These were the Building Physics Days 2019 in Weimar
The Bauhaus celebrates 100 years! Against this background, the 11th Building Physics Days took place in Weimar. About 140 experts from science and practice met at the Bauhaus University Weimar to confer and discuss current topics in building physics.
Under the scientific direction of Prof. Conrad Völker, Prof. Mark Jentsch and Dr.-Ing. Albert Vogel from the Bauhaus-Universität Weimar and Prof. Oliver Kornadt from the Technical University Kaiserslautern, ten sessions were held to encourage scientific exchange in the fields of thermal building physics, calculation methods for energy efficiency, moisture protection, comfort and room climate, building and room acoustics, energy supply, energy efficiency in existing buildings, renovation / building materials / fire protection and user behavior modeling in the context of building automation. At the beginning of the conference, interdisciplinary plenary lectures were presented, which introduced the extensive and complex field of building physics by means of hygrothermal research questions (Prof. Wolfgang Willems) and acoustic applications (Prof. Ercan Altinsoy, Dr.-Ing. Andreas Meier). After a welcoming address by the President of the Bauhaus University Weimar, Prof. Winfried Speitkamp, the event was divided into two parallel series of lectures. In addition to contributions from current research, representatives from practice presented exciting, highly topical contributions and concepts.
In between the technical presentations, there was always the opportunity to get in contact with representatives of the many exhibiting companies and to inform oneself about existing products and solutions. The first day of the conference was rounded off with an evening event in the mon ami cultural center with an entertaining interlude by a cabaret duo, a lavish buffet and lively discussions.
The second conference day began early in the morning with three parallel events for the first time. Until noon, interested conference participants had the opportunity to attend numerous lectures, ask questions in the discussion rounds and engage in expert debate. A short lunch break was followed by concluding plenary lectures dealing with the important topic of sustainability (Prof. Anton Maas) and the utilization of environmentally friendly raw materials (Prof. Mark Jentsch). The 11th Building Physics Days in Weimar ended with many new impressions and the responsibility of science and technology, including building physics, to make the energy turnaround sustainable.
Interested participants then had the opportunity to visit the Bauhaus Museum in Weimar, which opened in April 2019 as part of the Bauhaus anniversary celebrations.