summaery2022: Projects

SHAKIN' Spaces of Knowledge

Project information

submitted by
Samuel Döring

Silja Komulainen, Lilo Nöske, Galyna Sukhomud (Weimar), members of the "stupid togetherness"-students project group, SHAKIN' 21/22 // Marijana Cvetkovic (Belgrade), cultural producer, curator and activist, co-founder of Station Service for contemporary dance, of the independent self-managed cultural center Magacin and of the Association Independent Culture Scene of Serbia // Arijit Bhattacharya (Weimar), artist and doctoral candidate at the Faculty of Arts and Design, Bauhaus-Universität Weimar // Eva Krivanec (Weimar), Jun.-Prof. for European Media Culture, Bauhaus-Uni Weimar, moderation of the panel and presentation of the concept of SHAKIN's online in-process subaltern knowledge and resources handbook

Eva Krivanec, Katja Hettich

Architecture and Urbanism,
Art and Design,

Degree programme:
Architecture (Master of Science (M.Sc.)),
Urban Studies (Master of Science (M.Sc.)),
MediaArchitecture (Master of Science (M.Sc.)),
European Urban Studies (english) (Master of Science (M.Sc.)),
Public Art and New Artistic Strategies (english) (Master of Fine Arts (M.F.A.)),
Media Studies (Master of Arts (M.A.)),
Media Studies - Study programme European Film and Media Studies (EFMS) (Master of Arts (M.A.)),
Media Art and Design (Bachelor of Fine Arts (B.F.A.)),
Media Art and Design -Study programme Media Art und Design (MAD) (english) (Master of Fine Arts (M.F.A.)),
Media Studies - Study programm European Media Culture (EMK) (Bachelor of Arts (B.A.) and Licence en Information-Communication (L.I.C.)),
Media Studies (Bachelor of Arts (B.A.))

Type of project presentation

Summer semester 2022

Exhibition Location / Event Location
  • Steubenstraße 6 - Universitätsbibliothek / university library
    (GRAMA Lounge)
  • Steubenstraße 6 - Universitätsbibliothek / university library
    (GRAMA Lounge)

University Lumière Lyon 2, University of Arts Belgrade, Association Independent Cultural Scene Serbia, Stockholm Museum of Womens History, Laboratory of Arts based in Aquitaine (le LABA), Erasmus+ Programme of the European Union

Project description

Are universities and academic environments still privileged sites of producing and transmitting knowledge? Whom is the space open for? Which alternative ways of accessing, producing and sharing knowledge can be collectively imagined? Who are the actors of knowledge? Which ones are heard, which ones aren't (or only in a patronizing way)? Which types of knowledge count, which remain largely invisible? What do we lose if we continue to marginalize large parts of world's knowledge?

Starting point of this evening's discussion will be a project developed in this year's SHAKIN' international cooperation of Master Students of Université Lumière Lyon 2, University of the Arts, Belgrade and Bauhaus-Universität Weimar. Called "Stupid Togetherness", it proposes an embodied experience of space, which in unexpected and ironic ways subverts existing spatial power hierarchies and tries to convey a feeling of commonness and belonging.

From there, the other speakers will unfold the ways they found in their professional practice to address the questions mentioned above and deconstruct, shake and move the classical approach to spaces of knowledge. Finding room to appreciate, produce, and use different knowledges in an autonomous and emancipated way.


Shakin' Spaces of Knowledge SHAKIN' Spaces of Knowledge

A panel focusing on the following questions: Are universities and academic environments still privileged sites of producing and transmitting knowledge? Whom is the space open for? Which alternative ways of accessing, producing and sharing knowledge can be collectively imagined? Who are the actors of knowledge? Which ones are heard, which ones aren't (or only in a patronizing way)? For further details please check the project description.

  • Begin: 19:00 pm
  • End: 21:00 pm

  • Steubenstraße 6 - Universitätsbibliothek / university library, GRAMA Lounge
  • Location: GRAMA Lounge