Applying for the aptitude test

For the application process 2024 candidates are asked to address all three of the following questions.

Please upload your completed aptitude test together with your other application material by March 31, 2024 to our application portal

1. Statement of Intention

You are intending to apply for a Master programme that concentrates on art in the public realm. Based on the work you have done in the past, please describe your interest in working in public space and why you are applying for this particular programme. In this statement please reflect upon your current artistic position as well as your future artistic aims.
(1-2 pages)

2. Proposal for an intervention in public space

You have been invited to realize an artwork at a specific place in Weimar and have money and technical expertise at your disposal. We would like to see sketches and/or photomontages of your proposal. It should be accompanied by a 500 word written concept.

Find a detailed description of the place


3. Realisiation of an intervention

Choose a location in the town in which you are living and do a temporary work of art in whatever media you find appropriate. Send a photographic documentation, describe the work and the impact that your artistic intervention had on the site.