I wish to contribute my expertise on the Bauhaus, its history and reception to the University Council at the Bauhaus-Universität Weimar. As a member of the Bauhaus Cooperation between Berlin, Dessau and Weimar responsible for organising the Bauhaus centenary celebrations in 2019, I also afford an extensive network of contacts.
- Architectural history of the twentieth century, particularly the Weimar Republic with a focus on Walter Gropius
- Monument conservation
- Exhibition management
Since 2003
Director; member of the board – Bauhaus Archive / Museum of Design, Berlin
Honorary professor – Institute of Art Studies, TU Berlin
Acting Professor – Institute of Architectural History, Karlsruhe Institute of Technology; head of the Archive for Architecture and Engineering in Southwest Germany
Since 2011
Lecturer – Academy of Architecture, Università della Svizzera Italiana, Lugano/Mendrisio
Visiting Professor and Research Fellow at the German Forum for Art History Paris as part of the »Bauhaus and France« fellowship programme
Acting Professor – Institute of Art History, University of Freiburg; Art History Institute, University of Frankfurt/Main; Institute for Construction History, Faculty of Architecture, University of Dortmund
Research Associate – Institute of Art History, Karlsruhe Institute of Technology. From 1994, University Assistant
Habilitation on the subject of »Walter Gropius and residential development in the Weimar Republic« – Karlsruhe Institute of Technology
Doctorate in Art History – University of Freiburg
Studies in Art History, Classical Archaeology and History – University of Zurich; University of Freiburg
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