Where he was born (or how I went in search of my chinese roots).

Fakultät: Medien, Studiengang: Medienkunst / Mediengestaltung (M.F.A.)

"Where he was born" is a multi channel audiovisual installation that represents the closing of the circle my grandfather once started when moving from China to Panama back in 1922 and ended ninety years later when I went to China in 2012 to find the place that he never got the chance to see again.

It consists of a 12 screen (12 monitor) display, arranged in the shape of a circle, where the images of each monitor are facing out, and the spectator will walk around the circle facing the monitors.

The content of the images is diverse. From still historical family pictures, to daily life documentation of Panama and China, postcards that I sent and receive while I was living in Shanghai, video performances where the camera is also a performer. Abstractions, Superimposition and extreme color saturation are to be expected in this piece.

With this installation I wanted to touch subjects of life, pain, death and identity. Being always a foreigner, even in my hometown, I never felt connected to any place or culture but to everything at the same time. Now, after this experience, I am starting to finally understand who I am and where I come from. I just needed to close that circle to be able to start the next one.

Master Thesis Project with the support of Bauhaus University Weimar Frauenförderfonds 2013.


Laura Fong Prosper

Film/Video cutter. Videoartist. VJ. I have built a broad and solid career on three continents and have worked, exhibited and performed in China, Panama, Cuba and Germany. Currently I am expecting a Master of Fine Arts' Degree in Media Art and Design from the Bauhaus University in Weimar and a Master of Arts' Degree in Media Theory from the Tongji University in Shanghai. The installation shown here is my graduation project.


Prof. Jens Geelhaar

Art der Präsentation





Steubenstr. 6a, Studio1

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11.07. | 22:00 bis 14.07. | 23:00

Studio in Steubenstr. 6a