Text and Steering Group

Steering Group

It prepared the application to the EU and brought together the results from the working groups. 

The Steering Group for the New European Bauhaus was composed as follows:


 Academic Staff

Technical and administrative staff


  • Emilia Fuchs, Faculty Architecture and Urbanism
  • Friederike Kamm, Faculty Architecture and Urbanism
  • Hermine Sprenger, Faculty Architecture and Urbanism

Text Group

In January 2022, the Bauhaus-Universität Weimar submitted its application for the New European Bauhaus. This was developed by the Text Group and coordinated with the Steering Group and the Working Groups.

Members were:

Prof. Dr. Jasper Cepl, Faculty Architecture and Urbanism
Dr. Tonia Schmitz, Faculty Civil Engineering
Prof. Dr. Jan Willmann, Faculty Art and Design
Dr. des. Franziska Klemstein, Faculty Media

Further support application

EU Advisor Dr. Susan Gniechwitz
Advisor "Establishment of European Partner Network" Eva Léchelle, M.A.

European and international partners

During the application process, the International Working Group, headed by the Vice President of the Bauhaus University Weimar, Prof. Dr. Jutta Emes, the Head of the Department for International Relations, Dr. Christian Kästner and the head of the research department, Dr. Kristina Schönherr, making these connections.