Symposium in Herrenhausen Palace, September 1-3, 2015
A project by STUDIO URBANE LANDSCHAFTEN funded by Volkswagen-Stiftung
Institut für Freiraumentwicklung, Leibniz-Universität Hannover
MSC Integrated Urbansim & Sustainable Design (IUSD), Uni Stuttgart
Landschaftsarchitektur/-planung, Bauhaus-Universität Weimar
RMIT University
The symposium "Let´s Walk Urban Landscapes" seeks to explore new pathways to develop and transform urban landscapes through innovative approaches in design research. The symposium aims to gather an international and interdisciplinary group of people who deal with urban landscapes and/ or new research approaches in their scholarly and practical design work.
The format of the symposium can be described as experimental, as on day two the core of the event will take place 'in the field'. All participants will actively be involved in exploring one of six different areas of Hanover´s urban landscapes through walking. Directly after returning to the Herrenhausen Palace, each participant will be asked to present their findings in a collective pop-up exhibition in the foyer of the palace. Hence, all participants become active contributors to the symposium integrating research and practice.
On day one people will be prepared for this specific way of exploring urban landscapes by introductory lectures and workshops on innovative design research methods, while the focus of day three will be on reflecting on the exhibition outcomes from different disciplinary perspectives. At its end, the symposium aims to provide proposals for new pathways for design research. In summary, the symposium tests a new design research approach linking experimental, intuitive and rational capacities by actively involving all participants in the creation of new knowledge.
The assumption is that 'teaching' people design research tools and methodologies and engaging them – physically, mentally, emotionally – in walking will allow them to become part of Hanover´s urban landscapes and thus unfold a creative process of understanding. This then will lead to fresh insights and questions and design ideas that contribute to both a collectively designed product (a meshwork of ideas) and reflections on future pathways in design research.
Dokumentation Konferenz let's walk von Studio Urbane Landschaften
Walking, Talking Landscapes. Scénographies Trouvées und inszenierte Landschaften.
öffentliche Abendveranstaltung im Rahmen der Konferenz mit Stefan Kaegi von Rimini Protokoll
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