What are the Bauhaus.Module courses?

The Bauhaus.Module courses reinterpret and complement the courses offered by the Bauhaus-University Weimar with interdisciplinary and transdisciplinary events.learn more →
What are the Bauhaus.Module courses?

The Bauhaus.Module courses reinterpret and complement the courses offered by the Bauhaus-University Weimar with interdisciplinary and transdisciplinary events.learn more →
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Mechanik I - technische Mechanik - Übung

3 ECTSTraining seminarDE

Mechanik I - technische Mechanik - Übung

Responsible: PD Dr. Thomas Most (BU), Dr. Alexander Flohr (BU), Mina Diaa Shoukry Nageeb (BU), Thai Cuong Nguyen (BU) Examination: Klausur oder mündliche Prüfung

Übung zur Vorlesung: In der Vorlesung werden Grundlagen vermittelt, die Bestandteil der meisten ingenieurwissenschaftlichen Studiengänge sind. Für Studierende anderer Studiengänge öffnet die Teilnahme den Zugang zu ingenieurtechnischem Denken sowie zum Verstehen vielfältiger Systeme unserer technischen Umwelt. Mit diesem ingenieurtechnischen Grundverständnis ausgestattet erhöht sich die eigene Kommunikationskompetenz in der Zusammenarbeit mit Ingenieurinnen und Ingenieuren im beruflichen Umfeld.

The course is open to all Bachelor and Master students of the faculties of Architecture and Urbanism, Civil Engineering, Art and Design, and Media as part of the “Open Courses”. Before registering, please consult your academic advisor and clarify whether this course can be credited to your curriculum. If required, you can conclude a learning agreement (DE/EN) before the start of the course.

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Mobilität und Verkehr

3 ECTSLectureDE

Mobilität und Verkehr

Responsible: Prof. Dr. Plank-Wiedenbeck (BU), Maximilian Rünker (BU), Tina Feddersen (BU), Julius Uhlmann (BU)

Mit einem breiten thematischen Überblick und der Vermittlung elementarer Grundlagen bietet die Vorlesung einen ersten Einstieg in den Bereich Mobilität und Verkehr. Im Verlauf des Semesters werden dabei folgende Inhalte behandelt:

  • Verkehr und Umwelt: Herausforderungen und mögliche Lösungsansätze
  • Verkehrsmedien und Verkehrsmittel
  • Verkehrsplanungsprozesse, Netzgestaltung und Verkehrspolitik
  • Mobilitätsverhalten und Mobilitätsmanagement

The course is open to all Bachelor, Master and PhD students of the faculties of Architecture and Urbanism, Civil and Environmental Engineering, Art and Design, and Media as part of the "Open Courses". Before registering, please consult your academic advisor and clarify whether this course can be credited to your curriculum. If required, you can conclude a learning agreement (DE/EN) before the start of the course.

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Mechanik I - technische Mechanik - Vorlesung

6 ECTSLectureDE

Mechanik I - technische Mechanik - Vorlesung

Responsible: PD Dr. Thomas Most (BU)

In der Veranstaltung werden Grundlagen vermittelt, die Bestandteil der meisten ingenieurwissenschaftlichen Studiengänge sind. Für Studierende anderer Studiengänge öffnet die Teilnahme den Zugang zu ingenieurtechnischem Denken sowie zum Verstehen vielfältiger Systeme unserer technischen Umwelt. Mit diesem ingenieurtechnischen Grundverständnis ausgestattet erhöht sich die eigene Kommunikationskompetenz in der Zusammenarbeit mit Ingenieurinnen und Ingenieuren im beruflichen Umfeld.

The course is open to all Bachelor and Master students of the faculties of Architecture and Urbanism, Civil Engineering, Art and Design, and Media as part of the “Open Courses”. Before registering, please consult your academic advisor and clarify whether this course can be credited to your curriculum. If required, you can conclude a learning agreement (DE/EN) before the start of the course.

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Open Cases (practice-based research and project discussion)

6 ECTSSeminarEN

Open Cases (practice-based research and project discussion)

Responsible: Prof. Dr. Mona Mahall

The seminar invites participants from all fields to share and discuss their ongoing spatial and artistic ideas, material and media processes or (thesis) projects through collective feedback. Together we will develop our thinking and making around these "open cases", which we will consider through artistic research methods and situated spatial practices as well as through decentralized histories and critical approaches. In regular meetings and in a non-hierarchical structure with different and changing roles, we get to know and contextualize the projects and processes presented by the participants.

We understand knowledge production as reciprocal and intersubjective and thus question rigid binary distinctions between teachers and learners, producers and recipients as well as creation and critique. We encourage the active participation and contribution of all to reshape teaching/learning and shift perspectives –in a shared space for critical collaborative thinking, research and process-based action. Together we examine the blind spots of Western academia, its inclusions and exclusions, its systems of recognition and de-recognition.

Bachelor students please use this link

The course is open to all Master and PhD students of the faculties of Architecture and Urbanism, Civil and Environmental Engineering, Art and Design, and Media as part of the "open courses". Before registering, please consult your academic advisor and clarify whether this course can be credited to your curriculum. If required, you can conclude a learning agreement (DE/EN) before the start of the course.

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International Case Studies in Transportation

6 ECTSLectureEN

International Case Studies in Transportation

Responsible: Prof. Dr. Plank-Wiedenbeck (BU), Maximilian Rünker (BU), Tina Feddersen (BU), Julius Uhlmann (BU)

How do we adress issues of modern transport and mobility, such as its effect on the climate crisis, problems concerning an increasing opposition between rural and urban areas, or questions concerning migration and restriction? We believe that this can only be achieved by fusing expertise from different academic and professional fields. Thus, this course offers positions from a distinctly interdisciplinary position, combining transport and urban planning with media studies, media art and social studies. Furthermore, we hope to offer perspectives, which exceed the European context as well and present some examples which could considered as 'Best Practice'.

Thus, the course is sectioned into two parts: at first, students are asked to participate in an online overview offering an introduction into transport planning. Subsequently, an intermedial seminar will provide texts, sound pieces and audiovisual material dealing with transport and its implications.

The course is open to all Bachelor, Master and PhD students of the faculties of Architecture and Urbanism, Civil and Environmental Engineering, Art and Design, and Media as part of the "Open Courses". Before registering, please consult your academic advisor and clarify whether this course can be credited to your curriculum. If required, you can conclude a learning agreement (DE/EN) before the start of the course.

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Einführung in das Bauen im Bestand

4 ECTSLectureDE

Einführung in das Bauen im Bestand

Responsible: Henrik Hinterbrandner (BU)

The students know the essential building structures of historical and newer buildings and can characterize them and classify them according to construction period. They have knowledge of the individual components and component groups that can be assigned to the existing building and know their installation situations. They are also familiar with the essential construction materials of the existing building. In addition to recognizing historical traces and processing characteristics, students also have knowledge of earlier craftsmanship and manufacturing techniques for existing building materials, components and structures.

The course is open to all Bachelor, Master and PhD students of the faculties of Architecture and Urbanism, Civil and Environmental Engineering, Art and Design, and Media as part of the "Open Courses". Before registering, please consult your academic advisor and clarify whether this course can be credited to your curriculum. If required, you can conclude a learning agreement (DE/EN) before the start of the course.

