Language Recommendations

Do I need to know English to study at Bauhaus-Universität Weimar?
The answer to this question depends largely on the study program at Bauhaus-Universität Weimar that you have chosen. Please inform yourself in advance on the pages of our 4 faculties whether special language skills are required.
What if my English language level is below B2?
No problem. You can still apply as an exchange student.
However, if you want to study in an English-language degree programme or take courses taught in English, a B2 level of English is recommended in order to participate successfully in the courses and examins.
If you have chosen a German-language degree program or wish to attend only German-language courses, English language skills are not a prerequisite for studying at Bauhaus Universität Weimar. Please write a short statement about this and upload it instead of an English language certificate with your application.
Do I have to provide proof of my English language skills?
You have to provide proof of your English language proficiency with your application as an exchange student at Bauhaus-Universität Weimar if you wish to attend English language courses at Bauhaus-Universität Weimar.
If you are a native English speaker, please write a short explanation and upload it in the application portal (you can find the link to the application portal on the right side).
If you are studying in English at your home university, please upload an informal verification (e.g. a letter from your home university) confirming that you are studying in English at the language proof part of your application.
Which certificates are accepted?
Accepted prood includes language certificates from an English language course you have completed or started at your home university (level B2), a TOEFL/ IELTS/ Cambridge test result, or proof that you are completing your current studies in English. If you are unsure, please feel free to contact us.
The proof has to indicate your language level according to the CEFR; you are also welcome to provide us with a translation guide in case of country-specific level information.
What else is important?
All exchange students, regardless of their language level, are welcome to participate in an English language course at the Language Center of Bauhaus-Universität Weimar during their studies at Bauhaus-Universität Weimar.
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