
Spurred on by the increasing severity and urgency of the global environmental and climate crisis, the Bauhaus-Universität Weimar has decided to embark on a holistic transformation path that will lead to sustainable university operations in the medium to long term.

The objectives are summarized in the figure above and divided into three successive process phases (short-term - medium-term - long-term). In the current first phase, the sub-goals of establishing an innovation network, increasing system understanding and process transparency, and identifying transformation paths in university operations are being pursued. The second phase, which develops in parallel, is used to develop a sustainability strategy and to initiate and implement initial measures to support the transformation process. In the third and final phase, the university will adhere to the sustainability principles of ecological viability, social justice and economic efficiency and further develop and disseminate the implementation of these principles in university operations.

Sustainability Strategy

We are currently developing a sustainability strategy for Bauhaus-Universität Weimar in a participatory process to create a common understanding of sustainability and to further develop our university in a targeted manner by selecting effective measures. To this end, we apply the ‘Whole Institution Approach’ model by dividing the strategic goals and measures into 5 main areas: Governance, Campus, Teaching, Research and Transfer. 


Sustainable governance refers to the strategic integration of sustainability principles into the institution's governance structures and administrative processes. This includes the development of guidelines, decision-making processes, structures and procedures for assigning responsibilities and allocating resources such as time and money. The aim is to create an organisational culture that functions sustainably and beyond individuals in the long term.


Sustainability on campus encompasses the implementation of sustainability principles in the planning, construction and operation of buildings as well as in the management of infrastructure and procurement. In ongoing operations, for example, measures can be taken to reduce energy and water consumption, minimise waste and promote recycling. The aim is to create a sustainable campus that is both climate and environmentally friendly and improves the quality of life for students and staff.


Sustainability in teaching and studies means integrating sustainability principles into the design and organisation of courses. This includes the development of study programmes that address socio-ecological sustainability and enable students to work on sustainable solutions to global challenges. Teaching methods that promote sustainable thinking and action and interdisciplinary approaches such as practice-orientated learning are at the forefront. Both the content and the implementation of teaching are aimed at climate protection. The aim is to create an educational culture that prepares students for an active role in society.


Sustainability in research refers to the systematic integration of sustainability principles into research foci, methods and practices at the university. This means that research projects are geared towards working on solutions for socio-ecological challenges. In addition, emphasis is placed on interdisciplinary and international collaboration in order to address complex sustainability issues holistically. The aim is to enable research that delivers practice-orientated results in order to advance the socio-ecological transformation of society.


Sustainability in transfer means that knowledge and innovation are utilised in a targeted manner to bring sustainable solutions to society and the economy. This includes working with companies, public institutions and civil society to embed sustainable technologies, practices and ideas in practice. Partnerships are encouraged that maximise social and environmental benefits. The aim is to contribute to solving social problems through the transfer of knowledge and technology and to build long-term regional relationships on an equal footing.