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The Bauhaus, Weimar and Everything — On the History of the Weimar…

3 ECTSSeminarDE

The Bauhaus, Weimar and Everything — On the History of the Weimar Academy between 1860 and 1996

Responsible: Ronny Schüler (UE)

Die Bauhaus-Universität Weimar identifiziert sich seit der Umbenennung im Jahr 1996 explizit wenn auch kritisch mit der bedeutendsten Phase ihrer Geschichte: Das Staatliche Bauhaus Weimar existierte jedoch nur sechs Jahre — zwischen der Gründung im April 1919 und dem erzwungenen Umzug nach Dessau im April 1925. Angesichts dieser Fokussierung geraten mehr als 160 Jahren wechselvoller Geschichte zwischen Kaiserreich, Weimarer Republik, Drittem Reich und DDR aus dem Blickfeld. Und dennoch bestimmen Sie das Profil der heutigen Universität: Warum wurde an der als Kunstschule gegründeten Institution ein halbes Jahrhundert lang keine Kunst unterrichtet? Warum etablierte sich erst nach dem Weggang des berühmten Bauhauses eine ordentliche Architekturausbildung in Weimar? Und seit wann entwickelte sich das Ingenieurwesen zu einem wichtigen Faktor der Weimarer Hochschule.

Im Seminar »Das Bauhaus, Weimar und der ganze Rest …« wollen wir die Verflechtung der Hochschulgeschichte mit den politischen, sozialen und künstlerischen Umbrüchen seit 1860 beleuchten und dabei wichtige Entwicklungen, Personen und Werke in den Blick nehmen. Im Zentrum steht dabei die Frage: Welche Aufgabe weisen die verschiedenen politischen Systeme einer Kunst- und Gestaltungshochschule zu und welche personellen und konzeptionellen Akzente resultieren daraus? Das Seminar lädt interessierte Studierende aller Fakultäten und Studiengänge dazu ein, die einzigartige Geschichte unserer Hochschule gemeinsam zu erkunden und sie in der kulturellen Landschaft Thüringens zu lokalisieren.

The course is open to all Bachelor and Master students of the faculties of Architecture and Urbanism, Civil Engineering, Art and Design, and Media as part of the "Academic Bauhaus.Modules". Before registering, please consult your academic advisor and clarify whether this course can be credited to your curriculum. If required, you can conclude a learning agreement (DE/EN) before the start of the course.

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Freiraum.Pavillon 3.0 – Vom Fragment zum Stadtmodul


Freiraum.Pavillon 3.0 – Vom Fragment zum Stadtmodul

Responsible: Nikolas Peschel (stud. Ma AU), Theresa Buchberger (stud. Ba AU), Mentoring: Prof. Dr. Dorothee Rummel (AU)

Would you like to help design what is probably the university's most iconic wooden structure? After a long back and forth, the Freiraum.Pavillon is now akind of flying carpet: in summer it provides shade at the Atelier, in winter Glühwein at the M18 and - in any case - music on campus and in the city all year round. This often recycled construction is now to be joined by a new generation: A new generation of modules that can be flexibly arranged, a new generation of ideas, a new generation of enthusiastic people! We will focus in particular on more coworking, re-use and recycling as well as self-sufficient energy supply using an existing solar system, so we will build a lot - but also celebrate a lot and take part in the Winterwerkschau at the end. Craftsmanship meets event management and (graphic) design - we are open to all faculties and backgrounds. The common thread of the module will also always be a joint exchange about the current state of the Pavillon and its future with the university's various stakeholders.

The course is conducted as a "Students' Bauhaus.Module" by Nikolas Peschel (stud. Ma AU) and Theresa Buchberger (stud. Ba AU). The mentorship lies with Prof. Dr. Dorothee Rummel (AU).

The course is open to all Bachelor and Master students of the faculties of Architecture and Urbanism, Civil Engineering, Art and Design, and Media. Before registering, please consult your academic advisor and clarify whether this course can be credited to your curriculum. If required, you can conclude a learning agreement (DE/EN)) before the start of the course.

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Onion Dine-Investigations

6 ECTSSeminarEN

Onion Dine-Investigations

Responsible: Kitman Pik Chee Yeung (stud. MA KG), Lalicha Lalitsasivimol (stud. MA KG), Tsz Chung So (stud. Ba AU), Mentoring: Prof. Dr. Mona Mahall (AU)

This course acknowledges the social and sensual engagement of food in contemporary artistic and social practices, from the late 60s of Eat-Art to the 80s of relational aesthetics. Beyond the hospitality of food, this course critically examines ecological assemblages. We will begin with logistics and migratory histories of ingredients, specifically focusing on the onion. By analyzing restaurants as public interfaces representing international cuisines, students will develop skills to examine the fetishized decorative layer of commodified images. Decolonial discussions will encourage reflections on the touristic situation of the cultural and historical context of Weimar, an East German heritage city, and how international restaurants represent themselves as far-east utopias.

Class discussions will cover the artistic and social history of multimedia culinary happenings, using food as a medium for social and political reflection. Practical collaborative activities will include building portable gardens, composting, and grafting designs to consider permaculture philosophies and beyond-soil relationships. Spatial design fieldwork exercises will equip students with an understanding of architectural choices, customer demographics, market research, and communicative experiences from local surveys and interviews. We will utilize sensory experiences of food in artistic practices, culminating in a collaborative dine-in happening.

The course is conducted as a "students' Bauhaus.Module" by Kitman Pik Chee Yeung (stud. MA KG), Lalicha Lalitsasivimol (stud. MA KG) and Tsz Chung So (stud. Ba AU). The mentorship lies with Prof. Dr. Mona Mahall (AU).

The course is open to all Bachelor and Master students of the faculties of Architecture and Urbanism, Civil Engineering, Art and Design, and Media. Before registering, please consult your academic advisor and clarify whether this course can be credited to your curriculum. If required, you can conclude a learning agreement (DE/EN) before the start of the course.

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Digital Vision Communication: Website Concept & Design

6 ECTSConstruction moduleDE

Digital Vision Communication: Website Concept & Design

Responsible: Prof. Dr. Reinhard Kunz (M), Jun.-Prof. Dr. Jürgen Rösch (M), Maxi-Josephine Rauch

With students from all faculties, we create an interdisciplinary, hands-on environment to develop strategies and communication measures for an innovative study program presentation at Bauhaus-Universität Weimar. The goal is to design a website, focusing on concept and design. Together, we define the project's vision and mission and identify the underlying values.

The course offers the chance to use and expand creative skills in a project setting. It covers concepts to develop a website from the initial idea to the prototype:

  • Entrepreneurship: Design Sprint, creativity techniques
  • Marketing Management & Branding: Target group analysis, identity, image, communication strategies
  • Media Research: Primary data collection (alumni, employers), secondary data analysis (competitive analysis, social media)
  • Project Management
  • Prototyping: Website design, wireframes, AI tools

The course has a clearly defined client providing framework, goals, and background information. Experts share insights, tips, and practical knowledge. Students will understand, question, and meet goals and requirements using various methods. They are supported by instructors through guidance and coaching. The result is a completed website that communicates vision and mission and enhances active communication with the target audience.

