

TROPICALISZT Musikalische Fassadenprojektion am Bauhausmuseum TROPICALISZT 360°- Kooperation Bauhaus-Uni / Hochschule für Musik Franz Liszt

TROPICALISZT is a cooperation project between the Hochschule für Musik FRANZ LISZT Weimar and the Bauhaus University Weimar on the occasion of the 150th anniversary of the founding of the Musikhochschule. The premiere took place on May 11th in the Jena Planetarium as a 360-degree music theater as part of the 16th FullDome Festival. A modified version has been produced for a projection performance at the Bauhaus Museum, on June 24th. more

  • Begin: 21:30 pm
  • End: 23:30 pm

  • Stéphane-Hessel-Platz 1 - Bauhaus-Museum Weimar, Open Air, Projektion auf das Bauhausmuseum (wird nicht online übertragen.)
  • Location: Open Air, Projektion auf das Bauhausmuseum (wird nicht online übertragen.)


Monobloc open air cinema Zuckino: Monobloc

++ open air cinema: Monobloc ++ Mi. 13.07. | 21:30 Uhr | at Barfuß-Folly (Pavillon) next to X-Stahl (main campus) German with english subtitels. more

  • Begin: 21:30 pm
  • End: 23:00 pm



Opening >>Textile Umwelten<< Textile Umwelten

Opening der Ausstellung >>Textile Umwelten<< mit Performances, Drinks und Musik. more

  • Begin: 15:00 pm
  • End: 18:00 pm

SHAKIN' exhibition SHAKIN' exhibition

The exhibition presents student projects from a transnational winter semester programm for master students that deal with so-called "subaltern knowledge" as well as an online in-process handbook on "subaltern knowledge". For further details please check the project description. more

  • Begin: 16:00 pm
  • End: 07/17/2022 18:00 pm
  • Location: Karl-Haußknecht-Straße 7 - Ground Floor

Rough Cut lOst iN Translation

A movie by: Camilo Londoño Hernández In collaboration with: Adriana Mora Arango Hala Masri Isabella Lee Arturo John Patterson Lucía González Gaitán Mon Sisu Satrawaha Natalia Castillo Rincón Rachael Thorleifson And the participation of: Belén Arellano Cañizares Bernardita Bennett Hwa Heeyun Laura Leal Leila Keivan Hosseini Rand Ibrahim Victor del Oral more

  • Begin: 16:00 pm
  • End: 18:00 pm
  • Location: Bauhaus-Museum Weimar Projektraum A (-1)

VR-Study: Call for Partizipants! Evaluation of the community centre Hersbruck Design by Research - Transformation einer Klinik zu einem Quartierszentrum

Für meine Masterthesis möchte ich mittels VR meinen Entwurf zur Umnutzung der ehemaligen Klinik in Hersbruck präsentieren und evaluieren. Teilnehmer:innen können in einem virtuellen Rundgang mit dem Entwurf interagieren und diesen bewerten. Der Fokus dieser Studie liegt auf der gemeinschaftlichen Nutzung des Entwurfs. Bei Interesse können Sie gerne vorbeischauen oder sich hier für einen Zeitslot eintragen: more

  • Begin: 16:00 pm
  • End: 07/17/2022 18:00 pm

  • Belvederer Allee 1a - Kubus, Die Veranstaltung findet jeden Tag in Präsenz im PC Pool (Erdgeschoss) statt.
  • Location: Die Veranstaltung findet jeden Tag in Präsenz im PC Pool (Erdgeschoss) statt.

Ping.Pong.Pocket Ping.Pong.Pocket

++ Friends of table tennis ++ In the Bauhaus.Modul Ping.Pong.Pocket we will design and build two table tennis tables for the campus in a two-week intensive workshop in August, one on the south campus and the other on the Coudraycampus. Since the tables will not yet be built for the summaery, we want to test the planned locations with the help of a provisional table. There’s music and some cool drinks. Bring your rackets, we’re looking forward to you! more

  • Begin: 17:00 pm
  • End: 19:00 pm

  • Marienstraße 13, Hof
  • Location: Hof

Get together of the academic staff Get together des akademischen Mittelbaus

The working group "Perspectives for the academic mid-level staff" invites the academic mid-level staff to get to know each other and exchange ideas about how to improve situations. Come by, we have prepared little things for exchange and getting to know each other. We also want to present our position paper and take suggestions from you. more

  • Begin: 17:00 pm
  • End: 21:00 pm

  • Freifläche 5 / area 5 (zwischen Prellerhaus und Bauhaus.Atelier), .
  • Location: .

