
Associate Prof. Suse Weber (as of October 2024)

Marienstraße 14, room 228
99423 Weimar


Suse Weber (*1970, Leipzig) has developed her own concept of »emblematic sculpture«: In multi-layered compositional processes, consisting initially of movements of individual processes of pictorial logic (»pictorial vocabularies«), but also of mechanisms and conventions of actions; her transcriptions into sculptural and movement-triggering scenarios, she creates abutments. Abutments in which the most everyday forms of society and socialization become visible in an aesthetic over-marking. Suse Weber's artistic methods are characterized by multi-hybrid procedures in which new frameworks for interdisciplinary and collaborative work are developed, researched and implemented. 

Her works have been shown at venues including: Sprengel Museum, Hanover; KW Institute for Contemporary Art, Berlin; Martin-Gropius-Bau, Berlin; Martha Herford Museum, Herford; Wiels Center for Contemporary Art, Brussels; Troubleyn Laboratorium, Antwerp; Pace Wildenstein, New York; Galerie Barbara Weiss, Berlin; Akademie der Künste, Berlin; GfZK Leipzig.

Her works can be found in the Bundeskunstsammlung, the Staatliche Kunstsammlung Dresden, the collection of the GfZK Leipzig as well as in national and international private collections. 

Contemporary Art Library
Trautwein Herleth:

Portrait Carsten Saeger
Photo: Jamal Cazaré

Artistic Associate
of the MFA-Programme »Public Art and New Artistic Strategies«

Marienstraße 14, room 101
99423 Weimar

phone: +49(0)3643 / 58 32 10
e-mail:  carsten.saeger[at]

by appointment via e-mail






In his situational installations, performances and video installations, Carsten Saeger deals with the subjects of body, identity and memory. He was born in Halle (Saale) in 1988, studied Communication Design at Burg Giebichenstein University of Art and Design Halle (B.A.) from 2009 to 2015 and Media Art at the Academy of Fine Arts Leipzig (Diploma in Visual Arts) from 2015 to 2019. He participated in national and international group and solo exhibitions and received the 24th Federal Prize for Art Students in 2019. From 2019 until 2021 he has been lecturer at the Academy of Fine Arts Leipzig in the class for Installation and Spatial Art (Prof. Joachim Blank). His works are part of public collections and he received the Rome Price of the German Academy Villa Massimo in 2021. In 2023, he co-produced a documentary short film as part of the Professional Media Master Class (Werkleitz, Halle).