Name | Department | Phone |
M.Sc. Samir Chawdhury | Modelling and Simulation of Structures | 58 44 21 |
Dr.-Ing. Sharmistha Chowdhury | Stahl- und Hybridbau | 58 44 48 |
Name | Department | Phone |
Holger Dabbert | Versuchstechnische Einrichtung (VTE) | 58 48 70 |
Sven Daubert | Computer Vision in Engineering | 58 45 19 |
Marion David | Construction Materials | 58 46 88 |
Clemens Doleczik | Construction Materials | 58 48 36 |
M. Sc. Najmeh Sadat Dokhanchi | Building Physics | 58 44 59 |
Name | Department | Phone |
Dr.-Ing. Ralf Englert | Residential Water Management | 58 46 17 |
Dipl.-Ing. Merit Engels | Building Physics | 58 48 46 |
Dipl.-Ing. Doreen Erfurt | Construction Materials | 58 46 90 |
Name | Department | Phone |
M.Sc. Marco Fedior | Transport System Planning | 58 44 70 |
Martina Mellenthin Filardo | Construction Engineering and Management | 58 45 72 |
Dr.-Ing. Hans-Bertram Fischer | Construction Materials | 58 47 12 |
Dr.-Ing. Alexander Flohr | Building Chemistry and Polymer Materials | 58 47 28 |
Marko Friedel | Versuchstechnische Einrichtung (VTE) | 58 48 71 |
Franziska Fritsch | Computing in Civil Engineering | 58 42 15 |
Name | Department | Phone |
Dipl.-Ing. Jens Gebert | Technical Service | 58 48 88 |
Thomas Gebhardt | Computer Vision in Engineering | 58 45 76 |
Samuel Tesfaye Gebretensaye | Modelling and Simulation of Structures | 58 44 28 |
M. Sc. Amayu Wakoya Gena | Building Physics | 58 48 34 |
M.Eng. Mara Geske | Building Physics | 58 34 39 |
Dipl.-Ing. Colin Giebson | Construction Materials | 58 47 37 |
Dr.-Ing. Christian Golbs | Earthquake Damage Analysis Center (EDAC) | 58 45 74 |
M.A. Claudia Goldammer | Dean's Office | 58 44 15 |
Dr. rer. nat. Dipl.-Chem. Lothar Goretzki | Building Materials | 58 47 89 |
Dipl.-Ing. Karin Gorges | Building Physics | 58 48 23 |
Christine Guddack | Traffic Planning and Traffic Engineering and Steel Construction | 58 44 71 |
Prof. Dr. rer. nat. habil. Klaus Gürlebeck | Applied Mathematics | 58 42 74 |
Name | Department | Phone |
M.Sc. Stalin Patricio Ibañez Sánchez | Optimization and Stochastics | 58 42 20 |
Prof. Dr. rer.nat. habil. Reinhard Illge | Applied Mathematics | 58 42 91 |
Dipl.-Min. Annett Isserstedt-Trinke | Construction Materials | 58 47 31 |
Name | Department | Phone |
Dipl. Wi.-Ing. Klaus Jäkel | Infrastructure Economics and Management | 58 45 49 |
M.Sc. Zouhour Jaouadi | Structural Analysis and Component Strength | 58 41 15 |
Prof. Dr. Mark Jentsch | Energiesysteme | 58 46 32 |
Hennes Jentsch | Geotechnical Engineering | 58 45 57 |
Valerie Johne | Biotechnology in Resources Management | 58 46 36 |
Anton Jung | Management in the Built Environment | 58 43 82 |
Name | Department | Phone |
Prof. Dr. rer. nat. Tom Lahmer | Optimization and Stochastics | 58 45 06 |
Dipl.-Ing. Tobias Langhammer | Earthquake Damage Analysis Center (EDAC) | 58 45 87 |
Dr. rer. nat. Dmitrii Legatiuk | Applied Mathematics | 58 42 97 |
Dr.-Ing. Hansjörg Lehmkuhl | Solid Construction II | 58 30 79 |