PLAYDATE: Spielbeginn PLAYDATE – Ein Ort zum Verspielen

Over a drink and in a relaxed atmosphere, in the inner courtyard of the product design, games can be tried out and tested that were created as part of the "Spielregeln des Designs" seminar led by Johannes Lang. more

  • Begin: 18:00 pm
  • End: 22:00 pm

  • Freifläche 3 / area 3 (zwischen VDV und Amalienstraße 13), auf dem Podest
  • Location: auf dem Podest

Re: B7b Re: B7b

Als Abschluss unseres Seminars wollen wir ein interaktives Event an und in der B7b organisieren, indem wir unsere Ergebnisse und Visionen präsentieren und das Gebäude für einen Tag mit kleinen aber wirksamen Eingriffen aktivieren. Den Besuchenden wollen wir einen erlebbaren Eindruck davon geben, was in dem Gebäude steckt. Wir wollen zum Erhalt und Umbau der B7b sowie zu einer neuen Wahrnehmung des Bestandes motivieren. Kommt vorbei! more

  • Begin: 18:00 pm
  • End: 07/15/2022 00:00 am

  • Bauhausstraße 7b, .
  • Location: .

Learning with Madness. Screening and discussion with Carles Guerra Atelier:
 Learning with Madness. François Tosquelles and the Invention of Institutional Psychotherapy

François Tosquelles began filming domestic life and all sorts of events related to his professional environment in 1953. In the period up to 1958, he had realised a film that became known under the title « La société lozérienne d'hygiène mental » (1954-1957). In « Suite en Blanc et noir » and « Suite en couleur », remixed (1953-2022), the original footage newly digitized from two early films by Tosquelles has been edited in order to reconstruct the sequence of events captured by the camera. more

  • Begin: 18:00 pm
  • End: 21:00 pm
  • Location: ACC Galerie (Burgplatz 1, 99423 Weimar)

Performance Tabula Rasa

The performance activating the space will take place at 19:00 in room 204 in the Marienstr. 7b building. WARNING: This event may potentially trigger seizures for people with photosensitive epilepsy. Viewer discretion is advised more

  • Begin: 19:00 pm
  • End: 20:00 pm

Shakin' Spaces of Knowledge SHAKIN' Spaces of Knowledge

A panel focusing on the following questions: Are universities and academic environments still privileged sites of producing and transmitting knowledge? Whom is the space open for? Which alternative ways of accessing, producing and sharing knowledge can be collectively imagined? Who are the actors of knowledge? Which ones are heard, which ones aren't (or only in a patronizing way)? For further details please check the project description. more

  • Begin: 19:00 pm
  • End: 21:00 pm

  • Steubenstraße 6 - Universitätsbibliothek / university library, GRAMA Lounge
  • Location: GRAMA Lounge


Experimental workshop: Neolithic wickerwork wall construction Experimentierworkshop: Bau kleiner Flechtwerkmodule in neolithischer Bauweise

In a workshop we want to make small models of a Neolithic wall out of twigs, straw and clay. Visitors can learn about the historical construction technique of the wickerwork wall construction. more

  • Begin: 10:00 am
  • End: 15:00 pm

  • Freifläche 5 / area 5 (zwischen Prellerhaus und Bauhaus.Atelier), .
  • Location: .

