enhance resource efficiency and reinforce regional circular economies in the fields of cultural heritage, renewable resources and food security, tested in Local Transformation Laboratories (Reallabore); and (3) develop new strategic multi-level, multi-actor governance tools that enable local municipalities to manage urban-rural linkages towards a progressive regional model that builds on socio-ecologically inclusive and cooperative development approaches.
German Consortium: Technische Universität Berlin Habitat Unit (Projektleitung); TU Berlin Circular Economy, TU Berlin China Center; Bauhaus-Universität Weimar Landscape architecture and planning, Leibniz-Institut für ökologische Raumentwicklung;
Chinese Consortium: Tongji-Universität, Shanghai; Zhejiang Universität, Hangzhou; China Agricultural University, Peking; Shanghai University, Shanghai
Das Projekt kooperiert außerdem u.a. mit UN Habitat, der IBA Thüringen, Urban Catalysts GmbH, AEDES Architecture Forum
WP 4 - Urban-Rural Landscape Transformation: Decoding Spatial Typologies and Scenario Development:
The aim of WP 4 is to map, decode and interpret the transforming spatial-ecological relationships between water, settlement patterns and management structures in URLLs (micro scales) and validated through contextualisation in meso and macro scales. Morphological and natural spatial specificities and socio-ecological relationships form a series of landscape portraits of prototypical space-use-structures (agriculture, industry, nature reserve / wetland, cultural/natural heritage) facing specific transformation risks and offering specific potentials. Based on this analysis, the WP will develop possible sustainable development pathways for water-sensitive settlement and use structures to support URLL planning processes. The WP will identify typology-specific scenarios and support integrated scenario development in URLLs, exploring possible development paths for the sustainable use of water under extreme urbanization dynamics, water-settlement structures, socio-spatial use dynamics and programming options across diverse scales.
Lead: Bauhaus Universität Weimar (Department of Landscape Architecture and Planning, Prof. Dr. Sigrun Langner)
Partner: Zhejiang University (Landscape Architecture, Dr. Yuting Xie)
researcher: Dr. Maria Frölich-Kulik, Yulin Zhang
WP7 - Integrated, Participative Transformation Scenarios and Implementation Strategies:
Following a transdisciplinary, action-research-oriented methodology drawing specifically on strategic, participative and integrated visioning (Raumbild) processes developed in European contexts, WP 7 provide a framework for experimentation central for solution-development within URA. This experimentation is framed by the specific spatial and actor contexts of the three Urban-Rural Living Labs (URLLs). Site- and actor-specific transformation challenges and potentials will form the starting point for the development of new pathways toward inclusive, environmentally-sensitive and future-oriented transformation design. Here, URA consortium members will act as facilitators/ process moderators, embedded researchers and technical experts at the same time, engaged in a transdisciplinary partnership with local stakeholders (governmental and non-governmental). Visual-haptic scenario development will be a key tool to structure stakeholder workshops and define pathways toward sustainable actor-oriented development. Here, experienced subcontractors CACE and Urban Catalyst will provide crucial inputs. WP7 will also be key to define pilot interventions for the Implementation Phase with the involvement of German and Chinese practice partners (SMEs). To help contextualisation, broader reflection and scaling, WP7 will essentially contribute to the detailing of the subregional “Demonstration Belt” which will converge innovations across the region and URLL outcomes to form a public outdoor “exhibition parcour” and learning context, inspired by IBA Thuringia.
Co-Lead: Bauhaus Universität Weimar (Department of Landscape Architecture and Planning, Prof. Dr. Sigrun Langner)
Co-Lead:TU Berlin Habitat Unit (Prof. Dr. Philipp Misselwitz/ Prof Anke Hagemann)
researcher: Dr. Maria Frölich-Kulik (BUW), Lukas Pappert (TU Berlin)
Laufzeit: 2020-2024
Fördersumme WP4/7: 433.234, 22 Euro (TP4)
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