Jun.-Prof. Dr. Sigrun Langner

(R)URBAN LANDSCAPES - as space of imagination, projection and action between the urban and the rural

Seminar, 3ECTS, M.Sc. EU,   M. Sc.Urb,   M. Arch.

Tue./Di.     11:00 bis 12:30
Belvederer Allee 5 - Seminarraum 007

start: 16.10.2018

The seminar is dealing with (r)urban landscapes as a multi-dimensional “Raumgeschehen” of ecological, social-cultural, socio-economic relations (Seggern 2012: 194). Landscape is understood as a relational structure, by going beyond dualisms such as urban-rural, city-country, natural-artificial.
Against this background the seminar is questioning why we have to develop a better understanding of diverse and complex urban-rural relationships within the design and planning disciplines. How landscape /urban design is searching for productive interrelations between the urban and the rural?
Methods and strategies of reading, re-interpretation and re-presentation of spatial relationships within landscape architecture will be investigated and reflected (with the main focus on explorative mapping strategies). Landscape based strategies of sustainable urban design will be discussed within that context.

Seggern, H. (2012), “Design as a crossover of research and practice”, in: Diedrich, Lisa/Moll, Claudia/Kandiee, Thierry (ed.),  In touch: landscape architecture in Europe Wageningen, 2012, 193-200.

Agrarian Urbanism
Landscape Urbanism
Ecological Urbanism
Water Urbanism
Interpretations and (Re)presentations of (r)urban Landscapes