Learning with Madness. Series of talks by international scholars Atelier:
 Learning with Madness. François Tosquelles and the Invention of Institutional Psychotherapy

Tosquelles’ films are just once case among the many media practices that were integrated along with the therapeutic complex that was orchestrated within the premises of Saint-Alban after the 1940s. Film, radio, television, and printed materials constituted key platforms for a counterpublic sphere that helped restore citizenship to patients deprived of most of civil rights. more

  • Begin: 10:00 am
  • End: 17:30 pm
  • Location: Bauhaus-Universität Weimar (Berkaer Straße 1, 99425 Weimar)

Kooperation des Forschungsprojektes "Geschichte der Bauhausstraße 11" mit der Rosa-Luxemburg-Stiftung Thüringen Vortrag und Workshop: Die NS-ideologischen Bild- und Symbolwelten im ehemaligen "Thüringer Ärztehaus" und ihr Fortleben in der extremen Rechten

1. Vortrag: Der Weimarer Gauleiter Fritz Sauckel und die "Nordische Gesellschaft" der frühen NS-Zeit. Wie viel "Nordischer Gedanke" steckt in den Bleiglasfenstern der Bauhausstraße 11?; Referent: Karl Banghard (Archäologisches Freilichtmuseum Oerlinghausen); 2. Vortrag: Völkische Zeichen und vermeintliche Tradition – Das Dorfgemeinschaftshaus der SS in Wewelsburg; Referent: Erik Beck (Kreismuseum Wewelsburg); danach: Workshop: Wie umgehen mit historischen Großerzählungen der extremen Rechten? more

  • Begin: 10:30 am
  • End: 14:00 pm

  • Steubenstraße 6 - Universitätsbibliothek / university library, Die Veranstaltung findet im Hybrid-Format statt. Eine Online-Teilnahme ist möglich unter: Bei Interesse an einer Teilnahme in Präsenz oder Fragen wenden Sie sich bitte an: lilli.hallmann(@)
  • Location: Die Veranstaltung findet im Hybrid-Format statt. Eine Online-Teilnahme ist möglich unter: Bei Interesse an einer Teilnahme in Präsenz oder Fragen wenden Sie sich bitte an: lilli.hallmann(@)


"Hüpfende Knete oder harter Stein - Wie Scherkräfte die Viskosität beeinflussen können" | "Additive Manufaktur - 3D Druck an der MFPA" | "Druck und Zug - Material im Test" | „3D-Druck trifft faseroptische Sensorik“ | "Weniger ist mehr - Abdichtung einer Deponie" | "Unsichtbares sichtbar machen - Hyperspektrale Bildanalyse"| "Was Gips mit dem Kohleausstieg zu tun hat - Gipsrecycling zum Anfassen" | "Den Elementen auf der Spur - Röntgenfluoreszenzanalyse" more

  • Begin: 12:30 pm
  • End: 18:00 pm

  • Coudraystraße 4 - CIB, Coudraystraße 9 - MFPA
  • Location: Coudraystraße 9 - MFPA

Poster exhibition in the Experimental Technical Facility (VTE) of the Faculty of Civil Engineering Abschlussarbeiten und Projekte des Studiengangs "Natural Hazards and Risks in Structural Engineering" (NHRE)

The posters present projects and completed master's theses by students of the NHRE master's programme. The special problems arise from demanding engineering tasks in the areas of planning, construction and realisation of structures under the influence of earthquakes, wind and floods, among other things. With the involvement of research and practice and site- or structure-specific risk analysis using modern tools to assess the exposure to natural hazards and risks, students deal with a wide varie more

  • Begin: 12:30 pm
  • End: 18:00 pm

  • Coudraystraße 13A, .
  • Location: .

PLAYDATE PLAYDATE – Ein Ort zum Verspielen

Over a drink and in a relaxed atmosphere, in the inner courtyard of the product design, games can be tried out and tested that were created as part of the "Spielregeln des Designs" seminar led by Dr. Johannes Lang. more

  • Begin: 13:00 pm
  • End: 21:00 pm
  • Location: PD-Innenhof, auf dem Podest

Möbel Machen Mensa – Vorstellung der Möbelentwürfe  Möbel Machen Mensa

Im Foyer der Mensa am Park werden in einer kurzen Präsentation das Bauhaus.Modul und die daraus entstandenen Möbelentwürfe und der Stand der Umsetzung vorgestellt. more

  • Begin: 13:00 pm
  • End: 14:00 pm

Lücke(n) füllen RE:INTRODUCING – Lücke(n) füllen

Ab 13 Uhr ein öffentliches Wohnzimmer auf der Freifläche links neben der Marienstraße 13 kreiert werden. Kleine Konzerte von Künstler*innen aus Weimar und eine non-alcoholic Getränkebar sollen Studierendenschaft und Stadtgesellschaft zum Verweilen im öffentlichen Wohnzimmer einladen und eine Möglichkeit bieten sich auszutauschen. more

  • Begin: 13:00 pm
  • End: 22:00 pm
  • Location: Marienstraße 11, in der Lücke.