The course is open to all Bachelor, Master, and PhD students of the faculties of Architecture and Urbanism, Civil and Environmental Engineering, Art and Design, and Media as part of the "Open Courses". Before registering, please consult your academic advisor and clarify whether this course can be credited to your curriculum. If required, you can conclude a learning agreement (DE/EN) before the start of the course.

Smart and functional engineering materials

6 ECTSLectureDE

Smart and functional engineering materials

Responsible: Jun.-Prof. Dr. Luise Göbel (BU), Dr. Torben Wiegand (BU)

Ziel: Die Studierenden lernen die Eigenschaften neuartiger und intelligenter Materialien im Bauwesen kennen. Anhand anschaulicher Beispiele wird es ermöglicht, die Grenzen ihres Einsatzes im Bauwesen einzuordnen. Die Zusammenhänge zwischen dem Aufbau und dem Verhalten der Materialien zu verstehen, ist hierfür erforderlich und wird sukzessive erarbeitet. Dies soll die Grundlage für eine spätere Anwendung der innovativen Materialien in vielfältigen Gestaltungsformen darstellen.

Lehrinhalte/Schwerpunkte: Es werden mögliche Anwendungen neuartiger, intelligenter und innovativer Materialien mit ungewöhnlichen Eigenschaften und erweiterter Funktionalität beschrieben und neue Form- und Designmöglichkeiten eröffnet. Hierzu zählen (Auswahl):

selbstheilender Beton und selbstheilende Beschichtungen, intelligente Gläser, transparenter Beton, Oberflächen zum Schadstoffabbau, Textilbeton, (transluzente) Aerogele, CO2-reduzierter Beton, Meta-Beton, Holz-Beton-Verbundbauweise

The course is open to all Bachelor, Master and PhD students of the faculties of Architecture and Urbanism, Civil and Environmental Engineering as well as Art and Design as part of the “Academic Bauhaus.Modules”. Before registering, please consult your academic advisor and clarify whether this course can be credited to your curriculum. If required, you can conclude a learning agreement (DE/EN) before the start of the course.

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GDR cultural centers vs. Treuhand—the (almost) forgotten salons of the…

3 ECTSSeminarDE

GDR cultural centers vs. Treuhand—the (almost) forgotten salons of the socialists. What happened to them in Thuringia after 1990 and what role did the Treuhand policy play?

Responsible: Jonas Böttger (stud. Ma AU), Mia Wolfrum (stud. MA AU), Mentoring: Victoria Elisabeth Grau (AU)

The reappraisal of the Treuhand policy has been on the political and social agenda since the “Treuhand in Thuringia” parliamentary committee of inquiry was introduced in mid-2022 at the latest. The committee of inquiry focuses in particular on the privatization of state-owned enterprises (VEB). It is becoming increasingly clear how this Treuhand policy accelerated the destruction of industry and the economy in Thuringia. However, the liquidation was not limited to businesses; places that shaped the community such as vacation homes, large restaurants and GDR cultural institutions were not spared either. The lack of capital in former socialist East Germany led to predominantly West German and international investors also acquiring these buildings for speculative purposes.

In the seminar, we want to shed light on the often overlooked history of these community-defining places in the context of the Treuhand policy. Our focus is on the typology of GDR cultural institutions, which were cultural centers for theater, music evenings and lecture series. What was the cultural policy idea behind the GDR cultural centers? Why are many of them empty today? And what influence did the Treuhand have? Using methods of critical spatial and urban research, the participants will approach the history of selected GDR cultural institutions in Thuringia. The results will be presented in an exhibition.

The course is conducted as a "Students' Bauhaus.Module" by Jonas Böttger (stud. Ma AU) and Mia Wolfrum (stud. MA AU). The mentorship lies with Victoria Grau (AU).

The course is open to all Bachelor and Master students of the faculties of Architecture and Urbanism, Civil and Environmental Engineering, Art and Design, and Media. Before registering, please consult your academic advisor and clarify whether this course can be credited to your curriculum. If required, you can conclude a learning agreement (DE/EN) before the start of the course.

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TRASH. Reinventing Worthy Art

6 ECTSSingle moduleEN

TRASH. Reinventing Worthy Art

Responsible: Nadja Sühnel (stud. MA KG), Mentoring: Prof. Jana Gunstheimer (KG)

High or low culture, canon or underground, worthy or irrelevant art: The university continues to be an integral part of the actors that teach us to understand and value some things as more valuable than others. It is time to get to the bottom of these rating mechanisms! With several practical exercises for enthusiastic trash artists from all disciplines, the seminar explores the grey areas of good taste, the difference between trash and camp, between noise and Krach, the similarities between Alexander Marcus and Sophia Süßmilch, the Literary Quartet or Temptation Island. The class will endeavour to visualise and redefine art that is valuable to us and find the courage to playfully serve or subvert the mainstream, as the case may be.

In three blocks we work us through a repetitive structure of theory, individual practice (production of own micro-works in given time frames) & group feedback regarding the following impulses:


We study art that approaches masses and define common signs of “mainstream” culture and reflect on our relationships to pop culture and different reception behaviours.


We figure out our own boundaries of good taste, explore our incorporated expectations, habits, the ability to be surprised and go beyond evaluation.


We study different strategies of the productive breaking with agreements that structure the rooms art is showed & exhibited in.

The course is conducted as a "Students' Bauhaus.Module" by Nadja Sühnel (stud. MA KG). The mentorship lies with Prof. Jana Gunstheimer (KG).

The course is open to all Bachelor, Master and PhD students of the faculties of Architecture and Urbanism, Civil and Environmental Engineering, Art and Design, and Media. Before registering, please consult your academic advisor and clarify whether this course can be credited to your curriculum. If required, you can conclude a learning agreement (DE/EN) before the start of the course.

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Scientific working: Research, Writing, Presentation

3 ECTSSeminarDE

Scientific working: Research, Writing, Presentation

Responsible: Dr. Franziska Matthes (BRS), Dana Horch (UB), Larissa Barth (UE), Prof. Dr. Daniel Spiegel (AU)

Throughout the semester, this course will guide students through the various stages of academic research. Topics covered include research strategies, literature management, citation styles, writing techniques, and presenting results. The weekly sessions take place online and are supplemented by self-study materials and assignments in the Moodle room. This course aims to improve your academic research and writing skills.

The course is open to students from all disciplines and semesters as part of the Bauhaus.Module program. It is possible to complete the course with a grade or certificate worth 3 ECTS (2SWS) or attend it facultatively. Additionally, doctoral students from any faculty are welcome to participate in this course. The course will be held in German, but questions can also be answered in English.

If you have questions regarding the course, please feel free to contact Dana Horch (dana.horch@uni-weimar.de).

The course is open to all Bachelor, Master and PhD students of the faculties of Architecture and Urbanism, Civil and Environmental Engineering, Art and Design, and Media as part of the “Academic Bauhaus.Modules”. Before registering, please consult your academic advisor and clarify whether this course can be credited to your curriculum. If required, you can conclude a learning agreement (DE/EN) before the start of the course.

