Kick-off of the research project "smoodPlan"
The Federal Ministry of Education and Research is funding the joint project "smoodPlan" as part of the regional growth core initiative "smood - smart neighborhood". The aim is to establish a holistic system for district or urban energy management.
On Wednesday, June 19, 2019, the "smood - smart neighborhoods" project inaugurated at the Climate Pavilion in Jena. Seventeen companies, four research institutes and an association in the Central Thuringia region aim to plan and implement the energy-efficient renovation of neighborhoods to create liveable, efficient and environmentally friendly residential areas in the future.
Existing neighborhoods are converted by “smood” with a high level of self-sufficiency of renewable energy technologies. The experts at "smood" combine newly developed technologies for energy generation and storage with established techniques such as photovoltaics, solar thermal or geothermal energy to create an optimized system. The professorships of Building Physics (Prof. Dr. Conrad Völker), Modeling and Simulation - Construction (Prof. Dr. Guido Morgenthal) and Computer Vision in Engineering (Prof. Dr. Volker Rodehorst) at the Bauhaus University Weimar are working together on the project “smoodPLAN - Neighborhood-related Data Acquisition and Processing – ScanSim”. The three professorships are funded by the Federal Ministry of Education and Research (BMBF) with around 1.1 million Euro. The scientists contribute their expertise in innovative topics such as drone-based condition assessment and evaluation of buildings and the subsequent automatic image analysis. In addition, digital planning tools for building modelling and visualization are to be developed.
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