K70 - The kitchen in action K70 - Die Küche in AKtion

We want to sit down together, eat snacks (vegan) and talk about the current refugee and migration policy. The kitchen in action. more

  • Begin: 14:00 pm
  • End: 16:00 pm

Kawchu Rubber Tree

The name "rubber tree" isn't just a meaningless name, but a long-forgotten ghost of rubber extraction. An installation about two tropical plants, one from Latin America and one from South-East Asia, connected by a history of colonial exploitation. The installation will always be visible from the outside for the whole duration of Summaery. To enter the Kiosk6, the opening time is: from 15.7 (Thursday) until 17.7 (incl. Sunday), from 14:00 to 17:00. more

  • Begin: 14:00 pm
  • End: 17:00 pm

  • Sophienstiftsplatz - kiosk.6, .
  • Location: .

JOUR FIXE / LIVE-BROADCAST TO THE SUMMAERY2022 Schiesslhaus AiR: Curating an Artist-in-Residence Program

The focus of the module "Schiesslhaus AiR: Curating an Artist-in-Residence Program" is the organization and realization of the kick-off event and lecture series JOUR FIXE, which will be broadcast live on the campus of the Bauhaus-University Weimar for the summaery2022. One part of the students is represented on site in Kollnburg and the other on site in Weimar. more

  • Begin: 14:15 pm
  • End: 17:30 pm

  • Bauhausstraße 15, Raum 04 (Kinoraum) und Kollnburg: Burgstr. 3 (Schiesslhaus AiR)
  • Location: Raum 04 (Kinoraum) und Kollnburg: Burgstr. 3 (Schiesslhaus AiR)

The language of astrology | Lecture for beginners The language of astrology | Lecture for beginners

Have you ever wondered what astrology is about and where it comes from? This lecture is meant as a point of entry intro astrological studies, exploring its main concepts and how we can use planets, stars and constellations as a language. We will go over some of the history of astrology and observational astronomy and with the help of a virtual planetarium, explore how the ancient astrologers looked at the sky. more

  • Begin: 14:30 pm
  • End: 16:00 pm
  • Location: Schwanseestraße 143 - S143, GFX Lab.

Breaking Bread Workshop

Breaking Bread appreciates all the sun, the soil, the water and all the natural resources that goes into the crops, and all the human work that takes this food from crops to bread, acknowledging the long history of bread making, the unchanged necessary ingredients over the years. The presentation of the project will have two parts [@Shabnam: I just copy pasted here for an example]

  • Begin: 15:00 pm
  • End: 18:00 pm
  • Location: Karl-Haußknecht-Straße 7 - Ground Floor

The schlierenlab opens its doors!

Im Schlierenlabor der Professur Bauphysik gibt es einiges zu entdecken: neben dem einmaligen Schlierenspiegel (den es in dieser Art nur noch drei mal weltweit gibt) wird ein Einblick in die verschiedenen Forschungsbereiche der Professur Bauphysik gegeben. Dabei geht es insbesondere um das Thema Raumluftströmungen und folgende Fragen: Wie kann man Lufströmungen für das menschliche Auge sichtbar machen? Was hat der Schlierenspiegel damit zu tun? Und wie hilft uns ein thermisches Manikin dabei?

