
Published: 20 October 2023

Contribution at the 32nd BBB Assistant Meeting

From October 4, 2023, to October 6, 2023, the 32nd BBB Assistant Meeting took place. This year, the Chair of Construction Engineering and Management was also represented by a contribution.

The 32nd technical congress for research associates in the fields of construction economics, construction operations, and management was organized this year by the Institut für Bauwirtschaft und Baubetrieb of Universität Duisburg-Essen.

A contribution titled "An Ontological Model for Supporting digital inspection planning in construction (OCQA)" was submitted by the authors Sebastian Seiß and Jan Niklas Lünig. This contribution was presented by Jan Niklas Lünig from the Institute für Bauwirtschaft und Baubetrieb of the Technical University of Braunschweig. The developed ontology for construction-accompanying quality assurance is displayed according to the creation methodology in the accompanying images.

The corresponding publication is accessible at the following link:

The complete presentation: "An Ontological Model for Supporting digital inspection planning in construction (OCQA)"