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Moonshot für Autodidakten

6 ECTSSingle moduleDE

Moonshot für Autodidakten

Responsible: Prof. Jörn Hintzer (KG)

On the way from the idea to the finished project, it is often one's own high standards that lead to some undertakings becoming mediocre in the university context. In this course, we will celebrate the joy of fearless, autodidactic work and also experience techniques of improvisation and playing with random systems. The course is led by Mathias Max Hermann - actor, author, and jack-of-all-trades. Supported by Prof. Jörn Hintzer, two results-oriented workshops will take place, in which participants will also test and use AI film applications under the guidance of a student assistant.

Students should learn that it's not only important to THINK big but also to put ideas into action. Only then can vision and action come into a lively relationship. The course aims to make students sustainably aware that good projects emerge precisely in the gap between ambition and reality. Doubts are to be embraced. In the end, a filmic result is created. The formal blueprint is the neo-genre of the AI-supported mockumentary.

For more information about Mathias Max Hermann:

The course is open to all Bachelor, Master and PhD students of the faculties of Architecture and Urbanism, Civil and Environmental Engineering, Art and Design, and Media as part of the "Open Courses". Before registering, please consult your academic advisor and clarify whether this course can be credited to your curriculum. If required, you can conclude a learning agreement (DE/EN) before the start of the course.

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Die UN-Nachhaltigkeitsziele in der Praxis

3 ECTSSeminarDE

Die UN-Nachhaltigkeitsziele in der Praxis

Responsible: Dr. Nicole Baron (UE)

Die Vereinten Nationen haben 2015 die „Ziele für nachhaltige Entwicklung“ (Sustainable Development Goals, SDGs) verabschiedet. Zu den 17 Zielen gehören unter anderem die Beendigung von Armut und Ungleichheit sowie Bildung für alle und nachhaltige Städte. Im Projekt „SDG-Campus“ (https://sdg-campus.de/) entwickeln acht deutsche Universitäten hochschulübergreifende Lernangebote, um die Nachhaltigkeitskompetenz ihrer Studierenden zu stärken.

Das Bauhaus.Modul bietet Ihnen die Möglichkeit, sich mit den UN-Nachhaltigkeitszielen vertraut zu machen und ein vertieftes Verständnis für ein selbst gewähltes SDG zu entwickeln.

Das Modul besteht aus einem Online-Termin sowie der Teilnahme an den Selbstlernangeboten des „SDG-Campus“. Das Modul beginnt mit einer Auftaktveranstaltung. Danach nehmen Sie in ihrem eigenen Tempo am Einführungskurs (1 ECTS) sowie an einem selbst gewählten Grundlagenkurs (2 ECTS) des „SDG-Campus“ teil. Zusätzlich gibt es regelmäßige Online-Sprechstunden.

Die Veranstaltung steht im Rahmen der »Akademischen Bauhaus.Module« allen Bachelorstudierenden der Fakultäten Architektur und Urbanistik, Bau- und Umweltingenieurwissenschaften, Kunst und Gestaltung sowie Medien offen. Bitte halten Sie vor der Anmeldung Rücksprache mit Ihrer Fachstudienberatung und klären Sie, ob diese Veranstaltung in ihrem Curriculum anerkannt werden kann. Bei Bedarf schließen Sie vor Veranstaltungsbeginn ein Learning Agreement (DE/EN) ab.

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Subjective En(queer)ies – Embodied otherness in film & creative…

3 ECTSSeminarEN

Subjective En(queer)ies – Embodied otherness in film & creative writing

Responsible: David Alvarez Galvis (stud. PhD M), Yuen Yi Wong (stud. Ma M), Mentoring: Prof. Dr. Christiane Voss (M)

On this course students will learn about the different ways in which cinematic art forms (including not only film, but also video games and other interactive media) and creative writing can represent subjectivity and otherness, with an emphasis on attempts at representing of the inner life of queer, neurodiverse, non-human and other contested and underrepresented forms of embodied experience.

During the module we will discuss different approaches to the artistic description of lived experience and students will be asked to produce narrative texts assuming different points of view (or even different identities), as well as a short essay film where they will be challenged to conceive different creative strategies for representing the subjectivity of someone who is an “other“ to them.

The course is divided into theory and practice-oriented sessions where films and other media will be discussed in detail. These discussions are intended to bring awareness about the ways in which cinematic resources and creative writing strategies can be used to reveal different aspects of subjective experience.

This module is an invitation to anyone who might feel curious about life experiences different from their own to question their assumptions and, at the very least, try to look at them from a fresh perspective by momentarily embodying aspects of these experiences that they find particularly interesting, distressing, exciting, puzzling (and more!), through creative writing and filmmaking.

The course is conducted as a "Students' Bauhaus.Module" by David Alvarez Galvis (stud. PhD M) and Yuen Yi Wong (stud. Ma M). The mentorship lies with Prof. Dr. Christiane Voss (M).

The course is open to all Bachelor, Master and PhD students of the faculties of Architecture and Urbanism, Civil and Environmental Engineering, Art and Design, and Media. Before registering, please consult your academic advisor and clarify whether this course can be credited to your curriculum. If required, you can conclude a learning agreement (DE/EN) before the start of the course.

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Wohnungsfrage und Klimakrise

3 ECTSSeminarDE

Wohnungsfrage und Klimakrise

Responsible: Anton Brokow-Loga (AU)

Housing is scarce, and many tenants fear being pushed out, impoverished or homeless due to rapidly rising housing costs. Current strategies to tackle this housing crisis rely heavily on new construction, which consumes enormous amounts of energy, resources and space. Although the German Ministry of Construction's target of 400,000 new homes per year will not be achieved, the climate targets in the building sector will also be missed by a wide margin. This is where around 30% of Germany's CO2 emissions are generated. The housing and climate crises are closely linked and are coming to a head at the same time. This undoubtedly holds enormous explosive power.

There are still few comprehensive studies on the interaction between the urgent housing issue and the escalating climate crisis - let alone recognized social solutions. Ecological housing provision has only been addressed in rudimentary form in previous research, but also in politics, administration and social movements, so there are currently far more questions than answers.

In the Housing and Climate Crisis seminar, we will look at the interaction between the pressing housing issue and the escalating climate crisis. To this end, we will examine current social conditions in the field of housing policy, learn the basics of tenancy law and building policy and look for planning options. Together, we will address the question of how a social and ecological transformation of housing policy can succeed.

Master students please use this link.

The course is open to all Bachelor and Master students of the faculties of Architecture and Urbanism, Civil and Environmental Engineering, Art and Design, and Media as part of the "Open Courses". Before registering, please consult your academic advisor and clarify whether this course can be credited to your curriculum. If required, you can conclude a learning agreement (DE/EN) before the start of the course.

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stucco radicale


stucco radicale

Responsible: Hanna Steckl (stud. Ba AU), Franka Maria Fetzer (stud. Ma AU), Mentoring: Florian Hesselbarth (KG)

We make stucco together!