  • Begin: 15:00 pm
  • End: 18:00 pm

  • Coudraystraße 13B, Raum 110
  • Location: Raum 110

LECTURE | Architecture, Spatial Justice, and U.S. Colonialism in the Pacific | Kelema Lee Moses LECTURE | Architecture, Spatial Justice, and U.S. Colonialism in the Pacific | 2022_07_15_4pm_Bibliothekslounge

Many architects and urban planners working in the Hawaiian Islands utilize U.S. building codes, zoning ordinances, and urban growth models to create spatial narratives of exposure and erasure on Native geographies. This presentation interrogates residential development in Kaka‘ako, Hawai‘i. more

  • Begin: 16:00 pm
  • End: 18:00 pm
  • Location: Bibliothekslounge, Steubenstraße 6


United under a wooden colonnade construction, the PORT Release takes place on campus. The event is musically supported by the Tonraum Initiative. Musicians and DJs from this initiative will accompany the release on the campus grounds over two days, from early afternoon to late evening. The architectural context is provided by the team of the Freibad-Kolonnade - a construction/realization project of the chair KEE of the faculty of architecture and urbanism. more

  • Begin: 16:00 pm
  • End: 07/16/2022 01:00 am
  • Location: Freifläche 1 (zwischen Hauptgebäude, M18 und Campus.Office) outside 1 (between main building, M18 and Campus.Office)

chess@eTeach - workshop for beginners Eine spielerische Annäherung an die Transformation der Lehre

Playing chess and teaching at universities have more in common than you might think. Both are possible in presence, online or hybrid. And it can be fun - come by and learn the basics of chess (beginners)! During and after the workshop is plenty of time to try out and play. Also suitable for children and teenagers. more

  • Begin: 16:00 pm
  • End: 17:00 pm

  • Freifläche 1 / area 1 (zwischen Hauptgebäude und Campus.Office)), unter den Bäumen und auf den Sitzflächen
  • Location: unter den Bäumen und auf den Sitzflächen

PERFORMANCE WORKSHOP CAROLINE SINDERS: Kann eine Datensammlung selbst als Kunstwerk funktionieren? Kann sie als eine Form des Protests fungieren?

Caroline Sinders' performative workshop takes place within Jenny Brockmann's lecture "Forms and Formats of Performativity and Articulation" both for students and visitors and focuses on collecting feminist data beginning with an introduction to machine learning, data, and design thinking, and leading into a collaborative and facilitated process with the objective of building a feminist data set from the ground up. more

  • Begin: 17:00 pm
  • End: 22:00 pm

  • Schwanseestraße 143 - S143, BMB lab - Raum 1.16
  • Location: BMB lab - Raum 1.16

Open Lab Night 2022 Open Lab Night

During the Open Lab Night at summaery, the students and staff of the Department of Computer Science in Media will open their labs and workspaces and invite you to participate in the latest research results from the world of digital media. There will also be opportunities to explore the Labs at 143 Schwanseestraße on Saturday 16 July 2022, 2pm to 5pm. more

  • Begin: 17:00 pm
  • End: 22:00 pm

  • Schwanseestraße 143 - S143, .
  • Location: .

Presentation and discussion Hokus Pokus Hochschulpolitik

We have analyzed, held discussions, started surveys and finally developed constructive proposals to get to the bottom of the mystery of university politics. Now we want to present the results and invite you to discuss them! more

  • Begin: 17:30 pm
  • End: 19:00 pm
  • Location: Freiraum.Pavillon | Workation am Hauptgebäude

chess@eTeach - workshop for advanced Eine spielerische Annäherung an die Transformation der Lehre

Playing chess and teaching at universities have more in common than you might think. Both are possible in presence, online or hybrid. And it can be fun - come by and learn the basics of chess tactics (advanced)! During and after the workshop is plenty of time to try out and play. Also suitable for children and teenagers. more

  • Begin: 17:30 pm
  • End: 18:30 pm

  • Freifläche 1 / area 1 (zwischen Hauptgebäude und Campus.Office)), unter den Bäumen und auf den Sitzflächen
  • Location: unter den Bäumen und auf den Sitzflächen

Preisverleihung des Lyonel Kunstpreises 2022 INTRAWELTEN + Lyonel Kunstpreis 2022

Der Lyonel Kunstpreis richtet sich an Absolventinnen und Absolventen, deren Abschlussarbeit maßgeblich von einer der Professuren der Freien Kunst an der Fakultät Kunst und Gestaltung betreut wurde und prämiert herausragende Leistungen. Nominiert sind: Hannes Dünnebier, Denise Blickhan, Eduardo José Rubio Parra, Khashayar Zandyavari und Sarah Spitzer. more

