The DAAD-funded BIDS programme, in which Bauhaus-Universität Weimar has been participating since 2022, is aimed at students and graduates of foreign partner schools and promotes cooperation between German universities and PASCH schools. Cooperation with partner schools from Romania, Croatia and Turkey started in 2021. As part of the programme, students can take part in information events and summer language and trial study course called "Intro Bauhaus". Scholarships to study in Weimar will be offered from 2023.
Bauhaus-Universität Weimar is awarding two BIDS Motivation Scholarships for the winter semester 2025/26. The scholarships are aimed at international first-year students who have graduated from a German school abroad or a partner school.
The scholarship amount is 400 € per month. The maximum duration of funding is 10 months.
The scholarships are financed by the German Academic Exchange Service (DAAD) with funds from the Federal Foreign Office (AA).
Application documents:
Application deadline: 15.09.2025
Please send applications by e-mail to:
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