
Graphic: netzwerk n

Netzwerk n is a non-profit association that uses nationwide projects to show ways in which students, doctoral candidates and young professionals can contribute to the sustainable development of their universities. Since January 2023, the Bauhaus-Universität Weimar has been part of the BMWK-funded project »Future Forum Climate-Friendly University« by supporting a total of seven German universities in the creation of a holistic climate protection concept for their institution. Information and the invitation to participate can be found on this website and via the StuKo's Sustainability Department (currently in progress).

Graphic: DG Hoch N

The German Society for Sustainability at Universities is a non-profit association that is committed to the sustainable development of universities in Germany. To this end, various events (hubs) are organized for almost all areas of higher education in which sustainability-related issues are discussed as closely as possible to their application. All hubs can be attended free of charge by all members of the Bauhaus-Universität. Hub dates and the invitation to participate can be found on this website and via the Sustainable Development Staff Unit.

Graphic: Bauhaus4EU

The Bauhaus-Universität Weimar is the consortium leader of the European University Alliance »BAUHAUS4EU - A European University for Resilient, Sustainable, Inclusive and Beautiful Regions«, an alliance that aims to contribute to sustainable and inclusive campus development at all 10 university locations of the project. The consortium covers a total of 9 European countries in 10 European regions and thus offers the opportunity for a rich, topic-related exchange of experience at international level, including local/regional challenges and solutions. More information on the Alliance and the Green and Inclusive Campus Task Force can be found on this website and via the Sustainable Development Staff Unit.