Stucco has been an artistic decoration since ancient times. In the Baroque and Rococo periods, it adorned walls, ceilings and facades and symbolized wealth and power. After the period of stucco removal, the reconstruction of stucco elements today is often a sign of gentrification, because stucco is trendy, renovated stucco is upgraded and prices are rising. However, the trend towards reconstruction is also propagated by conservatives and right-wingers in the sense of identity politics. Can stucco also be adapted in a contemporary way? What happens if we combine stucco with modern techniques such as 3D printing and reinterpret it artistically? Together we will produce, appropriate and queer stucco!

We will use the synergies of various disciplines and external experts. For the design phase, we will learn from the disciplines of heritage conservation and art & design. For the implementation, we get help from the B Faculty. External experts support us in the use of new technologies, recycled materials as an alternative to plaster and socio-critical artistic considerations. This interdisciplinary approach should help us to look at the subject of stucco from a social, historical and structural perspective and to reinterpret it artistically.

The course is conducted as a „Students' Bauhaus.Module" by Hanna Steckl (stud. Ba AU) and Franke Fetzer (stud. Ma AU). The mentorship lies with Florian Hesselbarth (KG).

The course is open to all Bachelor and Master students of the faculties of Architecture and Urbanism, Civil and Environmental Engineering, Art and Design, and Media. Before registering, please consult your academic advisor and clarify whether this course can be credited to your curriculum. If required, you can conclude a learning agreement (DE/EN) before the start of the course.

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neudeli Fellowship: Start your entrepreneurial journey!


neudeli Fellowship: Start your entrepreneurial journey!

Responsible: Josephine Zorn (neudeli), Dr. Charlene Wündsch (neudeli)

You have an innovative, creative or social business idea and need support, money and time to develop and implement it? You like to expand your network and exchange ideas with other people interested in starting a business? With the six-month startup programme “neudeli Fellowship”, the Gründerwerkstatt neudeli enables you to advance your idea within a Bauhaus.Modul!

The participation in the Bauhaus.Modul “neudeli Fellowship: Start your entrepreneurial journey!" requires successful application and admission to the startup program neudeli Fellowship. The application deadline is September 29th. You can find all information about the neudeli Fellowship and how to apply at: www.uni-weimar.de/neudeli/fellowship

The course is open to all Bachelor, Master and PhD students of the faculties of Architecture and Urbanism, Civil and Environmental Engineering, Art and Design, and Media as part of the “Academic Bauhaus.Modules”. Before registering, please consult your academic advisor and clarify whether this course can be credited to your curriculum. If required, you can conclude a learning agreement (DE/EN) before the start of the course.

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Bauhausfilm Kino Klub

6 ECTSSingle moduleDEEN

Bauhausfilm Kino Klub

Responsible: Prof. Wolfgang Kissel (KG), Prof. Jörn Hintzer (KG), Prof. Jakob Hüfner (KG), Nele Seifert (KG), Ana Vallejo (KG), Polina Horošina (KG)

The "Bauhausfilm Kino Klub" shows documentary, fictional and animated films every week. These can be film classics or current productions. The films are accompanied either by discussions between teachers and participants or by workshop talks with the filmmakers of the films.

The course gives participants an artistic and practical insight into the rich world of film history and the sometimes adventurous world of production.

The Kino Klub is open to everyone. Students who create a short video essay about one of the films at the end of the semester receive 6 credits.

The course is open to all Bachelor, Master and PhD students of the faculties of Architecture and Urbanism, Civil and Environmental Engineering, Art and Design, and Media as part of the "Open Courses". Before registering, please consult your academic advisor and clarify whether this course can be credited to your curriculum. If required, you can conclude a learning agreement (DE/EN) before the start of the course.

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Sit.com – Writers Room für eine Comedyserie

18 ECTSProject moduleDE

Sit.com – Writers Room für eine Comedyserie

Responsible: Polina Horošina (KG)

Comedy gilt als das schwierigste Genre – aber warum ist das so?

In diesem Kurs erkunden wir gemeinsam, was es bedeutet, eine Sitcom zu schreiben – und das als Team.

Gemeinsam analysieren wir bestehende Drehbuchformate, Comedyserien und den Humor selbst und wollen so die Geheimnisse des Comedy-Handwerks endlich knacken.

Hier geht es vor allem aber um die praktische Herausforderung, auf dem Papier witzig zu sein. Das Ziel des Kurses ist es, dass am Ende des Semesters alle Teilnehmenden ihre eigene Folge der Sitcom schreiben.

Als Teil des wöchentlichen Projektmoduls ist außerdem ein mehrtägiger Workshop im November mit Gästen geplant, die ihre Erfahrung aus deutschen Sitcom-Writers-Rooms mit euch teilen werden und selbst Teil des Writers Rooms werden.

Dieser Kurs ist der erste Teil eines Gesamtprojekts. Die Comedyserie wird im folgenden Semester in einem weiteren Projektmodul produziert und gedreht. Die Ausspielung erfolgt als Stream.

Die Veranstaltung steht allen Bachelor- und Masterstudierenden sowie Promovierenden der Fakultäten Architektur und Urbanistik, Bau- und Umweltingenieurwissenschaften, Kunst und Gestaltung sowie Medien offen. Bitte halten Sie vor der Anmeldung Rücksprache mit Ihrer Fachstudienberatung und klären Sie, ob diese Veranstaltung in ihrem Curriculum anerkannt werden kann. Bei Bedarf schließen Sie vor Veranstaltungsbeginn ein Learning Agreement (DE/EN) ab.

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Calculating with everything except numbers—a mental and finger…

6 ECTSSeminarDE

Calculating with everything except numbers—a mental and finger exercise

Responsible: Dr. Anne Brannys-Droste (UE), Anja Gehrcken (UE)

How would a world without numbers function? In an interdisciplinary setting involving artists and mathematicians, we aim to explore this question from the perspective of different ways of thinking. Developing ideas about how the world could function without numbers requires a deep understanding of numbers themselves. Students will gain insight into how much our daily lives are shaped by numbers and how they influence our actions. Through artistic engagement with numbers, aesthetic awareness and appreciation for artistic and creative practices are fostered, while simultaneously promoting an empowered approach to numbers.

The course is open to all Bachelor, Master and PhD students of the faculties of Architecture and Urbanism, Civil and Environmental Engineering, Art and Design, and Media as part of the “Academic Bauhaus.Modules”. Before registering, please consult your academic advisor and clarify whether this course can be credited to your curriculum. If required, you can conclude a learning agreement (DE/EN) before the start of the course.

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Placemaking as Grassroots Urbanism

6 ECTSSeminarEN

Placemaking as Grassroots Urbanism

Responsible: Leonie Borutta (stud. Ma AU), Karina Mendoza (stud. Ma AU), Giovanni Muñoz (stud. Ma AU), Rana Saadallah (stud. Ma AU), Mentoring: Prof. Dr. Frank Eckardt (AU)

Grassroots Placemaking relies on the expertise of living in a place and being an agent of social imaginary. The course aims to synergize academic knowledge to a real case of bottom-up urban intervention in Weimar. The overall context is a co-creation of a citizen initiative that aims to transform the August-Frölich Platz in the West of Weimar, which is currently a traffic intersection with low pedestrian security, into a vibrant neighborhood square. The academic goal is to use an ongoing placemaking initiative, started by the NGO CGE. Erfurt e.V., to learn how to conceptualize, and implement a placemaking project within a specific timeframe. This includes identifying a pressing need, creating a proposal, gathering funding, contacting stakeholders, structuring action plan, required levels of design, and implementation.

