Artist Book featuring: Antonije Burić, Daphna Westerman, Nicolas Buenaventura, Filipe Serro, Maayan Miriam Mozes, Vanessa Brazeau, Abraham Winterstein, Paloma Sanchez-Palencia, Stefan Klein, Isaac Chong Wai, Moran Shavit
With Text by: Danica Dakić, Ruth Noack, Dr. Boris Buden
Design: Natsumi Sugiyama
Offset print, Schweizer Broschur (Swiss Brochure)
Edition: 1000
ISBN 978-3-00-050776-2
This book is a project of the international MFA-program Public Art and New Artistic Strategies by the Bauhaus-Universität Weimar in cooperation with the Rat für Kulturelle Bildung e.V. supported by the Stiftung Mercator.
More information here.