Tom Lehmphul | Bauchemie und Polymere Werkstoffe | 58 47 14 |
Dr.-Ing. Elske Linß | Construction Materials | 58 46 10 |
Jorge David Lizarazu Garvizu | Optimization and Stochastics | |
Prof. Dr.-Ing. Jörg Londong | Residential Water Management | 58 46 15 |
Sven Lorenz | Caretaker | 58 22 67 |
Daniel Luckey | Computing in Civil Engineering | 58 42 17 |
Andrea Lück | Construction Economics | 58 46 72 |
Prof. Dr.-Ing. Horst-Michael Ludwig | Construction Materials | 58 47 61 |
Name | Department | Phone |
Mario Neugebauer | Construction Materials | 58 47 45 |
Vu Linh Nguyen | Construction Engineering and Management | 58 44 55 |
Dr.-Ing. Long Nguyen-Tuan | Building Materials | 58 47 65 |
Anne-Marie Nöthlich | Dean`s Office | 58 44 16 |
Anne-Marie Nöthlich | Modelling and Simulation of Structures | 58 44 17 |
Dr.-Ing. Saskia Nowak | Construction Materials | 58 47 35 |
Name | Department | Phone |
Anke Oehler | Water and the Environment und Bioengineering for Resource Recovery | 58 46 27 |
Prof. Dr.-Ing. Dipl.-Chem. Andrea Osburg | Building Chemistry and Polymer Materials | 58 47 13 |
M. Sc. Ammar Osman | Building Physics | 58 48 43 |
Name | Department | Phone |
Max Patzelt | Construction Materials | 58 47 32 |
Dipl.-Ing. Stephan Partschefeld | Building Chemistry | 58 47 94 |
Dipl.-Ing. (FH) Birgit Peisker | Construction Materials | 58 46 89 |
Prof. Dr.-Ing. Uwe Plank-Wiedenbeck | Transport System Planning | 58 44 72 |
Dr.-Ing. Andreas Plotzitza | Computational Mechanics | 58 45 03 |
M.Sc. Moritz Pollack | Building Physics | 58 48 47 |
M.Sc. Fabian Post | Transport System Planning | 58 44 67 |
Name | Department | Phone |
Dipl. Ing. Julius Uhlmann | Traffic Planning and Traffic Engineering | 58 44 57 |
Name | Department | Phone |
Dipl.-Ing. Jens Uwe Wagner | Computing in Civil Engineering | 58 42 33 |
Yvonne Wagner | Dean`s Office | 58 44 14 |
Tino Walther | Construction Engineering and Management | 58 43 87 |
Christian Walther | Stochastics and Optimization | 58 45 12 |
Dipl.-Ing(FH), MSc Jens Weber | Modelling and Simulation of Structures | |
Dr.-Ing. Wei Wang | Modelling and Simulation of structures | 58 44 42 |
Florian Wehking | Urban Water Management and Sanitation | 58 46 61 |
M.Sc. Lydia Weygoldt | Infrastructure Economics and Management | 58 43 85 |
Dr. rer. nat. Torben Wiegand | Building Chemistry and Polymer Materials | 58 47 30 |
M. Sc. Anja Willmann | Building Physics | 58 49 06 |
Dipl.-Ing. Björn Wittor | Steel Construction | 58 44 52 |
Dipl.-Ing. (FH) Gerd Wolf | Versuchstechnische Einrichtung (VTE) | 58 45 40 |
M. Sc. Mario Wolf | Urban Water Management and Sanitation | 58 46 18 |
M.Sc. Maximilian Wunsch | Transport System Planning | 58 48 22 |
Name | Department | Phone |
Dr.-Ing. Volkmar Zabel | Building Statics | 58 45 16 |
Christin Zacharias | Structural Mechanics | 58 45 09 |
Martin Zimmer | Technischer Service | 58 44 94 |
Etienne Zwanzig | Construction Materials | 58 48 37 |
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