The course intends to unravel the layered process of public spatial interventions and to draw an interface between diverse active roles in this project: the thinkers, the activists, the makers, the funders, the decision-makers, and the community.

Finally, the course has a special interest in giving the students a sense of self-efficacy. Students will experience that, despite the fact that they may only be temporary residents of Weimar, they nevertheless have the ability to influence their urban reality. Paraphrasing Henri Lefebvre's words: we want to actively exercise the right to the city as students, in Weimar and everywhere we may come to live in the future.

The course is conducted as a "Students' Bauhaus.Module" by Leonie Borutta (stud. Ma AU), Karina Mendoza (stud. Ma AU), Giovanni Muñoz (stud. Ma AU), Rana Saadallah (stud. Ma AU). The mentorship lies with Prof. Dr. Frank Eckardt (AU).

The course is open to all Bachelor and Master students of the faculties of Architecture and Urbanism, Civil and Environmental Engineering, Art and Design, and Media. Before registering, please consult your academic advisor and clarify whether this course can be credited to your curriculum. If required, you can conclude a learning agreement (DE/EN) before the start of the course.

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Synergy—Exploring the Audiovisual

6 ECTSSingle moduleDEEN

Synergy—Exploring the Audiovisual

Responsible: Martha Steinmetz (stud. Dipl. KG), Marius Schanz (stud. Ba HfM), Simon Seifert (stud. Ba HfM), Mentoring: Prof. Jörn Hintzer (KG)

The variety of water sounds and the symbolic depth of flowing water make it a captivating medium in sound art. The theme offers numerous possibilities to explore social and cultural dimensions, emotional associations, as well as narrative spaces, and to experiment with textures, forms, and movements.

By developing an experiential sound visualization, we create individual approaches to the theme of rivers and their adjacent water bodies and their free artistic interpretation. In addition to theoretical insights into relevant software, we utilize the diverse technologies of the learning space.

Together, we explore the cross-border paths of flowing waters and their potential to intertwine different identities, organisms, and ecosystems. These investigations lead to a deeper understanding of the relationships between sound and space, resonance and acoustics, sound collages, and time structures. Through the use of field recordings, soundscapes, spontaneous and synthesized sounds, and programmed as well as filmed sequences, we explore these connections and create an audiovisual archive.

In intensive cooperation with students from the HfM, we develop a cross-format concept that aims at the interdisciplinary and accessible use of the innovative space concept of the atelier.

The course is conducted as a "Students' Bauhaus.Module" by Martha Steinmetz (stud. Dipl. KG), Marius Schanz (stud. BA HfM) and Simon Seifert (stud. Ba HfM). The mentorship lies with Prof. Jörn Hintzer (KG).

The course is open to all Bachelor, Master and PhD students of the faculties of Architecture and Urbanism, Civil and Environmental Engineering, Art and Design, and Media. Before registering, please consult your academic advisor and clarify whether this course can be credited to your curriculum. If required, you can conclude a learning agreement (DE/EN) before the start of the course.

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6 ECTSSingle moduleDEEN


Responsible: Leoni Hommel (stud. Ba KG), Mentoring: Dr. Simone Frisch (M), Adrian Palko (KG)

Lithografie ist Handwerk. Lithografie ist Kunst. Lithografie ist ein Flachdruckverfahren. Aber Lithografie ist alles außer flach. Lithografie ist ein Spiel mit Wasser und Fett. Lithos bedeutet Stein und Gráphein bedeutet zeichnen. Lithografie ist die Drucktechnik der Revolution. Und Lithografie revolutionierte die Drucktechnik. Lithografie ist die Mutter des Offsetdrucks und der Plakatkunst. Litho ist einfach lit.

Im Modul geht es um das Druckverfahren des Steindrucks, das seit 2018 zum Unesco-Kulturerbe gehört und nun wieder an der Bauhaus-Universität angeboten werden kann.

Schrittweise werden wir die technischen Grundlagen des Steindrucks erlernen und Lithografien drucken. Wir werden die Steine zusammen schleifen, nach individuellen Ausdrucksmöglichkeiten grafisch gestalten, für den Druck chemisch vorbereiten und an der Handpresse Abzüge erstellen. Parallel dazu werden geschichtliche und ästhetische Aspekte der Entwicklung der Lithografie und die weitreichenden Einflüsse auf Kunst und Gesellschaft beleuchtet. Mit den entstandenen Drucken planen wir zur Winterwerkschau eine Ausstellung und zeigen »LITHO LEBT!«. Der Kurs richtet sich an alle Interessierten, die sich gerne mit der Drucktechnik vertraut machen möchten und Lust auf Litho haben.

Die Lehrveranstaltung wird als »Studentisches Bauhaus.Modul« durchgeführt von Leoni Hommel (stud. Ba KG). Das Mentoring übernehmen Dr. Simon Frisch (M) und Adrian Palko (KG).

Die Veranstaltung steht allen Bachelor- und Masterstudierenden der Fakultäten Architektur und Urbanistik, Bau- und Umweltingenieurwissenschaften, Kunst und Gestaltung sowie Medien offen. Bitte halten Sie vor der Anmeldung Rücksprache mit Ihrer Fachstudienberatung und klären Sie, ob diese Veranstaltung in ihrem Curriculum anerkannt werden kann. Bei Bedarf schließen Sie vor Veranstaltungsbeginn ein Learning Agreement (DE/EN) ab.

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Future Spaces – On the Role of Spatial Interventions in Imagining the…

6 ECTSAcademic moduleDEEN

Future Spaces – On the Role of Spatial Interventions in Imagining the Future

Responsible: Miriam Hamel (stud. PhD KG), Claire Waffel, (stud. PhD KG), Mentoring: Prof. Dr. Alexandra Toland (KG)

In the midst of global challenges, social conflicts and individual uncertainties, the seminar “Future Spaces” explores the potential of artistic strategies in shaping situated, process-oriented and collaborative forms of spatial futures. Different artistic methods are investigated for their potential to initiate processes of spatial transformation through which a form of future can be made tangible. In this way we aim to emphasise the quality of artistic participation in shaping visions of the future. Based on the potential of concrete transformation and individual methodological skills, artistic projects are developed and explored in the framework of this seminar as different artistic methods. The projects can address programmatic, institutional, spatial or personal development potentials and be translated into a variety of media e.g. interventions, stories, photographs. Through interdisciplinary collaborations the seminar aims to initiate a change in our imaginative capacity, which encourages creative action and consequently might lead to spatial and structural change. Through a layering of past, present and future, we will create a creative laboratory in which the future can be experienced in the now.

The course is conducted as a "Students' Bauhaus.Module" by Miriam Hamel (stud. PhD KG) and Claire Waffel (stud. PhD KG). The mentorship lies with Prof. Dr. Alexandra Toland (KG).

