This page contains a listing of current competitions and calls for proposals which may be of interest to students and employees of the Bauhaus-Universität Weimar. You can find more information via the following links. The date on the right indicates the application deadline. If you have specific questions, please contact the university’s press officer.
11th Thuringian Democracy Award - Thuringian State Program for Democracy, Tolerance and Open-mindedness - 15.11.2024
Award for the best research environment - Junge Akademie and Volkswagen Foundation - 18.11.2024
13th Graphic Arts Prize »Linocut today« - City of Bietigheim-Bissingen - 01.12.2024
ortung 14 Schwabacher Kunstbiennale - City of Schwabach – 13.01.2025
Förderpreis 2025 Sparte Skulptur und Installation - Kulturstiftung Öffentliche Oldenburg – 02.12.2024
Study and doctoral funding from the Heinrich Böll Foundation – application deadline 1 March and 1 September
Online-Stipendium von – no application deadline
Call for Best Practices - In the Coronavirus time - ELIA – no application deadline
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