Orientation and Counselling

Each faculty has its own International Counsellor who is assigned as contact person for international students, as well as for incoming or outgoing exchange students. Similar to the study guidance (Fachstudienberatung), they might help you with subject-specific questions regarding your program of study as well as with general requests by connecting you to the correct contact persons.
The Campus.Office is the central contact point of the Bauhaus-Universität Weimar. It is located right in front of the famous main building, easy to recognize with its red entrance. In its foyer, you can find the service counter which you can turn to if you have any questions regarding your student life at the university or if you need help with bureaucratic processes such as enrolment or taking a leave of absence. Furthermore, the Department for Student and Academic Affairs (Dezernat Studium und Lehre) is residing in the building, as well as the International Office, the General Academic Advising, the Advising for International Prospective Students and the Careers Service.
The Studierendenwerk is a partner organisation of German universities that supports students with all kind of concerns regarding their student life such as financing and housing. The Studierendenwerk also offers different advisory services:
The examination office of your faculty, as the name suggests, is in charge for all matters concerning your examinations and theses. It is also the contact point in case you encounter any problems e.g. in prolonging your studies beyond the standard period of study. Find the office responsible for your degree program here:
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