The course is open to all Bachelor, Master and PhD students of the faculties of Architecture and Urbanism, Civil and Environmental Engineering, Art and Design, and Media. Before registering, please consult your academic advisor and clarify whether this course can be credited to your curriculum. If required, you can conclude a learning agreement (DE/EN) before the start of the course.

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Bauhaus Walks

3 ECTSSeminarDE

Bauhaus Walks

Responsible: Thomas Apel

Das Bauhaus wird heute als eine Erfolgsgeschichte erzählt und auch als eine solche verstanden. Die Schule selbst war jedoch von Beginn an verschiedenen Einflüssen unterworfen. Es gibt nicht das eine Bauhaus, sondern je nach Blickwinkel und Kontext sehr viele verschiedene Bauhäuser. Das macht die Sache spannend und zugleich kompliziert. Die Geschichte des Bauhauses und damit auch die Geschichte unserer Universität wird am historischen Ort von den Guides des Bauhaus-Spaziergangs an Besucherinnen und Besucher aus der ganzen Welt vermittelt. Während der Bauhaus-Spaziergänge werden Fakten und Wissen rund um den Ort, die Gebäude und die Geschichte der verschiedenen Institutionen weitergegeben und vermittelt. Das Seminar hat diese Bauhaus-Spaziergänge als Thema. Es bietet die Möglichkeit zur Auseinandersetzung mit der facettenreichen Geschichte des Bauhauses und der Universität und zu Fragen der Vermittlung dieser Geschichte und Geschichten an unterschiedliche Besuchergruppen. Das Seminar ist eine Möglichkeit das Wissen für die Durchführungen von Bauhaus-Spaziergängen als Guide zu erwerben. Nach dem erfolgreichen Abschluss des Seminars besteht die Möglichkeit eine Tätigkeit als studentische oder wissenschaftliche Hilfskraft im Team des Bauhaus-Spaziergangs aufzunehmen und Gäste durch die Welterbestätten des Bauhauses in Weimar, die Bauhausgeschichte und die Geschichte der Universität zu führen.

Die Veranstaltung steht im Rahmen der »Akademischen Bauhaus.Module« allen Bachelor- und Masterstudierenden sowie Promovierenden der Fakultäten Architektur und Urbanistik, Bau- und Umweltingenieurwissenschaften, Kunst und Gestaltung sowie Medien offen. Bitte halten Sie vor der Anmeldung Rücksprache mit Ihrer Fachstudienberatung und klären Sie, ob diese Veranstaltung in ihrem Curriculum anerkannt werden kann. Bei Bedarf schließen Sie vor Veranstaltungsbeginn ein Learning Agreement (DE/EN) ab.

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»Future City« Prompt-a-thon


»Future City« Prompt-a-thon

Responsible: Josephine Zorn (neudeli), Dr. Charlene Wündsch (neudeli)

Are you interested in Artificial Intelligence and excited about developing ideas for the city of the future? Do you want to experience firsthand how AI is used in innovation processes to solve real-world challenges? Then the "Future City" Prompt-a-thon on November 15, 2024, is perfect for you!

At the "Future City" Prompt-a-thon, you'll work in an interdisciplinary team to develop an innovative startup idea in one of the following three areas:

  • Mobility Reimagined: What could the future of urban mobility look like? What role will new technologies play? How can we ensure that everyone reaches their destination quickly, safely, and sustainably?
  • Urban Reboot: How can we transform unused spaces in Weimar into vibrant hotspots? What startup ideas can redefine the cityscape and improve the quality of life for everyone?
  • Empowering Participation: How can we strengthen the sense of community in urban spaces and promote citizen participation? How can we ensure that marginalized groups are actively included?

You will use various AI tools, such as ChatGPT, to quickly develop innovative solutions. Experienced mentors will guide you and your team throughout the Prompt-a-thon, supporting you in the innovation process and with the use of AI applications. At the end of the day, you'll pitch your startup idea to a jury for a chance to win attractive prizes!

All Information at: www.uni-weimar.de/neudeli/PAT

The course is open to all Bachelor, Master and PhD students of the faculties of Architecture and Urbanism, Civil and Environmental Engineering, Art and Design, and Media as part of the “Academic Bauhaus.Modules”. Before registering, please consult your academic advisor and clarify whether this course can be credited to your curriculum. If required, you can conclude a learning agreement (DE/EN) before the start of the course.

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Productive industrial-cultural landscape

3 ECTSSeminarDE

Productive industrial-cultural landscape

Responsible: Dr. Maria Frölich-Kulik (AU), Hinnerk Utermann (AU)

In this seminar we will explore the understanding of the Vogtland as a 'productive industrial-cultural landscape'. Until the political changes in 1989/90, the Vogtland was strongly characterised by industry, and since then it has been marked by de-industrialisation processes and a sharp decline in population. Despite the radical transformation processes associated with the demolition of many industrial buildings, the industrial and cultural landscape heritage continues to create identity and characterise the region.

The aim of the seminar is to visualise the fields of action, values and development potential of a productive industrial and cultural landscape (mapping) and to present it in the region (exhibition). We will look at spatial images as informal planning instruments for regional development. The development of spatial images is a participatory and co-creative method to bring together local knowledge with the view from "outside", to develop possible future pathways and to put them up for discussion locally.

The courses will take place both on site in the Vogtland (collecting and discussing) and in Weimar (analysing and synthesising). Inputs from external experts will provide insights into the relevance of spatial images as a tool for co-operative knowledge production, as well as focus on regions with similar structural challenges.

The course is funded by the NEB.Regionallabor and linked to the interdisciplinary research project V-ACT (BMBF).

The course is open to all Master students of the faculties of Architecture and Urbanism, Civil and Environmental Engineering, Art and Design, and Media as part of the "open courses". Before registering, please consult your academic advisor and clarify whether this course can be credited to your curriculum. If required, you can conclude a learning agreement (DE/EN) before the start of the course.

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Mehr-als-menschliche Perspektiven auf Stadt


Mehr-als-menschliche Perspektiven auf Stadt

Responsible: Johanna Reckewerth (AU)

Städte gelten als Orte menschlicher Kontrolle und Autonomie, als kulturelles Pendant zur „wilden Natur“. Doch diese Vorstellung bröckelt: Naturkatastrophen, Insekten, KI-Technologien, Wildtiere und Viren haben längst die stadtpolitische Bühne betreten und werfen grundlegende Fragen nach Verwundbarkeiten und zukünftigen Formen des Zusammen(über)lebens auf. Angesichts des planetarischen Notstands von Klimawandel und Artensterben wird deutlich, dass anthropozentrische Machtansprüche neu gedacht werden müssen.

Was wäre, wenn wir die Stadt nicht nur als menschlichen Lebensraum, sondern als geteilten Raum vieler Lebewesen betrachten würden? Wie verändert sich unser Verständnis vom „Recht auf Stadt“, wenn wir die Perspektiven nicht-menschlicher Stadtbewohnender inkludieren? Welche ethischen Konsequenzen ergeben sich daraus und welche Potenziale bieten mehr-als-menschliche Perspektiven für eine sozial-ökologische Transformation?

Diesen Fragen werden wir uns im Seminar explorativ nähern mithilfe von kritischer Theorie & somatischen Übungen.

Master-Studierende nutzen bitte diesen Link.