  • Begin: 18:00 pm
  • End: 20:00 pm

Der Sensorische Raum RE:INTRODUCING – Der Sensorische Raum

Friday: Vernissage from 18-22h. Saturday: exhibition from 12-22, from 22-02 party. Sunday: exhibition and culinary catering from 15-22. ...Live performances and DJ sets will take place on all days. more

  • Begin: 18:00 pm
  • End: 07/17/2022 22:00 pm
  • Location: Steubenstraße 30 in der ehemaligen Theater Apotheke.

Performance - Concert - Opening for NFT exhibition The whole and its parts - Audio Visual Live Performance by Visual Programming Class, using Touchdesigner

The students present a live audio and visual performance with interactive elements and various visual styles. Instead of individual projects, we built a video tool that allows us to combine each individual work into a powerful performance tool. This tool can be controlled with user interfaces to enable direct user interaction. So the whole is greater than the sum of its parts! more

  • Begin: 18:00 pm
  • End: 22:00 pm

  • Bauhausstraße 9a - Digital Bauhaus Lab, Livestream
  • Location: Livestream

Weimar-Waldstadt, Weimar-WHAT? Weimar-Waldstadt, Weimar-WHAT?

Students will present their findings after one semester of research on the history and presence of the “Waldstadt” as a post-socialist urban space in Weimar. The presentations will include a visual and narrative history of the Waldstadt's construction, contemporary residents' perception of the “Waldstadt” documented in mental maps, a cartography of physical changes of the built environment traced through renovations, and a proposal for an extension of the Weimar tourist map toward the “Waldstadt more

  • Begin: 19:00 pm
  • End: 21:00 pm

Opening Party Kolonnade Freibad-Kolonnade

Gemeinsam möchten wir als Kurs mit allen Beteiligten auf uns und die Kolonnade anstoßen und diese offiziell einweihen! Freunde und Verwandte sind genauso herzlich eingeladen wie am Projekt Interessierte. more

  • Begin: 19:00 pm
  • End: 22:00 pm

  • Freifläche 1 / area 1 (zwischen Hauptgebäude und Campus.Office)), .
  • Location: .

Tausendundeine Nacht: Klassik Open Air auf der Seebühne im Weimarhallenpark Tausendundeine Nacht: Klassik Open Air auf der Seebühne im Weimarhallenpark

Wir, das Collegium Musicum von der HfM, laden zu unserem Konzert „Tausendundeine Nacht“ auf der Seebühne ein. Es findet Open Air in sommerlicher Atmosphäre statt. Bringt Picknickdecken mit und macht es euch auf der Wiese im Park gemütlich. Zu hören gibt es Klassik vom feinsten: von der lebendigen Ungarischen Rhapsodie Nr. 2 über das virtuose zweite Klavierkonzert von Rachmaninow bis hin zur Scheherazade von Rimski-Korsakow, die euch in die verwunschene Märchenwelt des Königs Schahriyâr entführt. more

  • Begin: 19:30 pm
  • End: 22:00 pm
  • Location: Seebühne im Weimarhallenpark


Exhibition: Post Physical Playgrounds Post Physical Playgrounds - an NFT Art Exhibition

The exhibition will offer visitors an opportunity to view NFT artworks on a large screen and via a VR headset at the Digital Bauhaus Lab (Bauhausstr. 9a, Weimar). The hybrid event will happen in the Digital Bauhaus Lab and in a virtual gallery on at the same time. Some of the students featured in the exhibition will be on site to discuss their artwork and share their experiences creating art on the blockchain. more

  • Begin: 11:00 am
  • End: 07/17/2022 18:00 pm

  • Bauhausstraße 9a - Digital Bauhaus Lab, Room 001, Performance Platform
  • Location: Room 001, Performance Platform

1. Ausstellungstag SCHATTEN SCHLAGEN

Die Studierenden stellen ihre Ergebnisse in der Schwanseestraße 143 (Raum 3.31) vor. more

