As part of summaery2022 the best and most creativ works of the past academic year will be awarded. Here you can find more information about competitions, conditions of participation and award ceremonies.
This year, for the first time, University Communications is pleased to be able to financially support the exhibition activities of student projects for the annual »summaery« exhibition. The aim of this funding is to increase the visibility and quality of project presentations as part of the annual show. Funding will be provided for exhibitions and events by students of the university that are to be shown at the summaery2022 on campus, in the city of Weimar or online at A total of € 5,000 is available, the maximum funding amount for a project is € 1,000.
Requirements and conditions:
The granted amount will be awarded upon presentation of receipts and a short documentation of the project after the annual show. Costs for hospitality and accommodation as well as for travel and personnel are excluded from the funding. The funded projects agree to support University Communications in the context of public relations for summaery2022. There is no legal claim to funding. The legal process is excluded.
Submission of applications:
Please submit your applications online by midnight on 19 June 2022 using the following application form »» to the application.
Applications for funding will be reviewed by the University Communications of the Bauhaus-Universität Weimar. All applicants will be informed of the decision by e-mail by 27 June.2022 at the latest.
University Communications is looking forward to receiving numerous exciting project submissions.
Bauhaus-Universität Weimar
University Communications
Raika Nebelung
Amalienstraße 13
99423 Weimar
In the run-up to summaery2022, the Freundeskreis der Bauhaus-Universität Weimar e.V. is awarding funding to student projects. Funding is available for interdisciplinary projects by students from all faculties that are to be shown at summaery2022. The maximum amount of funding per project is 1,000 €. Up to 100% of the project costs will be covered.
Applications for funding will be reviewed by the members or the board of the Freundeskreis der Bauhaus-Universität Weimar e.V. A prerequisite for the review is the timely submission of an informal application for funding by 10 pm on 2 June 2022.
The application should include a meaningful project description and a rough cost estimate. Applications should be submitted as a PDF file by email to
All applicants will be informed of the decision by email within two weeks.
Payment and regulations:
The funding amount will be disbursed upon submission of receipts. The funded projects must be documented. The documentation is to be made available to the Freundeskreis der Bauhaus-Universität Weimar e.V. for publication. The money comes from the financial stock of the Freundeskreis. The use for this purpose has been decided by the General Assembly. There is no legal claim to funding. The legal process is excluded.
der Bauhaus-Universität Weimar e.V.
℅ Archive der Moderne
Bauhausstraße 7b
99423 Weimar
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