First »Campus Pride Week« at the Bauhaus-Universität Weimar Focuses on Sexual and Gender Diversity
The first »Campus Pride Week« will be held from 20 to 26 June 2022 at the Bauhaus-Universität Weimar on the occasion of »Christopher Street Day (CSD) Weimar«. Throughout this week, sexual and gender diversity will be celebrated on campus and the spotlight will be on queer art and culture. The diverse programme invites people to engage with the complex realities that queer people encounter and offers the opportunity for exchanges and interactions, as well as spaces for networking and strengthening queer communities on campus.
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On Tuesday, 21 June, an »Intersex-Inclusive Pride Progress« flag will be displayed on the Main Building’s central balcony. The flag will be displayed during the entire »Campus Pride Week« in a show of support for diversity and acceptance.
»By hanging the Intersex-Inclusive Pride Progress flag, the Bauhaus-Universität Weimar is sending a visible signal that queer students and staff are welcome at the university and that discrimination based on sexual orientation or gender identity has no place here. We at the university are committed to dismantling the existing barriers, especially when it comes to trans/inter/non-binary students and staff«, explains Prof. Dr. Jutta Emes, President (interim) of the Bauhaus-Universität Weimar.
From 20 to 25 June, the »Menstruierende Körper« (menstruating bodies) exhibition will be on display on campus and deals with the topic of menstruation from various perspectives. A number of information panels problematise menstruation myths, present articles on periods and explains the broad gender spectrum of menstruating bodies. The exhibition was created by a group of students from Dr. Simon Frisch’s »Geschlechterlektüren in Texten, Filmen, Comics, Bildern und im Alltag« seminar in the Medienkultur degree programme.
The programme continues with two outdoor cinema events in front of the Haus der Studierenden M18 in Marienstraße: On Wednesday, 22 June starting at 9 pm, the »QueerLit« and »Campus.Garten« student initiatives will be screening the film »Glück/Bliss«. On thursday, 23 June starting at 9 pm, the Equal Opportunity Office and the Diversity Department will be screening the film »Futur Drei«.
In case of adverse weather, the screenings will take place in Lecture Hall A in Marienstraße 13.
On Friday, 24 June starting at 6 pm, the StuKo (Student Government) »QueerYMR« department will be hosting a »Campus Pride Party« on the outdoor area behind M18. A celebratory atmosphere will be provided by Weimar’s queer-feminist DJ collective »Metaware«.
The week will come to a close on Sunday 26 June with a visit to the Buchenwald Memorial and Mittelbau-Dora Memorial for the »Rosa-Winkel-Häftlinge« (Rosa Winkel prisoners) at 2:30 pm, an annual event organised by »AIDS-Hilfe Weimar« and the Buchenwald Memorial and Mittelbau-Dora Memorial Foundations. The event commemorates the nearly 650 homosexuals who were persecuted and murdered by the National Socialists and sent to the Buchenwald and Mittelbau-Dora concentration camps between 1937 and 1945.
The »Campus Pride Week« programme can be found at: www.uni-weimar.de/campus-pride-week.
In case of questions about »Campus Pride Week«, please contact Dr. Michael Wallner, Equal Opportunity and Diversity Advisor, at +49 (0) 36 43/56 42 45 or via e-mail to michael.wallner[at]uni-weimar.de.