  • Begin: 12:00 pm
  • End: 20:00 pm
  • Location: Schwanseestraße 143, Raum 3.31

PLAYDATE PLAYDATE – Ein Ort zum Verspielen

Over a drink and in a relaxed atmosphere, in the inner courtyard of the product design, games can be tried out and tested that were created as part of the "Spielregeln des Designs" seminar led by Dr. Johannes Lang. more

  • Begin: 13:00 pm
  • End: 21:00 pm
  • Location: PD-Innenhof, auf dem Podest

Kawchu Rubber Tree

The name "rubber tree" isn't just a meaningless name, but a long-forgotten ghost of rubber extraction. An installation about two tropical plants, one from Latin America and one from South-East Asia, connected by a history of colonial exploitation. The installation will always be visible from the outside for the whole duration of Summaery. To enter the Kiosk6, the opening time is: from 15.7 (Thursday) until 17.7 (incl. Sunday), from 14:00 to 17:00. more

  • Begin: 14:00 pm
  • End: 17:00 pm

  • Sophienstiftsplatz - kiosk.6, .
  • Location: .

FORMING SENSES PLAYDATE – Ein Ort zum Verspielen

Forming Senses is an augmented reality app designed to guide people into a performative and artistic exchange between their senses and their environment. Influenced by sounds, visitors are asked to draw digitally with their bodies. The project was inspired by the perceptual phenomenon of synesthesia, a connection of senses in which stimulation of one sensory organ evokes a sensation of another. more

  • Begin: 15:00 pm
  • End: 19:00 pm

  • Marienstraße 5, im Keller
  • Location: im Keller


United under a wooden colonnade construction, the PORT Release takes place on campus. The event is musically supported by the Tonraum Initiative. Musicians and DJs from this initiative will accompany the release on the campus grounds over two days, from early afternoon to late evening. The architectural context is provided by the team of the Freibad-Kolonnade - a construction/realization project of the chair KEE of the faculty of architecture and urbanism. more

  • Begin: 16:00 pm
  • End: 07/17/2022 01:00 am

  • Freifläche 1 / area 1 (zwischen Hauptgebäude und Campus.Office)), .
  • Location: .

Live video chat with guest NFT artist: Foodmasku Post Physical Playgrounds - an NFT Art Exhibition

A public chat with artist and NFT evangelist, FoodMasku where people are invited to listen to and have their questions answered. Antonius Oki is a multimedia artist based in New York City. He makes meals into masks and then eats them. more

  • Begin: 17:00 pm
  • End: 18:30 pm

  • Bauhausstraße 9a - Digital Bauhaus Lab, Room 001, Performance Platform
  • Location: Room 001, Performance Platform

Alumni-Grillen Me(et).Ma: Alumni-Grillfest des Fachbereichs Medienmanagement

Me(et).Ma: alumni barbecue offers alumni and students of the department of media management a platform to eat, drink and network in a casual atmosphere. Participants are required to register online, in order to prepare the barbecue. more

  • Begin: 18:00 pm
  • End: 22:00 pm

  • Albrecht-Dürer-Straße 2, Auf der Terrasse und im Gelben Saal.
  • Location: Auf der Terrasse und im Gelben Saal.

Alumni and Student barbecue of the department of Media Management Me(et).Ma: Alumni-Grillfest des Fachbereichs Medienmanagement

Me(et).Ma: alumni barbecue offers alumni and students of the department of media management a platform to eat, drink and network in a casual atmosphere. Participants are required to register online, in order to prepare the barbecue. more

  • Begin: 18:00 pm
  • End: 22:00 pm


(non-)local dye lab Nature in Motion: (non-)local dye lab

During the workshop / demonstration, visitors can experience hands-on textile dyeing with the neophytes Japanese knotweed (fallopia japonica) and multi-leaved lupine (Lupinus polyphyllus). We will come into conversation about the controversial issue of invasiveness and exchange views on bigger topics such as biodiversity loss, environmental responsibility, migration and globalisation. Round #1 12:00-14:00h Round #2 16:00-18:00h more

