Waste Treatment and Disposal

Siebüberlauf einer Bioabfall-Kompostierungsanlage

Course Aim

Based on a variety of potential monitoring strategies, course participants learn to draft waste treatment facilities for municipal waste streams in the first part of the course. Special focus is laid on data acquisition and the influence of varying boundary conditions (f.i. legislative and financial factors) on the amounts, fractions and composition of waste streams. Using prognosis models, facilities for the treatment of residual and biodegradable waste are being planned and investigated regarding their functionality and suitability using flow diagrams, mass balancing and the dimensioning of the plant area.

In a second part of the course, major landfill emissions and the dealing with their hazardous potential are being discussed according to the current state of the art. Students learn to plan landfill quality management as well as to control trial fields to test the functionality of landfill sealing systems. Altogether, the course participants learn to plan and evaluate various landfill systems under differing conditions.



General Information

  • Course Responsability: Prof. Dr.-Ing. Eckhard Kraft
  • Teachers: Prof. Dr.-Ing. Eckhard Kraft, Dr.-Ing. Tonia Schmitz
  • Advanced course within waste management specialisation: 6 ECTS with 4 SWS
  • The course is held each summer semester
  • Examination: Written exam for 60 Minutes (50%) and seminar paper (50%)

Course Content

The “waste treatment” part focuses on:

  • Amounts and composition of municipal waste streams, prognosis models
  • Legislative boundary conditions
  • Types of treatment facilities and process technologies
  • Flow diagrams, mass balances and dimensioning of waste treatment facilities (residual and biowaste), drafting of site and traffic plans
  • Project work: technical concept of a waste treatment facility (pre-planning stage)

The “waste disposal” part addresses:

  • Landfill sealing system design, alternative sealing concepts
  • Quality management on landfills
  • Gas and leachate generation, systems for the capturing and treatment of emissions
  • Technological requirements for the implementation of landfill control systems
  • Introduction to selected technological solutions in landfill constructions