summaery2022: Projects

Open Lab Night | Effects of Camera Motion on Image Resolution

Project information

submitted by
Christian Benz

Nayana Satish Bhosale, Alina Schimko, Ganesh Kumar Uppiretla

Christian Benz


Degree programme:
Computer Science and Media (Bachelor of Science (B.Sc.)),
Digital Engineering (Master of Science (M.Sc.))

Type of project presentation
– Other –

Summer semester 2022

Exhibition Location / Event Location
  • Schwanseestraße 143 - S143
    (Computer Vision-Labor, 1.17)
  • Schwanseestraße 143 - S143
    (Computer Vision-Labor, 1.17)

Project description

The relevance of moving platforms for image acquisition - such as mobile phones or drones - is steadily increasing. The practical image resolution achieved by a moving camera is, however, typically worse than the theoretically possible resolution. Effects of motion blur, out of focus, noise, and improper camera parameters can distinctly reduce image sharpness and, thereby, the capability of representing fine structures. In this project, the practical resolution will be estimated by means of a Siemens star and related to camera movement.

Exhibition Location / Event Location