Academy - Teaching programmes out of the startup hub neudeli

Can creativity be learned and which tools help me to be creative? How can I specifically develop an idea and translate it into a concrete product or service? And how can I make my offer economically viable?

These and many other questions will be answered in our interdisciplinary teaching and workshop formats at the neudeli Academy! We strengthen your entrepreneurial skills with which you can successfully develop, test and implement innovative ideas and business models. We focus on practical relevance: the various tools are applied directly to a concrete challenge, your business idea or a task set by our practical partners. With our formats, we want to inspire you with the topics of creativity, innovation and entrepreneurship, regardless of whether you want to start your own business in the near future or not.

Gestalte deine kreative Zukunft! Die Design your Future! Creative Entrepreneurship Week vom 7. bis 11. April 2025 bietet dir die Chance, deine kreativen Produkte oder künstlerischen Leistungen mit unternehmerischen Strategien zu verbinden. In interaktiven Workshops und Impuls-Sessions entwickelst du Zukunftsvisionen, lernst von Expert*innen und baust dein kreatives Netzwerk aus. 

» Weitere Infos zur Creative Entrepreneurship Week

You have an innovative business idea and need input and time to develop and implement it? Would you like to exchange ideas with other start-up enthusiasts? With our six-month start-up programme neudeli Fellowship, we enable you to advance your idea and receive six ECTS within the framework of a Bauhaus.module.

» More info on the neudeli Fellowship

In our workshops, trainings and Lunch&Learns you will receive input on a wide range of topics: From offers for idea and personality development to knowledge and tools from the field of (entrepreneurial) marketing to the legal foundations of a start-up in Germany! These are led and moderated by us as start-up coaches as well as by experienced experts from our network (e.g. tax consultants and lawyers).

The offers are aimed at all interested parties. Participation is free of charge.

» Here you can find our calendar of events

With the help of our toolbox, you will learn the methods and tools that are important for a start-up and innovation process and can strengthen your entrepreneurial skills. With comprehensive descriptions and downloadable templates, you can not only read up on them yourself, but also actively apply them to a project.