Melanie Börmel, M.Sc.
Goetheplatz 7/8, Room 212
Phone: +49 (0)3643 / 58 4670
Fax: +49 (0)3643 / 58 4639
Email: melanie.boermel[at]uni-weimar.de
- Project work
- Supervision of student work
- Groundwater protection
- Blue-green infrastructure
- Graywater treatment
- seRo.inTech
- Konnekt
- VertiKKA
- 2019 - today
Research assistant at Bauhaus-Institute for Infrastructure solutions (b.is) at the chairs of Urban boengineering for resource recovery as well as Resource management
- 2016 - 2019 Thuringian State office for the Environment and Geology
- 2013 - 2016 University of Rostock
Master "Environmental Engineering Sciences" - 2009 - 2013 Leipzig University of Applied Science
Bachelor "Energy and environmental technology"