  • Begin: 12:00 pm
  • End: 18:00 pm

  • Freifläche 3 / area 3 (zwischen VDV und Amalienstraße 13), am Auge
  • Location: am Auge

2. Ausstellungstag SCHATTEN SCHLAGEN

Die Studierenden stellen am zweiten Tag der Ausstellung ihre Ergebnisse vor. more

  • Begin: 12:00 pm
  • End: 18:00 pm
  • Location: Schwanseestraße 143, Raum 3.31

PLAYDATE PLAYDATE – Ein Ort zum Verspielen

Over a drink and in a relaxed atmosphere, in the inner courtyard of the product design, games can be tried out and tested that were created as part of the "Spielregeln des Designs" seminar led by Dr. Johannes Lang. more

  • Begin: 14:00 pm
  • End: 21:00 pm
  • Location: PD-Innenhof, auf dem Podest

Kawchu Rubber Tree

The name "rubber tree" isn't just a meaningless name, but a long-forgotten ghost of rubber extraction. An installation about two tropical plants, one from Latin America and one from South-East Asia, connected by a history of colonial exploitation. The installation will always be visible from the outside for the whole duration of Summaery. To enter the Kiosk6, the opening time is: from 15.7 (Thursday) until 17.7 (incl. Sunday), from 14:00 to 17:00. more

  • Begin: 14:00 pm
  • End: 17:00 pm

  • Sophienstiftsplatz - kiosk.6, .
  • Location: .

Sunday Twitter Space Program pt. 1 Post Physical Playgrounds - an NFT Art Exhibition

Spatial Exhibition Tour with the Artists. Hosted by exhibition curators Jörg Brinkmann & Brian Bixby. Visitors may join via more

  • Begin: 14:00 pm
  • End: 16:00 pm

  • Bauhausstraße 9a - Digital Bauhaus Lab, Room 001, Performance Platform
  • Location: Room 001, Performance Platform

FORMING SENSES PLAYDATE – Ein Ort zum Verspielen

Forming Senses is an augmented reality app designed to guide people into a performative and artistic exchange between their senses and their environment. Influenced by sounds, visitors are asked to draw digitally with their bodies. The project was inspired by the perceptual phenomenon of synesthesia, a connection of senses in which stimulation of one sensory organ evokes a sensation of another. more

  • Begin: 15:00 pm
  • End: 19:00 pm

  • Marienstraße 5, im Keller
  • Location: im Keller

Sunday Twitter Space Program pt. 2 Post Physical Playgrounds - an NFT Art Exhibition

Hosted by guest artist: ARTJEDI and exhibition curator Brian Bixby. Visitors may join via more

  • Begin: 16:00 pm
  • End: 18:00 pm

  • Bauhausstraße 9a - Digital Bauhaus Lab, Room 001, Performance Platform
  • Location: Room 001, Performance Platform


poly.ton | poly.chrom poly.chrom II – farbe und klang

poly.ton | poly.chrom das konzert zu den seminaren poly.ton und poly.chrom mit studierenden der hfm, akkordeonklasse prof. buder more

  • Begin: 18:00 pm
  • End: 19:00 pm

  • Geschwister-Scholl-Straße 6 - Prellerhaus, Plastik-Atelier
  • Location: Plastik-Atelier

poly.ton | poly.chrom poly.ton – form und klang

poly.ton | poly.chrom das konzert zu den seminaren poly.ton und poly.chrom mit studierenden der hfm, akkordeonklasse prof. buder more

  • Begin: 18:00 pm
  • End: 19:00 pm

  • Geschwister-Scholl-Straße 6 - Prellerhaus, Plastik-Atelier
  • Location: Plastik-Atelier



Im Rahmen des diesjährigen Tages der Sommerfrische bespielen Studierende der Fakultät Kunst und Gestaltung das Sanatorium Schwarzeck. more

  • Begin: 10:00 am
  • End: 18:00 pm

  • Die Veranstaltung findet im Alten Sanatorium Schwarzeck, Dittersdorfer Weg, 07422 Bad Blankenburg statt.
  • Location: Die Veranstaltung findet im Alten Sanatorium Schwarzeck, Dittersdorfer Weg, 07422 Bad Blankenburg statt.