Working groups

Photo: Jens Hauspurg

Sustainability Working Group Faculty B&U

Sustainability is a central topic with high social relevance that is anchored in various areas of the Faculty of Civil and Environmental Engineering. In the working group, we are working on the creation of a catalog of measures at faculty level, which will emphasize the importance of sustainability and increase its visibility internally and -externally.

Innenansicht 2. Obergeschoss der Universitätsbibliothek. Foto: Marcus Glahn
Photo: Marcus Glahn

AG Sustainability of the University Library

Since 2022, the working group has been committed to making the UB and the Steubenstrasse site more sustainable, climate-resilient and greener. To this end, we are designing measures to save energy, protect birds in the vicinity of our buildings, improve the waste recycling system, ensure sustainable administration and portfolio development and improve thermal building insulation.

StuKo Sustainability Department

Das Referat Nachhaltigkeit widmet sich der Entwicklung und Umsetzung von Strategien zur Reduzierung oder Vermeidung klimaschädlicher Emissionen innerhalb der Studierendenschaft. Durch Workshops und Seminare bieten wir informative Veranstaltungen dazu. Darüber hinaus fungieren wir als Sprachrohr der Studierenden gegenüber der Universität in Fragen der Nachhaltigkeit.

Photo: Anton Brokow-Loga

AG Social-Ecological Spatial Research (SÖRF)

The SÖRF working group at the Institute of European Urban Studies is concerned with how politics, planning, urban development and civil society can contribute to a sustainable, just and democratic transformation.

Would you like to introduce and promote climate protection and sustainability measures at the Bauhaus-Universität with your colleagues? Get in touch, we will support you in this endeavour!
