Student Dormitory

Many students in Weimar live in shared flats (in German: Wohngemeinschaft or WGs). In a WG you have your own room in a large flat with a shared bathroom and kitchen. The room price depends on size and the total rental costs for the flat. The rooms are usually not furnished, unless it is sub-let.
In Weimar the rental price for a room is between €250 and €350 per month.
Please check the following points:
The following websites may be useful for finding a WG room:
Tipps |
Try to get to know your prospective flatmates beforehand by meeting them in person or online and check whether your lifestyles match and you share the same expectations. In a shared flat, you have rights and duties, which are mutually negotiated with all flatmates. The most important rule is to respect each other's privacy and to stick to rules agreed on (like the cleaning rota etc.). Those rules may be subject to change and can be adjusted if necessary. It is crucial that you feel comfortable and safe in your shared flat. If you feel uncomfortable, talk about your problems. If you feel like you cannot handle the situation on your own, please get some external help. You can contact the International Office for counseling. Please check each offer carefully and be critical if you encounter any dubious offers or feel uncomfortable when being in contact with future landlord/landlady or flatmates! |
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