Die Veranstaltung steht allen Bachelor- und Masterstudierenden sowie Promovierenden der Fakultäten Architektur und Urbanistik, Bau- und Umweltingenieurwissenschaften, Kunst und Gestaltung sowie Medien offen. Bitte halten Sie vor der Anmeldung Rücksprache mit Ihrer Fachstudienberatung und klären Sie, ob diese Veranstaltung in ihrem Curriculum anerkannt werden kann. Bei Bedarf schließen Sie vor Veranstaltungsbeginn ein Learning Agreement (DE/EN) ab.

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Reality Augmented

6 ECTSSingle moduleConstruction moduleDEEN

Reality Augmented

Responsible: Jenny Brockmann (M)

In the ‘Reality Augmented’ work module we will explore the question of how our perception of reality is composed, which sensory impressions evoke which sensations in us and thus characterise our inner image of the (external) environment (Umwelt). We will also take a look at which media theory positions deal with virtual reality as a real agent in our daily live. 

The work module ‘Reality Augmented’ will explore augmented reality technology and create a framework that enables comprehensive exploration and visualisation. Simple tools will be taught in a workshop during the work module in order to realise your own augmented reality ideas. The work module combines the history of science with media studies and media informatics as well as artistic research and different public spheres.

The module takes place as part of the university-wide initiative ‘Strengthening Democracy’ and in cooperation with the Klassik Stiftung.

The course is open to all Bachelor, Master and PhD students of the faculties of Architecture and Urbanism, Civil and Environmental Engineering, Art and Design, and Media as part of the “Interdisciplinary Study Program”. Before registering, please consult your academic advisor and clarify whether this course can be credited to your curriculum. If required, you can conclude a learning agreement (DE/EN) before the start of the course.

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Digital-Material Surfaces

6 ECTSSingle moduleDEEN

Digital-Material Surfaces

Responsible: Katharina Thurow (KG), Philipp Enzmann (KG)

Designing and producing objects increasingly entails digital tools and processes. In this Skills Course, we will zoom in and ask ourselves how the presence of the digital can manifest in material surface design. We will operate at the interface of digital-material design.

By activating surfaces and allowing them to narrate, we will take on an experimental approach. How are textures created through manufacturing processes?

Which textures are inherent in the material? We will get to know analogue and digital tools and their combinations: CNC mill, Grasshopper, shaper tool, band saw, AR headset and hand tools,…

Our explorations will be collected and made accessible as collaborative library.

The Fachkurs supports the project module „irreguLAB Y. Tree Fork Structures from Furniture to Spaceframe”, so we will be working with wood. 

If you have questions, feel free to reach out to katharina.thurow[at]uni-weimar.de

The course is open to all Bachelor and Masterstudents of the faculties of Architecture and Urbanism as wella s Art and Design as part of the “Interdisciplinary Study Program”. Before registering, please consult your academic advisor and clarify whether this course can be credited to your curriculum. If required, you can conclude a learning agreement (DE/EN) before the start of the course.

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irreguLAB Y. Tree Fork Structures from Furniture to Spaceframe

18 ECTSProject moduleDEEN

irreguLAB Y. Tree Fork Structures from Furniture to Spaceframe

Responsible: Jun.-Prof. Dr. Thomas Pearce (KG), Katharina Thurow (KG), Philipp Enzmann (KG), Lukas Kirschnik (AU/BU), Paing Su Ko (AU/KG)

Wie verwandeln wir „wertlose” Restmaterialien der Holzverarbeitung in wertige, ressourcenschonende und attraktive Materialsysteme sowie Prototypen für Design und Architektur? Diese Frage stellt sich das irreguLAB und setzt dabei auf Technologie, Kollaboration und Experimentierfreude.

Nachdem im Projekt „irreguLAB I” mit Krummhölzern gearbeitet wurde, widmet sich dieses Semester ein interfakultatives Team der Fakultäten K&G und A+U der Astgabel, dem „Y”. Entworfen werden sollen Möbel und Raumstrukturen als dreidimensionale Netzwerke.

Angefangen wird mit einer kollaborativen Vorübung, in der ein sich als Gabel-Netzwerk bildender Tisch gebaut wird. Hierbei werden Design- und Technologie-Workflows (Scanning, Modellierung, Simulation, Herstellung) spielerisch erlernt. Diese Fähigkeiten erlauben es uns, dem Gefundenen nicht nur zu folgen, sondern eine Designsprache zu entwickeln, die mit den gefundenen Geometrien und Materialien in Dialog tritt.

Abschließend entwickeln Studierende eigene Möbelentwürfe und entsprechende topologische Gabel-Netzwerke. Typologie und Maßstab dieser Entwürfe (Hocker, Tisch, Regalsystem, Trennwand…) sind freigestellt, die topologische Herangehensweise ermöglicht Skalierung in andere Maßstäbe. Kurze, workshopartige Explorationen im Modell wechseln sich dabei mit der intensiven Erprobung ihrer realmaßstäblichen, digital-materiellen Umsetzung ab. Fest steht: es wird digital, es wird experimentell und es wird werksstattintensiv!

Die Veranstaltung steht als »Geöffneten Lehrveranstaltungen« allen Bachelor- und Masterstudierenden der Fakultäten Architektur und Urbanistik, sowie Kunst und Gestaltung im Rahmen des »Interdisziplinären Lehrangebots« offen. Bitte halten Sie vor der Anmeldung Rücksprache mit Ihrer Fachstudienberatung und klären Sie, ob diese Veranstaltung in ihrem Curriculum anerkannt werden kann. Bei Bedarf schließen Sie vor Veranstaltungsbeginn ein Learning Agreement (DE/EN) ab.

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irreguLAB 2.1. Augmented Reality Assisted Woodworking

36 ECTSSeminarDEEN

irreguLAB 2.1. Augmented Reality Assisted Woodworking

Responsible: Lukas Kirschnik (AU/BU), Paing Su Ko (AU/BU)

When we work with wood, we usually mean a pre-processed form, be it a beam, board or veneer panel. Yet wood in its naturally grown form has an inherent strength. The starting point of this seminar is to explore this strength using the example of forked branches and to utilise it in concrete designs for expansive load-bearing structures.

Accompanying the core module "irreguLAB 2. Fork to Frame: Structural Network Systems From Furniture to Spaceframes", which is taught in collaboration with the Chair for Emerging Technologies and Design at the Faculty of Art and Design, this seminar will focus on the development and use of Mixed-Reality assisted fabrication. You will learn to project your digital designs onto your chosen branch forks through the use of Augmented Reality with Hololens 2 and Metaquest 3 to enable precise fabrication with hand tools. Through collaborative tutorials, you will learn about both digital and woodworking tools, exploring how a fusion of digital technologies and traditional craft can be created while harnessing the inherent properties and strength of trees' natural-grown forms and geometries.

Master students please use this link.

The course is open to all Bachelor and Master students of the faculties of Architecture and Urbanism as well as Art and Design as part of the “Interdisciplinary Study Program”. Before registering, please consult your academic advisor and clarify whether this course can be credited to your curriculum. If required, you can conclude a learning agreement (DE/EN) before the start of the course.

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